Getting your first mount is one of the best feelings in the World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King! It is one of the most rewarding parts of leveling and makes getting around the world so much easier! With Wrath of the Lich King Classic coming out soon, that brings up the mount cost question again!
How much will your mount cost? What level will be required to ride it? So many more questions come with that but today I’m going to spend some time answering all of these questions! We are going to go over everything regarding mount prices, speeds, and, level requirements.
Slow Ground Mount
Your first mount can be bought at level 20 in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. In Burning Crusade Classic, this was level 30 and now it will be lowered to 20, which will make getting your first ride that much faster! Gotta get to saving ASAP!

Slow Ground Mounts
We typically call this first mount your “slow mount” because it adds 60% movement speed instead of the 100% speed that comes with the “fast ground mount”. This may be the “slow mount” it is so much better than walking, you will be super excited by the time you get it! That’s at least the case with me.
The riding skill for the slow mount costs 4 gold (before applying any faction discounts) and will require level 20. The mount itself will cost an additional 1 gold.

Fast Ground Mount
At level 40 you can buy your next mount in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. This new mount is a huge improvement over the much slower ground mount you purchased earlier.

Fast Ground Mounts
This Fast ground mount gives you an extra 100% movement speed which makes it a lot of fun to ride! After doing all that walking, there is just nothing like sprinting around on your new fast mount!
The riding skill to use the fast mount will cost 50 gold before any reputation-based discounts. The Journeyman riding skill will require you to be level 40. The bulk of the price will be in the riding skill but the mount itself will cost an additional 10 gold.

Slow Flying Mount
Your next mount will be the slow flying mount. This mount only adds an additional 150% movement speed. To learn Expert Riding which is required to ride this mount you will need to be level 70. The only exception to this will be Druids. Druids can slow fly at level 68 when they get flight form.
Expert Riding will cost 250 gold and then you will need to spend an additional 50 gold to buy the mount. This sounds like a pricey endeavor for a slow mount but it is well worth it!
This mount will allow you to farm the elemental plateau and do additional daily quests. The mount can also help you get to places quicker because you can fly over obstacles and go in a straight line.

Fast Flying Mount
Alright, so you have saved up your 5000 gold and are ready to party with the big boys and girls. This is the big one! Once you unlock Artisan Riding you are ready to spend an additional 200 gold to buy a fast flying mount and own the skies!
This fast-flying mount moves at 280% movement speed and soars through the sky! This mount is well worth the investment if you can gather up the gold but 5200 gold isn’t the easiest thing in the world to come by.

Cold Weather Flying
If you would like to fly in Northrend then you are going to have to purchase Cold Weather Flying! Cold Weather Flying is going to cost 1000 gold and will require level 77. You can buy Cold Weather Flying in Dalaran at Krasus’ Landing.
Tome of Cold Weather Flying
Alts will have an easier time flying in Northrend! You can purchase the Tome of Cold Weather Flying from Hira Snowdawn for 1000 gold. This will allow your alt to fly in Northrend at level 68! This is account bound.. So you can’t buy it and then give it to your friend 😛
In Wotlk Classic, you get your first mount at level 20
Your first riding skill in Wotlk Classic will cost 5 gold without any discounts, this includes the price of the mount.
You can learn fast riding at level 40
Level 40 riding skill in Wrath of the Lich King Classic costs 50 gold without any reputation discounts.
You can buy slow flying at level 60 in Wotlk Classic. Druids can actually get flight form at level 58 as well.
Slow flying will cost 300 gold counting the mount in Wotlk Classic!
Your “slow flying” or “cheap flying” in Wotlk Classic increases your movement speed by 150%
Fast flying is still 5000 gold in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
This is incorrect, Slow Flying starts at level 60 and is 150% speed in WotLK Classic