Rapper Soulja Boy released his debut album last year and immediately had a smash hit with the single “Crank Dat Soulja Boy.” The popularity of the song has spawned many parodies and imitators, including some in the world of Azeroth. But instead of just putting the rap song under WoW footage, this Machinimist rewrote the lyrics to sing the praises of Boomkin PvP dominance. You’ll never look at Deathchickens the same after this.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Warmane Outland – TBC Faction Balance changes
Message from Warmane
Greetings Warmane community,
As you’ve probably noticed in the past few days, we’ve been considering a few faction balancing measures in order to ensure quality of gameplay on Outland. Furthermore, we have designed a temporary package of perks for Alliance players in order to motivate and incentivize more players to join Alliance.
Alliance faction perks will last until August 01, 2017 and will contain the following:
- Free Apprentice Riding and Expert Riding skills
- +50% reputation gain on kill of targets that provide reputation (1.5x)
- +50% experience gain (7.5x)
- +50% honor gain (1.5x)
Warmane TBC 1x Medivh Announced!
Warmane announces 1x Burning crusade server!
Greeetings community,
We are extremely pleased to announce that in the coming days, we will be releasing an x1 realm of the Burning Crusade expansion.
As we have previously mentioned, we wanted to gauge the level of interest in the Burning Crusade expansion and the demand for a Lordaeron-esque realm. The results have been greater than we ever expected and therefore we proceed with what we promised. It has been a few exhilarating days for our team and we’ve done our very best to maintain our high standards of stability and performance on Outland and create a fun gameplay environment. With this in mind and the demand shown for the Burning Crusade realm, we decided to open another realm. The realm’s design can be found below:
- x1 rates across the board.
- Limited marketplace with no gear.
- The realm will be progression based.
- Challenging hardcore raid content.
We will continue to demonstrate our development efforts and strive to uphold the Warmane name as a signet of quality. We are confident that we will be able to provide an enjoyable experience for all players alike.
By virtue of delegation, vested into our hands by the community we serve, we confer that the realm will bear the name after Medivh, the Last Guardian.
Medivh, the x1 Warmane Burning Crusade realm is scheduled to be launched on May 27, 2017 at 13:00 server time.
Kind regards
Warmane TBC Launched!
Breaking News
- Outland is now live! Realm is under heavy load and is being closely monitored.
- Player cap has been raised to 13,000 as we work to reduce or eliminate the queue altogether.
- Please keep in mind that unexpected issues may arise during launch.
- Outland is being closely monitored and we’re addressing all issues and applying hotfixes as they arise.
- Due to high amount of traffic and overload, website may experience intermittent downtime.
design features
- x5 experience rate.
- Trainer costs will be lowered to 20% of original cost.
- All other rates will be x1.
- The realm will be progression based, emulating the 2.1 patch on the beginning, with all respective attunements.
- The following raid content will be available at the beginning: Karazhan, Gruul’s Lair, Magtheridon’s Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep.
- Isle of Quel’Danas will be closed until the realm reaches that point in progression. The isle itself will be progressive as it was designed, once released.
- PvP gear will be Season 1, Gladiator gear.
- The marketplace will not be implemented for at least a month and on release it will only contain items that were already obtained by the players. The marketplace itself will be progressive.
- Quality of Life additions such as Dual Specialization, Faction Change, Race Change, Experience Lock might not be present immediately on launch but are planned to be implemented.
- launch day notice: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=353261
- Realmlist: set realmlist logon.warmane.com
- Website: Warmane
YHOOL – permadeath server
Main features
- Instant lvl 20 – Max lvl 20 (no levelling)
- Free For All (no faction restriction)
- Permadeath
- Rebalanced resurrection spells (custom patch needed)
- No BGs, no Arenas, only world PVP
- 1 character maximum
- Starting zone : item vendors, class trainer etc…
- No easy transportation, you are forced to fight (no teleporting spells, no summoning)
- No sanctuaries
- No dungeon finder
Planned features:
- Jump to level 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
- Outdoor PVE (mobs and bosses).
- Custom quests, events and rewards which can greatly influence the server and others’ gameplay (like becoming a monster).These features will encourage player interactions.
- When can you play?
- Open beta starts the 3rd of June (06/03/17).
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YHOOL-564489756993415/
- Discord: https://discord.gg/gzyD9xm
- Website: http://www.yhool.gg
12th year anniversary of the famous Leeroy Jenkins video
Project-Ascension “Softcore” realm announced
The official post can be read on the Project-Ascension Website.
Andorhal -No Risk – is on the horizon!
Today marks the beginning of the Beta phase for Project-Ascension’s new Softcore Realm, Andorhal.
The server release date is May 26th, 2017.
While leveling up your hero you gain stat points. These stat points can be used to create a totally new type of hero never before seen in Azeroth!
Choose each skill you learn along your journey. You will progress further allowing you to challenge the mightiest of beasts and hordes of adversaries. The possible paths you can take are endless.
The new enchant system allows each piece of gear to give your build a unique flavor by boosting different aspects of gameplay. With a nearly infinite amount of combinations and possibilities to diversify your Hero, make yourself stand out by tailoring your enchants and spells to your liking. Become a hero that is both loved and feared across the lands as you boast your power on both the PvP and PvE stages.
This will be a progressive server. They plan on releasing instances while characters are progressing. Eventually they plan to release TBC and WoTLK for players to continue progression after all vanilla content has been released.
Features of Andorhal
What makes Andorhal different?
- A standard PvP Ruleset – No FFA PVP, although Horde and Alliance remain enemies.
- No Item Risk – You will not lose items when other players kill you.
- Soulbound gear is returning
Other Details
During the 2nd week after launch there may be an option to Xfer from Sargeras Beta to Andorhal Beta!
Other than the features mentioned earlier that set the two realms apart, all other changes on Sargeras will be reflected on Andorhal.
Thanks for reading
Project-Ascension Random Enchant Overhaul
Project-Ascension Random Enchant Overhaul
The current problem was that low level green items with the perfect enchants were better than relevant level gear in a lot of cases. This is currently an issue but as the game progresses through later expansions this problem will only grow worse. The new mechanics put in place should fix this issue.
- Enchants are now broken into a ‘Tier System,’ based on required level and item level.
- Stronger items can obtain stronger enchants, based on item level
- Enchants are disabled on items with a required level 20 levels under you.
- Enchants will no longer apply to drops on items 20 levels below the player.
- A small subset of Enchants now will no longer be stackable which will be indicated by the label ‘Does not Stack’ in the description of the Enchant
That’s a quick rundown a full breakdown can be found On their official post.
Enchanting event this weekend to kick off the new system!
- The weekend event will have reduced enchanting prices. The temporary price will be 10x cheaper than the regular price!
- Forges have been temporarily placed in capital cities and will remain there until the end of the event sunday.
Other Updates
- Polished Tooltips
- Tome Loot Changes
- Reversion of Shield Nerf and Block
- Evasion and Pathing Improvements
- Dungeon Retuning
- PVP System Testing
Additional information can be found on their official post.
Hearthstone free packs!
Blizzard is giving away 3 free Journey to Un’Goro packs!
This is to celebrate the tavern welcoming over 70 million players!
These free hearthstone packs are only available to those who log in between now and the end of May!
More Free Stuff
All you have to do to grab these packs is log in.
When I logged in today, I was also greeted with my end of season rewards!
Keep in mind that the Hearthstone season restarts at the beginning of every month.
You may have more waiting for you back in the tavern than just a few free packs!
Warmane TBC Release Date announced!
The official announcement can be seen Here.
According to Warmane staff:
The Warmane TBC Release Date is scheduled to be May 20, 2017 at 13:00 server time.
Reddit user Ikzun has said that this should be around 8:00 a.m est.
Please post a comment below if you can personally confirm this time.
The details on the realm are as follows:
- Progressive
- x5 experience rate.
- Trainer costs will be lowered to 20% of original cost.
- All other rates will be x1.
- Progression based, emulating the 2.1 patch on the beginning, with all respective attunements.
- The following raid content will be available at the beginning: Karazhan, Gruul’s Lair, Magtheridon’s Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep.
- Isle of Quel’Danas will be closed until the realm reaches that point in progression. The isle itself will be progressive as it was designed, once released.
- PvP gear will be Season 1, Gladiator gear.
- Quality of life additions, such as dual spec, faction change, re-customization and similar changes, we are positive about their implementations but will take longer time to consider pros and cons.