Some addons are linked directly to their authors Git-Hub. If you find an Addon that has a broken download link or any other problem, please Contact me!
Pictures | Description | Downloads |
 | Bagnon is a bag replacement addon designed to help the player find items as quickly and as easily as possible. | 35604 |
 | WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows you to display highly customizable graphics on your screen to indicate buffs, debuffs, and a whole host of similar types of information. | 34704 |
 | Boss mods for all raid bosses | 29367 |
 | Consistency on real-time combat log reading, damage and healing are always accurate with ranking web sites such as warcraftlogs. | 28638 |
 | OmniCC is an addon that adds text to items, spell and abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they will be ready to use. | 27897 |
 | Recount is a graphical damage meter. | 27268 |
 | AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. | 23074 |
 | Bartender4 is a full ActionBar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and related bars. | 21435 |
 | Gatherer is an addon for herbalists, miners and treasure hunters in World of Warcraft. It's main purpose is to track the closest plants, deposits and treasure locations on your minimap. | 17391 |
 | TellMeWhen provides visual, auditory, and textual notifications about cooldowns, buffs, and pretty much every other element of combat. | 14620 |
 | NPCScan helps you find NPCs by scanning nameplates, minimap vignettes, and mouseover targets, with an optional dynamic targeting keybinding. Once an NPC is found by one of these methods, an on screen | 13791 |
 | Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon. | 12579 |
 | Auctioneer Suite provides you with the tools and data necessary to make those difficult auctioning decisions with ease. | 12183 |
 | Postal offers enhanced mailbox support. | 12154 |
 | MSBT is designed to be an extremely lightweight, efficient, and highly configurable mod that makes it easier to see combat information. | 10983 |
 | AtlasQuest (or AQ) is a Plugin for the famous Addon Atlas. | 10981 |
 | A complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools. | 10245 |
 | Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows. It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU. | 9462 |
 | This small addon sells all useless gray items in your bags whenever you visit a merchant, so you don't have to search for them all the time. | 9175 |
 | Ever wanted to know when a certain ability will come off cooldown, but you're too caught up in a fight to notice? Doom_CooldownPulse is designed to fix that problem! | 8550 |
 | Various HealBot features. | 8488 |
 | QuestHelperLite is an unofficial branch of QuestHelper aimed at providing the core subset of features in a slimmed down lighter version. | 8024 |
 | Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. | 7799 |
 | Make your minimap ubersexah! SexyMap is a minimap mod. | 7732 |
 | A multi feature addon developed by game industry veterans to improve and enhance the game playing experience of World of Warcraft | 7604 |
 | Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple replacement for Cartographer_Notes and functions in a similar manner. | 6966 |
 | Atlas is an addon for World of Warcraft that includes detailed maps for every instance in the game. | 6493 |
 | A HandyNotes plugin to display the location of the chests for the "Treasure, Treasure Everywhere" achievement. | 6190 |
 | Grid2 is a party/raid unit frame addon. | 6133 |
 | Rare Spawn Overlay Places colored locations of areas on the map where certain rares can be found. | 5704 |
 | LoseControl makes it easy to see the duration of crowd control spells by displaying them in a dedicated icon onscreen. | 5238 |
 | GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map. | 5218 |
 | Gladius adds enemy unit frames to arenas for easier targeting and focusing. It is highly configurable and you can disable most features of this addon. | 5080 |
 | XLoot is a group of addons which improve looting in WoW by replacing default frames. | 4958 |
 | MoveAnything enables you to move, scale, hide and adjust transparency of just about any screen element in WoW, offering tools to help you customize your UI. | 4920 |
 | GTFO provides an audible alert when you're standing in something you're not supposed to be standing in. | 4789 |
 | With this addon module installed, you will be able to see the Burning Crusade maps. | 4784 |
 | With this addon module installed, you will be able to see the Classic WoW maps. | 4748 |
 | Many builtin plugins that provide a great core set of features. | 4738 |
 | TomTom is your personal navigation assistant in World of Warcraft. | 4677 |
 | The Spy addon scans for enemy players and announces their presence when they are detected. By warning you about nearby enemy players you can prepare for possible PvP combat. | 4649 |
 | MogIt is an in-game catalogue of transmogrification items with the aim of helping players build their own sets! | 4631 |
 | PlayerScore is the next evolution of GearScore® and aims at providing a utility infinitely more useful then just the score of a player's equipment. | 4554 |
 | Scrap sells all your junk when you visit a merchant. | 4513 |
 | Stop logging out of the game just to change your addons! | 4501 |
 | Dominos is an action bar addon | 4489 |
 | This addon attempts to inspects your class, spec, weapons, and stats to construct a priority list of stats and caps. | 4308 |
 | Masque is an add-on for World of Warcraft that provides a skinning engine for button-based add-ons. | 4086 |
 | Automatically starts a loot session when the Master Looter starts looting something and shows the interface for councilmembers and lootframe for other raiders. | 3945 |
 | This smallest addon ever made does one simple thing - automaticaly repairs all your items when you visit a vendor with repair ability, so you don't have to care about pressing that annoying button :-) | 3867 |
 | Routes allow you to draw lines on the worldmap linking nodes together into an efficient farming route from existing databases. | 3803 |
 | SilverDragon tracks rares. It will try everything possible to notice them and tell you about them. | 3765 |
 | Enables you to see what quests you have completed, and what ones you still have to do. Supports server query, allowing you to query the blizzard server for all quests you have completed in the past. | 3613 |
 | What Omen does is provide accurate values of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies, so that you can see when you're in danger of pulling aggro. | 3393 |
 | SuperScan is a function which will methodically go through all logged in players on your server, determine if they belong to a guild and if not they will be put in a waiting list. | 3391 |
 | This is an Atlas plug-in that display dungeons and the locations' maps. | 3292 |
 | This is a special addon, it has no interface, but it can speak. It is SOUND ALERT addon leads you to become GLADIATOR, so having the name GladiatorlosSA. | 3108 |
 | When enabled and automatic loot is disabled, it automatically loots using a user defined filter so that only items with a quality/rarity above a certain level gets looted automatically. | 3101 |
 | A basic mod that tracks enemy interrupt abilities on a neat little bar. | 3045 |
 | Mapster is a very simple world map enhacement addon, which was designed to work in conjunction with all other map addons out there. | 3000 |
 | Prat-3.0 is a chat enhancement addon for world of warcraft. | 2832 |
 | CooldownCount gives a visual number that counts down as your spell/ability cools down. | 2753 |
 | Carbonite Maps is a google style map replacement for world of Warcraft. | 2693 |
 | DrDamage displays the calculated damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. | 2669 |
 | This addon will show coordinates on the minimap as well as on the bottom of the world map, no configuration needed and has a low imprint. It only shows coordinates and nothing else. | 2430 |
 | This is addon announces in chat when you interrupt a spell. | 2389 |
 | With this addon module installed, you will be able to see the Cataclysm maps. | 2369 |
 | With this addon module installed, you will be able to see the Wrath of the Lich King maps. | 2341 |
 | This addon is able to make suggestions of what spell you may want to cast next by flashing on top of the spell buttons. | 2247 |
 | Athariel's Combo Points is a very lightweight addon. It supports rogues & druids for their combo points, as well as paladins and monks with their respective equivalents. | 2170 |
 | BigWigs is a boss encounter add-on. | 1999 |
 | Ackis Recipe List is an AddOn which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes. | 1992 |
 | Show the locations for Rare Elites. | 1972 |
 | WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) is a World of Warcraft addon which brings an instant messenger feel to communication in game. | 1970 |
 | OneBag3 is part of a long line of bag replacements for the default game bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame. | 1937 |
 | This addon extends the functionality of the addon Atlas, to browse the major city maps with all important non-playing characters (NPCs). | 1936 |
 | SimpleUnitFrames is an extension to the default WoW Unit Frames. | 1925 |
 | Grail is a library of quest information designed to provide that quest information to other addons to make their decision processing easier. | 1906 |
 | EPGP Lootmaster provides a nice GUI for distributing loot and GP to the raid. | 1866 |
 | This addon is designed specially for the Shaman class. It contains a lot of useful functions no matter which spec you are. | 1824 |
 | Altoholic is an Ace 3 addon written for people who dedicate most of their time to leveling alts, and who want to have as much information as possible in one addon. | 1753 |
 | This is an Atlas plug-in that display transportation' maps. | 1726 |
 | Tools and tweaks to make the lives of players seeking Achievements a little bit easier. | 1713 |
 | PetTracker is a tool designed to help all kinds of trainers in their pet tracking and battling duties. | 1685 |
 | Class resource tracking. | 1629 |
 | Create fake achievement links to be used in that messages to impress noobs, fake PGMs and make laugh your friends and the girls ! | 1607 |
 | OPie is a radial action-binding addon for World of Warcraft. | 1597 |
 | The goal of this addon is to allow easy optimizing of the mage talent Combustion. | 1592 |
 | SpartanUI was originally designed to free your screen by moving a majority of the interface elements to the bottom. | 1583 |
 | Battleground timers and other PvP features. | 1575 |
 | MSBT is designed to be an extremely lightweight, efficient, and highly configurable mod that makes it easier to see combat information by scrolling the information on the screen in separate, dynamical | 1533 |
 | A collection of BigWigs modules for bosses found in 5-man dungeons and scenarios. | 1530 |
 | A HandyNotes plugin to show the Lost and Found items on your map. | 1520 |
 | This is a full UI in a single addon, which mimics Diablo 3 both in visual styles and functionality. | 1501 |
 | This is a cleaning mod. Its job it to help a class that can remove debuffs, do it with ease. | 1476 |
 | With this plugin you can quickly look up the annual world events' quest target location. | 1450 |
 | A fishing addon that keeps track of the fish you catch and helps manage your fishing gear. | 1440 |
 | This is an Atlas plug-in that display battle grounds' maps. | 1378 |
 | A very lightweight and simple mod that instantly says "Sapped" to alert those around you whenever a rogue saps you. | 1372 |
 | Jamba is an addon for multi-boxers. | 1358 |
 | Add button bars for quick access to totem spells for the Shaman and to trap spells for the Hunter. | 1315 |
 | Genie is a full bag, bank and guildbank sorting addon. | 1303 |
 | Diminishing Returns (DR) helps tracking your teammate and own diminishing returns on hostile players by attaching icons to unit frames. | 1289 |
 | This addon will show the priority of the item based on the stats that item has. | 1239 |
 | Boss mods for all Cataclysm raids and 5-man dungeons | 1235 |
 | This mod allows warriors to see a simple pop-up letting them know the most important proc or ability currently available. | 1220 |
 | Rarity tracks how many times you've tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys. | 1135 |
 | A numerical display of current combo points. | 1115 |
 | Adds IDs to the ingame tooltips. | 1115 |
 | ShockAndAwe displays timer bars for Shocks, Stormstrike, Windfury (internal CD), Maelstrom Weapon, Lava Lash, Feral Spirits, and your shield. | 1101 |
 | Wholly is a complete visualization of the Grail quest database addon as it relates to the player. | 1028 |
 | This mod adds support for PvP battlegrounds and arena to Deadly Boss Mods (DBM). | 1014 |
 | Comergy is an addon for monitoring players energy, combo points, focus, rage or runic power. | 1012 |
 | Archaeology Helper accelerates your surveying by providing triangulation on a Heads-Up Display (HUD) | 1007 |
 | Buffs / Debuffs tracker, energy monitor, combo points, and more... for druid feral/guardian. | 989 |
 | Boss mods for all raid bosses. | 967 |
 | HHTD lets you announce through a customizable message who the enemy and friendly healers are (using the Raid Warning channel if possible). | 959 |
 | A mod that adds your damage to SCT. | 945 |
 | A simple, light-weight addon that plays various sound effects on killing blows and specific Battleground events. | 934 |
 | The MonkeyQuest AddOn for World of WarCraft displays quests and their objectives in a nice drag able frame in. | 928 |
 | Quick DKP V2 is an addon for World of Warcraft that aims to handle every aspect of the DKP management of a guild. | 893 |
 | RSA is an addon that aims to help players with the announcement of certain spells, as well as reminding you of important missing buffs. | 871 |
 | This little addon will gather up all of your addon minimap buttons and put them into a movable frame. | 866 |
 | This is an AddOn that shows the cursor & player coordinates on the worldmap. | 862 |
 | Various Gladius modules. | 862 |
 | AI's display windows are built from "virtual bars", you assign categories to bars so that items in that category are displayed on the specific bars you want. | 860 |
 | Provides methods for determining which mini-pets and mounts you are missing. | 836 |
 | Vanilla WoW and Burning Crusade boss mods for Deadly Boss Mods | 829 |
 | The purpose of this mod is to help us sell the kind of items that we get most frequently: Junk! | 822 |
 | Cursor adds detailed, customizable cursor trails to your UI. | 814 |
 | Juked has ~65 cooldowns being tracked on the main bar and an optional priority bar where higher priority spells are displayed(interrupts by default). | 805 |
 | The MonkeyBuddy mod allows you to easily configure your MonkeyQuest with a nice config window instead of nasty slash commands. | 796 |
 | Inserts media(fonts, bars, borders, etc) into LibSharedMedia's storage. | 787 |
 | One-key mounting solution, useful whether you have just one mount or several. | 756 |
 | Use /ufp or /unitframesplus to open the controlpanel. | 732 |
 | This addon filters out the debuffs and buffs that you don't care about, and places them anywhere on screen. | 709 |
 | A simple dot timer for ShadowPriests. | 706 |
 | SliceAdmiral can be best described as an info-center for maximizing Rogue damage. | 701 |
 | Cumbuctor is a bag replacement addon designed to help the player find items as quickly and as easily as possible. | 700 |
 | Grid is the original compact unit frame addon. | 668 |
 | Removes the "Leave Queue" button for arenas and battlegrounds. | 651 |
 | DBM-SpellTimers is a small but powerful addon that uses DBM timers to show spell cooldowns from raid members. | 642 |
 | BindPad is an addon to make KeyBindings for spells, items, and macros. | 629 |
 | When should I refresh my DoTs. With all the proccs I never quite knew when the right time was to refresh a DoT, namely SW:P and VT. That's where this addon comes into play. | 608 |
 | Chatter is a comprehensive, lightweight, mega-configurable chat enhancement addon. | 600 |
 | Overall, xCT+ is a replacement for Blizzard’s scrolling combat text. | 592 |
 | CatRotationHelper is an addon specifically created for Feral and Guardian druids. | 588 |
 | Vanilla WoW and Burning Crusade boss mods for Deadly Boss Mods | 586 |
 | BalancePowerTracker is an addon designed to provide a highly configurable bar to track Lunar/Solar energy, Eclipse direction and Peak buff. | 567 |
 | This addon displays locations of unvisited Elders on the worldmap and minimap. | 562 |
 | EpicMusicPlayer is a World of Warcraft game music and custom mp3 player with multiple playlist support a broker plugin and a fancy little 3d model.' | 552 |
 | This addon helps you FIND BETTER GEAR (Armor, Weapons, Trinkets etc) on the auction house. | 547 |
 | ATSW is a complete replacement for Blizzards tradeskill window with more overview and special functions. | 513 |
 | A plugin for MogIt that shows item sets. | 506 |
 | Total RP 2 is based on exchanging information with other players via an in-game channel, automatically joined by the player when he logs in. | 505 |
 | SmartBuff is a buff addon, to cast buffs ease and quickly. | 495 |
 | When you get a "rare alive" message a sound message will inform you. | 494 |
 | nUI is a user interface replacement for World of Warcraft. | 492 |
 | Options for TinyTip (LoadOnDemand) | 481 |
 | Archy is an assistant for Archaeologists that want information at their fingertips. | 481 |
 | This addon displays locations of unvisited bonfires on the worldmap and minimap. | 480 |
 | TargetAssist provides unit frames that track tanks and main assists in your party or raid, along with their current targets. You can position the frames by dragging the header bar. | 479 |
 | Automatically tracks quests for a zone when you enter it. | 470 |
 | AutoBar is a Multi-bar mod that automatically adds potions, water, food, quest and other items you specify into buttons for easy use. | 469 |
 | A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc...) as scrolling text above you character model. | 466 |
 | MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. opponents/monsters). | 456 |
 | Displays Events from the combatlog (damage, healing, ...) as moving text and numbers across the Screen. | 453 |
 | TipTac is a tooltip enchancement addon, it allows you to configure various aspects of the tooltip, such as moving where it's shown, the font, the scale of tips, plus a lot more. | 452 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three DK specs. | 451 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three Paladin specs. | 432 |
 | For professions that have a window, clicking on the profession opens its' window. | 424 |
 | Crafting automates the process of item creation. | 423 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three warlock specs. | 416 |
 | Reports in chat (or with sound) when group or raid achievement that you can't track is failed or when all criteria of the achievement are fullfiled and you need to kill boss. | 413 |
 | Reminds you of missing warlock buffs and procs, and shows your cooldowns. | 402 |
 | They replace the default Player, Pet, Target, Target of Target, Party, and Party Pet frames and add dedicated frames for many other units. | 395 |
 | Makes all your Scrap to glow in your Bagnon panels. Logically, it will require both Bagnon and Scrap to work. | 383 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three Hunter specs. | 381 |
 | AckisRecipeList_QuickScan is an LDB plugin which provides a menu of your currently-known professions which, when clicked, opens your tradeskill panel and scans that profession using Ackis Recipe List | 379 |
 | This module handles milling and prospecting. | 374 |
 | The addon will notify you in the middle of your screen with an icon, name of the spell that has procced, the time left on the proc and will make a subtle sound. | 373 |
 | The Lorewalkers want you to find lore objects. This addon can tell you where they are. | 366 |
 | A plugin for MogIt that shows a full "wardrobe" of item sets from sites like Wowhead or WoW Roleplay Gear. | 365 |
 | This addon displays locations of unvisited candy buckets on the worldmap and minimap. | 365 |
 | Looking for an addon to measure damage and healing without adversely affecting your gameplay experience? TinyDPS should suit your needs. | 359 |
 | tullaRange is an addon that allows the user to make action buttons change color completely | 356 |
 | RSC is a separate stand-alone addon of PhoenixStyle. | 355 |
 | Profiles for multiple configuration for different environments (PvE, PvP, etc.). | 353 |
 | An addon that shows a enhancement shaman what spell or ability they should use to maximize dps. Only supports shamans of level 85 and above. | 346 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three mage specs. | 341 |
 | ButtonTimers is action buttons with timers attached. | 339 |
 | A simple addon that shows which tabards you have or have not equipped and suggests additional tabards to help with meeting the various tabard achievements. | 339 |
 | Totem buttons and totem flyout menus as well as totem set functionality on the ankh timer removed. | 326 |
 | Gnosis is a highly configurable castbar and single timer addon. | 321 |
 | Assassin is an addon for rogues that simplifies gameplay and maximizes DPS by doing all the decision making for you. | 319 |
 | ShieldsUp monitors your Earth Shield, Water Shield, and Lightning Shield. | 315 |
 | Aura Frames allows you to display any kind of buff or debuff on any given unit with highly customizable filtering, ordering, coloring and animation functionality. | 314 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three Monk specs. | 310 |
 | Button Forge is an Action Bar addon that allows you to create completely new Action Bars (as many as you want). | 307 |
 | Informs about achievements when you enter the instance or target the boss. | 306 |
 | It Gets rid of all those annoying pesky GCD (Global cooldown) error sounds (woosh, clicks, bangs, and fizzle) so you can enjoy the nice sound of battle instead! | 303 |
 | Boomkinator is a an addon intended to help learning spell rotations for several dps classes. | 301 |
 | Mage Nuggets is a utility with many useful nuggets to make the lives of mages easier. | 291 |
 | Multiple features relating to poison. | 291 |
 | This add-on provides an interactive and easy to use interface that allows you set your own blessings (Righteous Fury, Aura, Seal and Blessing) and automatically check for missing buffs. | 291 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all four Druid specs. | 288 |
 | Addon that tries to optimize DPS output for level 100 elemental and enhancement shamans. | 283 |
 | Simple Holy Power and Combat Points monitor that shows you how many charges or points you have. | 282 |
 | TradeSkillInfo is an add-on that gives you all the information that you need about tradeskills, including the ones that your character cannot craft. | 280 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three warrior specs. | 277 |
 | TinyTip changes the look of your GameTooltip. | 269 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three Shamans specs. | 268 |
 | SliceCommander is an addon designed to monitor all your rogue feature in PvE. The addon frame is divided into four different parts. | 268 |
 | TriviaBot allows the user to host quiz games for other players. | 267 |
 | Database of locations that city guards direct you to for HandyNotes. | 267 |
 | RatingBuster is to provide detailed, meaningful and customizable information about items so you can easily decide for yourself which item is better. | 266 |
 | Titan Social is a Titan Panel plugin that combines all of your social interactions into one convenient tooltip! | 262 |
 | Show where the pet tamers are, for aid in dailies after you've beat them all. | 258 |
 | Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons. | 256 |
 | ChatMOD is a universal Chat Enhancement. | 251 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three Priest specs. | 240 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for all three Rogue specs. | 240 |
 | BuyEmAll enhances the shift-click interface at vendors. | 237 |
 | Outfitter is an equipment management addon which gives you fast access to multiple outfits to optimize your abilities in PvE and PvP. | 235 |
 | Call of Elements is a totem addon for Shamans. | 232 |
 | ForteXorcist is a Powerful AddOn for... Everybody! It provides you with a lot of useful tools to make playing your character easier and more fun. | 229 |
 | Rematch initially replaces your default pet journal. You can switch back to the default journal anytime by unchecking the Rematch checkbox at the bottom of the journal. | 227 |
 | This Addon adds a dragable Runebar and a Runic Power Bar. | 227 |
 | PhoenixStyle is a WoW addon that tracks many fails, and other useful and interesting information on boss fights and has some interesting thing for raid leaders. | 219 |
 | This is a full replacement for the default Blizzard user interface(UI) | 214 |
 | DataStore is the main component of a series of addons that serve as data repositories in game. Their respective purpose is to offer scanning and storing services to other addons. | 214 |
 | You should install this module if you want to track achievements for: WotLK, Cataclysm expansions. | 213 |
 | MistWeaver is a very special healer addon for the monk. | 211 |
 | Will destroy junk collected from skinnable corpses while saving the good material. | 211 |
 | Displays your current fishing level, along with the zone level, and your chance to catch a fish. | 210 |
 | A simple guild list for the Titan Panel AddOn. | 209 |
 | Chinchilla Minimap alters the Blizzard Minimap in a way to provide much nicer features and other niceties. | 202 |
 | Rotational timer addon for all classes. | 199 |
 | An armorkini module for MogIt. | 198 |
 | In its default setup Baggins has a set of bags defined that contain categories of items, in some cases divided into sections | 194 |
 | Shows ZoneInfo on the World Map in a perfectly cromulent fashion. | 194 |
 | DoTimer is a comprehensive suite for managing various things that need timing. | 192 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Honor Points and the amount you added in your last group. | 188 |
 | ArenaSpy will automatically detect your arena opponents during warmup if they are from the same server and faction. | 185 |
 | HaloPro monitors all three level 90 talents - Always land max Cascades, always be in range for dbl hitting Divine Stars, and ofc be Pro at Halo | 181 |
 | A simple Titan addon for dual specs that displays your current spec on the Titan Panel button and allows you to easily switch specs with a simple left-click. | 177 |
 | This addon helps the user write conditional macros using only the mouse. | 173 |
 | A small plug-in for Titan Panel, what can you help to change camera distace | 173 |
 | Mailing autosends items based on rules you create to any character you want. This can be very helpful for people who make lots of items to be sold through one or more bankers. | 171 |
 | This is the one-icon priority based DPS (and a little Tanking) addon for classes that I play. It shows what spell and when you need to cast next. | 167 |
 | Shows your movement speed in percent (relative to your normal running speed) on your Titan Panel. | 165 |
 | Displays messages and bars for common raid cooldowns. | 164 |
 | Critline is an addon that will remember your highest hits and crits (including heals and pet attacks), and display them in a fairly simple tooltip. | 162 |
 | Adds Carbonite support to PetTracker. | 162 |
 | kgPanels is the successor to eePanels2. Its designed for lightweight use and quick load times. | 160 |
 | Inserts more than 25 additional fonts into LibSharedMedia's storage. | 159 |
 | The compact grid of units lets you select a group member quickly, while keeping a good overview of the whole group. | 156 |
 | It simply detects any stealth or cloaking spells and notifies you when someone uses them near you. | 154 |
 | A LibDataBroker data source for Deadly Boss Mods. | 150 |
 | DKCrutch is a swiss army knife for DKs. | 149 |
 | Uses the 3.0 Arena Unit IDs, this enables full functionality even if the enemy is seen first while in combat. | 149 |
 | Can play new sounds for various things. | 149 |
 | OneBank3 is the latest in a long line of bank bag replacements for the default bank bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame. | 146 |
 | Mizus RaidTracker is an easy to use addon for tracking raids, loot and attendance. | 146 |
 | QuickMark allows you to set the raid target icon of units quickly rather than having to go through the right-click menu or create keybindings. | 146 |
 | BadKitty is a debuff tracker for Feral Druids. | 145 |
 | The only mod manager you will ever need. Click 'load profile', and TMA will load the checked, and only the checked, addons. | 144 |
 | TitanRestPlus keeps track of the RestXP amounts and status for all of your characters. | 142 |
 | This very simple addon exposes options through Blizzard's keybindings interface and the AddOn options window. | 139 |
 | Display front-end for LibGuildPositions-1.0 using HandyNotes | 138 |
 | oRA3 is the 3rd major iteration of oRA. | 138 |
 | Simple mod, adds 'New Mail' to your bar if you have mail. | 136 |
 | All in one buffing mod for all classes, overview of important raid buffs and instant access rebuff on right click. | 135 |
 | Ellipsis is an addon that features multi-target aura tracking for spells that you (and your pet) cast on others. | 132 |
 | This simple addon pops up a small frame with a list of stealable buffs on your current target, it will only show up when the target is an enemy and has buffs you can steal. | 131 |
 | A Skada plugin mode for tanks to benchmark their damage reduction performance via avoidance and mitigation. | 129 |
 | Group Calendar is completely re-built around the WoW calendar database. This allows it to work with the built-in calendar, including the armory web-based calendar. | 129 |
 | With Examiner, you can check other players gear, talents, achievements, honor and arena team details. | 128 |
 | EBB provides groups of statusbar style indicators to show (de)buffs currently affecting your char or some other units | 126 |
 | Provide a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 122 |
 | Provide a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 121 |
 | RaidAchievementFilter allows you to look through your raid, dungeon, and scenario achievements, filtered by instance. They are also sorted into typical boss order. | 117 |
 | This simple WoW addon track all useful tradeitems and materials in your bag and show result in Titan Bar. | 117 |
 | This is the long awaited expansion to EngBags, which works with 2.0. | 116 |
 | Provide a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 115 |
 | Titan Item Count is a Titan Panel plugin that displays the current quantity of any specified item in your bags. | 114 |
 | What this mod does is play a random C'thun and Yogg Saron whispers from the game files any time you loot a keystone. | 111 |
 | Titan Points is a Titan Panel plugin that allows a customizable display of in-game currencies. | 106 |
 | This is a plugin for Skada that adds information useful for evaluating a tank's performance. | 105 |
 | Advanced Death Logs record the deaths, battle ress and heuristic calculate endurance of all raid members (stay alive for more time). | 104 |
 | Stuf is a replacement to StellarUF. Stuf has the same initial layout and feel of StellarUF, but Stuf is highly customizable. | 103 |
 | Keeps track of each character's money, and can automatically repair and sell trash. | 103 |
 | SkadaScroll is a plug-in for Skada Damage Meter that provides additional options for scrolling the bar displays. It requires Skada to operate. | 100 |
 | Provide a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 100 |
 | Adds a bunch of Blizzard sounds into SharedMedia's library. Any addon that uses SharedMedia gains access to the sounds in this addon. | 95 |
 | Sends in say/yell chat important phrases in the raid, such as "Corrupting Crash on me!", if your bossmod hasn't this option. | 95 |
 | AddonLoader is an addon that loads other addons automatically, as and when they are needed, which speeds up the logon process. | 95 |
 | This module flashes suggested spells for an Atonement healer who wants to also deal as much damage as possible. | 94 |
 | BadPet watches the combat log during instances and raids and detects hunter and warlock pets that are taunting (growl, suffering, seethe). | 93 |
 | A Skada plugin mode to display friendly fire, ie damage done by players to other friendly players via fight mechanics. | 92 |
 | Natur Enemy Castbar is based on a very old excellent PvP/PvE addon originally created by Naturfreund and later taken over by me. | 91 |
 | RBM explains the boss mechanics of the boss in front of you. | 90 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Auctions & Bids for all your characters. | 90 |
 | This addon helps priests manage their buffs. | 89 |
 | Provides a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 88 |
 | This addon allows you to transmogrify to items from your void storage or bank without first withdrawing them. | 86 |
 | Provide a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 85 |
 | All armory information as (once) seen on the official site from Blizzard Entertainment, in game, for all your characters, on all realms | 84 |
 | Provide a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 84 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Timeless Coins and the amount you added | 81 |
 | Time line uses Details! technology to record some abilities usage like cooldowns and show to you in a fashion way. | 80 |
 | oUF layout with many PvE-oriented features and a few options. | 80 |
 | Interface options - Shows All Allied Guilds, Current Relay Channel and Current connections. | 77 |
 | Provides a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 76 |
 | This addon creates a new button in your UI to help you choose your target for Symbiosis and provides a timer for the buff, so you know by glance when to recast it. | 75 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Valor Points and the amount you added in your last group | 73 |
 | Guild Greet is an addon that keeps track of main and alt characters in your guild and reminds you to greet them and congratulate them on level up. You can also store an alias for your guildies. | 72 |
 | SoulSpeak is a small Ace3/LDB automatic chat/emote addon. | 69 |
 | GupPet is an add-on that gives an extension for mounting and calling critters. | 69 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Timeless Coins and the amount you added | 68 |
 | This addon puts a graphic above your character (similar to Power Auras or the built in Spell Alerts) when you have Holy Power. | 67 |
 | Bazooka is a Data Broker Display similar in functionality and looks to FuBar. | 66 |
 | Easily mail friends, guild members, alts and others. | 66 |
 | Plays Scorpion's "Come Here" or "Get Over Here" sounds when you use Death Grip or Leap of Faith. | 65 |
 | Provides a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level as both current level and max level. | 65 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Justice Points and the amount you added in your last group. | 63 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current spell power as seen on your character sheet | 63 |
 | Recap records damage, healing, and other combat-related events in the area around the player. Recap tracks buffs, debuffs, and the use of abilities. | 61 |
 | Dropdown menu with all available activities for easier and faster filtering. All activities are grouped by type and expansion (when applicable). | 60 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Achievement Points and will show you how many you have added today. | 58 |
 | Monitors damage absorption shields. | 58 |
 | This is a addon for Titan Panel witch displays your Guild members on Titan Panel. | 57 |
 | AddEmote lets you easily create new /command emotes for all your characters. | 57 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to basic information (level, race, etc..) for all your characters. | 53 |
 | This is a addon for Titan Panel witch displays your friends list on Titan Panel, This is based off TitanFriends From Battlesnake. | 51 |
 | TriviaBot_QuestionMaker is meant to provide an easier way for TriviaBot quiz authors to create question lists in-game. | 49 |
 | Control panel for the various game sound volumes. | 49 |
 | A simple combat log that displays events similar to how SCT/D would in a log, using icons to display spells/skills. | 49 |
 | This plugin for TitanPanel will help you to earn achievements: [It Belongs in a Museum!] & [Diggerest] and displays useful information about Archaeology. | 49 |
 | A library to determine estimated range. | 48 |
 | Gladius WoD is a Gladius replacement addon | 48 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current critical hit chance as seen on your character sheet | 47 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Tradeskills & Recipes for all your characters. | 47 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Mogu Runes count | 46 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Haste as seen on your character sheet in a percent from | 45 |
 | A mod that tracks who Prayer of Mending is jumping to and how many charges you have left. Displaying it in a small movable window frame. | 45 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current melee attack power as seen on your character sheet | 44 |
 | This is a plugin for Details! addon, you can't use it standalone. | 44 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current critical hit chance as seen on your character sheet | 43 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Talent trees & Glyphs for all your characters. | 43 |
 | This is a addon for Titan Panel witch displays your Guild members on Titan Panel. Tooltip | 43 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Companions & Mounts for all your characters. | 41 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current ranged attack power as seen on your character sheet | 40 |
 | Adds a button to Titan that shows WorldDefense attack info. | 40 |
 | This quiz has questions exclusively about Mists of Pandaria. | 39 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Elder Charms count | 39 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Bags, Bank and Guild Banks for all your characters. | 39 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to quests for all your characters. | 39 |
 | Buffet is a simple water/food managing addon inspired by BaudConsumables and Munchies. | 38 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Ironpaw Token count | 38 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Lesser Charms count | 38 |
 | Titan Panel plug in that displays you current Warforged Seals and the amount you added | 38 |
 | HeadCount is a configurable World of Warcraft add-on that automatically tracks raid attendance, loot, and boss kills. | 36 |
 | Reflux is a small lightweight profile manager. | 36 |
 | This is to complete my full UI in lieu of Cataclysm. | 36 |
 | Cellular is an instant messenger mod (for only whispers) based on the functionality of an old version of ForgottenChat. | 36 |
 | This addon creates a Scrap section for Baggins. Logically, it will require both Baggins and Scrap to work. | 35 |
 | TriviaBot with the Timeless Question set. | 35 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Achievements for all your characters, and act as a data abstraction layer for client addons, which no longer have to scan or store this information. | 35 |
 | Load on Demand Quiz for TriviaBot with World of Warcraft Questions. | 34 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Calendar, Raid ids, Friend List (and later to-do-lists, personal notes, and maybe more) for all your characters. | 34 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Equipment for all your characters. | 34 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Reputations for all your characters. | 34 |
 | This is just a simple Data Broker plugin that supports basic functionality, like open options menu and enable/disable SmartBuff. | 33 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Mails for all your characters. | 33 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to statistics (base/melee/etc..) for all your characters. | 33 |
 | Load on Demand Quiz for TriviaBot with World of Warcraft Questions. | 32 |
 | Creates a DataBroker launcher for Scrap. | 31 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to Currencies for all your characters. | 31 |
 | Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing. | 30 |
 | ToolTipTabs allows you to open many different chat links at any one time. | 30 |
 | Moves the class resources to the top of the PlayerFrame, with a vertical inversion of the textures so they fit perfectly. | 28 |
 | Its purpose is to scan and store data related to spells for all your characters. | 27 |
 | Load on Demand Quiz for TriviaBot with World of Warcraft Questions. | 25 |
 | Shows a radial menu on various things | 24 |
 | Grim Reaper gives you a very quick and easy access to the relevant combat log of any raid member with just a flick of the mouse or the press of a key. | 24 |
 | ButtonBin is a display addon for LibDataBroker objects. | 23 |
 | ToolTipTabs allows you to open many different chat links at any one time. | 22 |
 | Monitor shields (how much they absorb) on ALL Cata boss encounters, where you have to bring them down. | 21 |
 | Anyone in the raid who is running HealAssign is free to assign or unassign himself/herself. | 21 |
 | StatBlockCore is a display addon for LibDataBroker plugins. | 21 |
 | StatBlockCore is a display addon for LibDataBroker plugins. | 18 |