Gup Pet

Gup Pet

Client Version: 5.0.4


What is GupPet:
GupPet is an add-on that gives an extension for mounting and calling critters. By a single click it mounts a ground, swimming or fly mount depending on the players location. Because most players have plenty of mounts and companions, and you probably like more than one, the add-on can randomly select mounts/companions depending on the selections in the option menu.

Basic Features:

  • Randomly selects a mount / companion location dependent.
  • Class support for Druids , Shamans and Mages
  • Automatically summons a companion
  • 3d model preview
  • Masque support
  • And many more !

In game usage:
There are 3 types of controls.

  • Action buttons (Adds buttons and are move, hide ,scale and Changeable .)
  • Key Binds
  • Slash Commands

How it works:
GupPet uses a small database to split the mounts that the player currently has learned. The splitting is based on type (ground, swimming or fly) and speed. When using the auto mount function the add-on will always try to select the fastest possible option, but if you can fly in an area the add-on select the flyable over the ground type. If your are swimming the aquatic will be selected above the other two types.

For the critters GupPet uses a small database to detect if a critter uses a type of reagent to call it, for some types you need a snowball. The add-on detects if you have that reagent with you and if not, the add-on won’t select that type of critter.

The start command is ‘/GP’ or ‘/GupPet’. ( The mounting slash commands don’t support abilities with spells )

Known Issues:
If you or a patch clears your WoW Cache folder, you may experience an invalid list of mounts or a failure to select some mounts for your first login after the cache was cleared. Try logging out and then back in.