Classic Cooking Guide (1-300)


Classic Cooking Guide (1-300)

Classic Cooking Guide (1-300)

Classic Cooking Guide


This Classic Cooking guide will help you get from 1 to 300 cooking as quickly as possible!

If you are Alliance, you can find your section here.

Note: This Expert cooking book teaches level 150 cooking.


1 to 40
Roasted Boar Meat (1 x Chunk of Boar Meat)
Charred Wolf Meat (1 x Stringy Wolf Meat) x 70

40 to 90
Smoked Bear Meat (1 x Bear Meat) x 60
Go to The Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest and buy the Smoked Bear Meat recipe from Andrew Hilbert.
Kill Grizzled Bears around Silverpine Forest for Bear Meat.

90 to 125
Dig Rat Stew (1 x Dig Rat) x 40
Go find Grub in The Barrens. He’s in a Tower by Grosh’gek Farm, just north off the road between Crossroads and Ratchet and pick up the quest for Dig Rat stew.
Kill Dig Rats until you have about 30 more than the quest needs. Complete quest and cook Dig Rat Stew till your level 125.

125 to 175
Hot Lion Chops (1 x Lion Meat, 1 x Hot Spices) x 60
To Train as a Expert cook, go to Shadowprey Village and buy the Expert Cooking Book from Wulan.
Go to The Crossroads and buy Hot Lion Chops recipe from Zargh and about 60 Hot Spices.
Kill Mountain Lions around Hillsbrad Foothills for Lion Meat.

175 to 200
Roast Raptor (1 x Raptor Flesh, 1 x Hot Spices) x 30
Go to Grom’gol and buy Roast Raptor recipe from Nerrist and about 30 Hot Spices.
Kill Raptors around Grom’gol for Raptor Flesh.

200 to 225
Spider Sausage (2 x White Spider Meat) x 30
Go to trainer and train Spider Sausage.
Kill Darkfangs around Dustwallow Marsh for White Spider Meat. *You may want to keep killing Raptors as it can work out quicker. Just depends on your luck.

It’s cooking quest time.
Go to Gadgetzan and speak to Dirge Quikcleave to obtain Artisan cooking quest – Clamlette Surprise (he’s in the tavern). Whilst your there, pick up the recipe for Tender Wolf Steaks.
You’ll need 12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat and 20 Alterac Swiss. The Alterac Swiss is the easiest to get, just go to the Inn in Thunderbluff and buy them from the Innkeeper. Get the eggs from the Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands (the drop rate is way better than the Rocs in Tanaris). For the clam meat go to Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris and kill the Turtles. They will drop Big Mouth Clams at a good rate, which contain Zesty clam Meat. Keep killing Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands and grab another 70-80 eggs. Also kill the Wolves round here for Tender Wolf Meat.
Go to Bloodvenom Post in Felwood and buy the Monster Omelet recipe from Bale and about 140-160 Soothing Spices.

225 to 275
Monster Omelet (1 x Giant Egg, 2 x Soothing Spices) x 80
Tender Wolf Steaks (1 x Tender Wolf Meat, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 80

For some reason, Blizzard decided it was too easy to get from 250 to 285, so therefore they stopped players being able to cook Omelets and Steaks for skill ups beyond 275. So your going to have to go to Dire Maul and kill a boss for Runn Tum Tuber Surprise recipe.

Runn Tum Tuber Surprise (1 x Runn Tum Tuber, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 10
You will have to go to Dire Maul East and kill the little Imp boss, Pusillin to get the recipe for these. It’s a 100% drop rate (ignore Thottbot) if you haven’t got the recipe, but he will only drop one copy. So if there are more than one of you that needs it, you will have to kill him again for it each time.
At level 70, all classes can do this boss and can avoid nearly all mobs on the chase towards the final confrontation. Just take some health/mana pots with you.

285 to 300
Smoked Desert Dumplings (1 x Sandworm Meat, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 20.
Go to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and speak to Calandrath for the Desert Recipe chain of quests. When you get to the third quest you’ll get the recipe for Smoked Desert Dumplings. Kill Dredge Crushers and Strikers for the Sandworm Meat (low drop rate). You’ll only need about 10 more than the quest needs plus the soothing spices (about 20 in total).


1 to 40
Roasted Boar Meat (1 x Chunk of Boar Meat)
Charred Wolf Meat (1 x Stringy Wolf Meat) x 70

40 to 75
Smoked Bear Meat (1 x Bear Meat) x 40
Go to Drac Roughcut in Thelsamar, Loch Modan and buy Smoked Bear Meat recipe.
Kill bears around Loch Modan for Bear Meat.

75 to 85
Crab Cake (1 x Crawler Meat) x 10
Kill Crawlers around Darkshore and Westfall for Crawler meat.
You’ll need about 10. Don’t sell any Crawler Claw’s you found, you’ll need them for the next stage.

85 to 100
Cooked Crab Claw (1 x Crab Claw, 1 x Mild Spice) x 20
Go to Stormwind City and buy Crooked Crab Claw recipe from Kendor Kabonka. Get about 20 mild spices.
Go back to Darkshore or Westfall and continue killing Crawlers for the remaining claws you need.

100 to 130
Seasoned Wolf Kabob (2 x Lean Wolf Flank, 1 x Stormwind Seasoning Herbs) x 30
Go to Chef Grual (geddit? grual – gruel?…oh never mind) in Darkshire and get the Seasoned Wolf Kabobs quest. Get the Stormwind Seasoning Herbs from Felcia Gump in Stormwind (Trade District).
Kill Ravagers and Wolves around Duskwood for Lean wolf Flank.
You’ll need about 50-60 (including the ones you need for quest).N.B. you could get the Lean Wolf Steak recipe from Super Seller 680 in Desolace and continue killing until your cooking is up to 150+ and then skip the next step, but it’s a limited supply recipe and can be annoying to get).

130 to 175
Curiously Tasty Omelet (1 x Raptor Egg, 1 x Hot Spice) x 50
To Train as a Expert cook, go to Shandrina by Mystral Lake in Ashenvale and buy the Expert cookbook.
Go to Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind City and buy the Curiously Tasty Omelet recipe.
Kill Raptors in Arathi Highlands for Raptor Eggs. (Keep all the Raptor Meat you get, going to need those next).

175 to 200
Roast Raptor (1 x Raptor Meat, 1 x Hot Spices) x 30
Go see Corporal Bluth at the Rebel Camp in Stranglethorn Vale and buy the Roast Raptor recipe (remembering to pick up about 40 hot spices on the way). Cook all the Raptor Meat you got from Arathi Highland Raptors and then go kill Jungle Stalkers near the Gurabashi Arena until you have enough to take you to level 200 cooking.

200 to 225
Spider Sausage (2 x White Spider Meat) x 30
Kill Darkfangs around Dustwallow Marsh for White Spider Meat. *You may want to keep killing Raptors as it can work out quicker. Just depends on your luck.

It’s cooking quest time.
Go to Gadgetzan and speak to Dirge Quikcleave to obtain Artisan cooking quest – Clamlette Surprise (he’s in the tavern). Whilst your here, pick up the Tender Wolf Steaks recipe.
You’ll need 12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat and 20 Alterac Swiss. The Alterac Swiss is the easiest to get, just go to the Trade District in Stormwind City and buy it from Ben Trias. Get the eggs from the Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands (the drop rate is way better than the Rocs in Tanaris). For the clam meat go to Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris and kill the Turtles. They will drop Big Mouth Clams at a good rate, which contain Zesty Clam Meat.
Keep killing Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands and grab another 70-80 eggs. Also kill the Wolves round here for Tender Wolf Meat. Go to Talonbranch Glade in Felwood and buy the Monster Omelet recipe from Malygen and about 140-160 Soothing Spices.

225 to 275
Monster Omelet (1 x Giant Egg, 2 x Soothing Spices) x 80
Tender Wolf Steaks (1 x Tender Wolf Meat, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 80

For some reason, Blizzard decided it was too easy to get from 250 to 285, so therefore they stopped players being able to cook Omelets and Steaks for skill ups beyond 275. So your going to have to go to Dire Maul and kill a boss for Runn Tum Tuber Surprise recipe.

Runn Tum Tuber Surprise (1 x Runn Tum Tuber, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 10
You will have to go to Dire Maul East and kill the little Imp boss, Pusillin to get the recipe for these. It’s a 100% drop rate (ignore Thottbot) if you haven’t got the recipe, but he will only drop one copy. So if there are more than one of you that needs it, you will have to kill him again for it each time.
At level 70, all classes can do this boss and can avoid nearly all mobs on the chase towards the final confrontation. Just take some health/mana pots with you.

285 to 300
Smoked Desert Dumplings (1 x Sandworm Meat, 1 x Soothing Spice) x 20.
Go to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and speak to Calandrath for the Desert Recipe chain of quests. When you get to the third quest you’ll get the recipe for Smoked Desert Dumplings. Kill Dredge Crushers and Strikers for the Sandworm Meat (low drop rate). You’ll need about 10 more than the quest needs plus the soothing spices (20 in total).

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5 years ago

Spiced Bread was introduced in TBC, it didn’t exist in Vanilla….

4 years ago

Lvl up while pairing with fishing is much more efficient