MoP Protection Warrior Guide – Builds, Talents, and Glyphs

General Information

On this page,
we present the viable talent and glyph choices forProtection Warriors in World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. We detail
what each of the talents andglyphs do and in which situations they should be taken.

The other pages
of our Protection Warrior guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

1. Talent Choices





Double Time


Enraged RegenerationSecond WindImpending Victory


Staggering Shout

Piercing Howl

Disrupting Shout

BladestormShockwaveDragon Roar


Mass Spell Reflection



AvatarBloodbathStorm Bolt
  • Performance-enhancing
  • Survival
  • Crowd Control
  • Movement
  • Utility
  • Situational

There is no
longer such a thing as a default build. Most of the talents arenow viable. They can easily be changed, thanks
to Dust of Disappearance Icon Dust of
(and Tome of the Clear Mind Icon Tomes of the
Clear Mind
 from level 86 to 90).You will frequently find yourself changing talents and
glyphs betweenencounters, in order to adapt your play style to different mechanics.Therefore, it is important to
understand what each of your talents does andhow they affect your play style.

2. Tier 1 Talents

Tier 1 talents
offer you a choice between 3 improvements to yourCharge Icon Charge.

  • Juggernaut Icon Juggernaut reduces the cooldown of Charge Icon Charge by 8 seconds(down to 12 seconds).
  • Double Time Icon Double
     removes Charge Icon Charge‘s cooldown, instead making itoperate on a charge
    system. You can have a maximum of two charges. Each chargehas a 20 second recharge time. Note that, in this
    system, Charge only generatesrage every 12 seconds, so you cannot use two Charges in a row to get a burstof
  • Warbringer Icon Warbringer causes Charge Icon Charge to root the target for 4seconds, and to reduce
    the target’s movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds.

We believe
that Double Time Icon Double
 should be your default choice for thevast majority of situations, since it
increases your mobility greatly wheneverthere is more than one active target (allowing you to charge to one
targetand then immediately to another one, covering a great distance). It also makesit easier to pick up
multiple targets, and it also grants you an extra stun,which can be beneficial.

Warbringer Icon Warbringer has situational benefits, while Juggernaut Icon Juggernaut isgenerally inferior to Double Time.

3. Tier 2 Talents

Tier 2 talents
offer a choice between 3 self-healing talents.

  • Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged
     instantly heals you for 10% of your maximumhealth, and also heals you
    for another 10% of your maximum health over thenext 5 seconds. If used while enraged, the healing is
    doubled. It has a1-minute cooldown.
  • Second Wind Icon Second
     causes you to heal yourself passively for 3% of yourmaximum health every
    second, while you are below 35% health.
  • Impending Victory Icon Impending Victory is an improved version of Victory Rush Icon Victory
    ,which it replaces. Impending Victory has a 30-second cooldown and costs 10rage. It
    heals you for 20% of your maximum health, and does a bit of damageto the target. After killing an enemy that
    yields experience or honor,Impeding Victory acts just like Victory Rush, its cooldown being reset.

We feel that
the best choice is Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged
. Not only doesthis talent offer the healing exactly when you need it, but it can
alsobe used while stunned, and its power can be increased by coupling it withBerserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage. This talent basically becomes an additional
defensivecooldown, whereas the other options are just small benefits.

Second Wind Icon Second
 is a decent option, providing its benefit passively, butwe do not believe it
competes with Enraged Regeneration.

Impending Victory Icon Impending
 costs a global cooldown that could be used on muchmore valuable abilities, and
it costs rage, which is a much needed resourcefor your Shield Barrier Icon Shield Barrier/Shield Block Icon Shield Block uptimes. We do not advisetaking Impending

4. Tier 3 Talents

Tier 3 talents
offer a choice between 3 crowd-control talents.

  • Staggering Shout Icon Staggering Shout causes all snared enemies within 20
    yards tobecome rooted for 5 seconds. It has a 40-second cooldown.
  • Piercing Howl Icon Piercing
     snares all enemies within 15 yards, slowing them by50% for 15 seconds. It has
    no cooldown.
  • Disrupting Shout Icon Disrupting Shout interrupts all spellcasting within 10
    yards, andlocks out interrupted players for 4 seconds. It has a 40-second cooldown.

Choosing one
talent over another here will be based on the kiting methodwhich you may have to employ in the encounter, or on
the need to have an AoEinterrupt. That said, we feel that Disrupting Shout Icon Disrupting Shout will almost alwaysprove to be the most
useful option.

5. Tier 4 Talents

Tier 4 offers a
choice between 3 important, damage-dealing abilities.

  • Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm deals damage to all enemies within 8 yards
    for 6seconds. While Bladestorm is active, you cannot perform any actions except forusing your shouts. You
    are, however, immune to disarms, and movement-impairingand loss of control effects, and you continue to
    dodge, parry and block attacks.It has a 1-minute cooldown.
  • Shockwave Icon Shockwave deals damage to and stuns all enemies in a
    10-yard conein front of you for 4 seconds. It has a 40-second cooldown, but if it hits 3or more targets, the
    cooldown is reduced to 20 seconds.
  • Dragon Roar Icon Dragon
     deals damage to all enemies within 8 yards, knockingthem back and knocking them
    down for 0.50 seconds. It ignores armor and it isalways a critical strike. It has a 1-minute cooldown.
    Unlike most other AoEattacks, the damage of Dragon Roar drops sharply as more targets are hit by it,so for
    single target situations, it is desirable to only hit your main targetwith it.

Only Shockwave Icon Shockwave provides you with any kind of survivability
increase(assuming that you are facing stunnable adds), so if this is the case, andyou are interested in gaining
a small amount of survivability, this is a goodchoice.

In terms of DPS
contribution, Dragon Roar Icon Dragon
 is ideal against a singletarget.

Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm is ideal for moments when you want to avoid
being thevictim of movement-impairing effects or effects that cause loss of control ofyour character, but its
damage is quite a bit lower than the other two.

6. Tier 5 Talents

Tier 5 talents
offer a choice between 3 abilities that help you protectraid members.

  • Mass Spell Reflection Icon Mass
    Spell Reflection
     reflects the next spell cast on you and on allparty and raid
    members within 20 yards for 5 seconds. It has a 1-minutecooldown and, unlike its single-target counter-part
    (Spell Reflection Icon Spell
    ),it does not require that you have a shield equipped.
  • Safeguard Icon Safeguard is an improvement over Intervene Icon Intervene, which itreplaces. It allows you to intercept the
    next melee or ranged attack (notspells) made against the targeted raid member (the attack is done to
    youinstead), and it reduces the damage they take by 20% for 6 seconds. In theprocess of doing so, you charge
    the targeted raid member, also removing anymovement-impairing effects that may have been on you. Safeguard
    has a 30-secondcooldown.
  • Vigilance Icon Vigilance reduces the damage taken by the target by
    30% for 12seconds. While Vigilance is active, your Taunt Icon Taunthas no cooldown, andTaunt’s cooldown is reset when
    Vigilance is cast. Vigilance has a 2-minutecooldown.

While the
choice here depends somewhat on what the encounter mechanicsare, Vigilance Icon Vigilance is the best choice in most situations. The
talent isexceptional because not only does it essentially provide an extra defensivecooldown to the other tank
(or another raid member), but the fact that iteffectively removes the cooldown of Taunt Icon Taunt makes it great for picking upmultiple targets. Given
the fact that using Taunt on a target of which youalready have aggro causes you to generatean additional 200%
threat against that target for 3 seconds, this can even beused to boost your threat generation (although you
will need to be mindful ofthe diminishing returns of Taunt).

Safeguard Icon Safeguard is also quite good, but beware of the fact that
it causesyou to intercept the next attack made against the target (you take the damagefrom the attack), which
may not always be desirable.

Mass Spell Reflection Icon Mass Spell
 is useful in the event that there are importantspells that can be reflected.
Since most boss abilities can not be reflected(and those that can be generally do not pose problems), this
talent will not beused very much.

7. Tier 6 Talents

Tier 6 talents
provide you with a choice between 3 powerful,gameplay-altering abilities.

  • Avatar Icon Avatar is a DPS cooldown that increases your damage
    done by 20% for24 seconds. It also removes roots and snares when activated. It hasa 3-minute cooldown.
  • Bloodbath Icon Bloodbath is a DPS cooldown that causes all your
    special attacksto place a bleed on the target, equal to 30% of the damage of the respectivespecial attack.
    The ability lasts for 12 seconds, and the bleed lasts for 6seconds. Each new special ability cast while
    Bloodbath is active will refreshthe bleed duration, and update its damage. Bloodbath has a 1-minutecooldown.
  • Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt is a 4-second single-target stun, that also
    deals amoderate amount of damage to the target. If the target cannot be stunned(as is the case with raid
    bosses), the damage it deals is much increased. Ithas a 30-second cooldown.

None of these
three talents improve your survivability. The only exceptionto this is Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt, which can be a survivability increase if you
areable to stun the mob that is attacking you (although bosses are not stunnable,and in a raid, there should be
plenty of stuns available anyway).

In terms of DPS
and threat output, all three talents are nearlyidentical, but we find Bloodbath Icon Bloodbath to be best. It is also worth
notingthat Avatar Icon Avatar can be beneficial in situations where
movement-impairingeffects are involved. Choose based on your preference.

8. Major Glyphs

As a Protection
Warrior, Major Glyphs offer you various damage (and threat)improvements, but they do very little for your

The following
glyphs improve your damage and threat.

Several other
glyphs can, in some situations, increase your DPS andthreat.

  • Glyph of Death From Above Icon Glyph of
    Death From Above
     reduces the cooldown of your Heroic Leap Icon Heroic
    by 15 seconds. If you have a chance to make use of HeroicLeap more often than its
    standard cooldown allows for, then this glyphis a solid option. That said, this glyph should pretty much
    always betaken.
  • Glyph of Unending Rage Icon Glyph of
    Unending Rage
     increases your rage pool by 20, giving you amaximum rage amount of
    120. This glyph will probably be beneficial in everypossible scenario, making it much easier for you to
    manage your rage.Additionally, it allows you to pool up rage (even if only slightly), which youcan then use
    in a time of need.

Glyph of Shield Wall Icon Glyph of
Shield Wall
 causes Shield Wall Icon Shield
 to reduce an additional20% damage taken, at the expense of increasing its cooldown
by 2 minutes. Whilethis glyph is not something you would normally use, it can be very beneficialin some

Finally, Glyph of Enraged Speed Icon Glyph of
Enraged Speed
 increases your movement speed by 20%while you are enraged.

9. Minor Glyphs

Minor Glyphs do
not provide you with any worthwhile benefits. Many of themoffer cosmetic improvements that you will probably
want to check out. Twoglyphs, however, are worth mentioning.

  • Glyph of Bloody Healing Icon Glyph of
    Bloody Healing
     increases the amount of healing you receivefrom bandages by 20%,
    while you have Deep Wounds Icon Deep
     (passively applied aspart of your normal rotation) up on at least one target.
    Since bandages areseldom used, its benefit will probably be very minor.
  • Glyph of Intimidating Shout Icon Glyph of
    Intimidating Shout
     changes your Intimidating Shout Icon Intimidating Shoutto no longer cause the enemies to run
    around in fear. Instead, they will simplystand still for the duration of the fear. This is very useful when
    you wishto avoid the feared mobs aggroing other packs.

10. Changelog

MoP Protection Warrior Guide – General

General Information

Welcome to our Protection Warrior tank guide for World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. Here, you will learn everything you need to know about playing a Protection Warrior in a raid environment, although most of the content also applies to normal and heroic dungeons.

Class Overview

Currently, Protection Warriors are faring very well, making them a worthychoice for your raid’s tanking spot(s). Like all Warriors, ProtectionWarriors provide several useful raid cooldowns (most notablyRallying Cry Icon Rallying CryShattering Throw Icon Shattering ThrowDemoralizing Banner Icon Demoralizing BannerandSkull Banner Icon Skull Banner).

Protection Warriors have excellent mobility during encounters, and shinein fights where there are a great many adds.

Note that this guide focuses on aspects which are specific to ProtectionWarriors, and general tanking strategies are beyond its scope. If you wish toknow more about the tanking role and what you can do to improve, we recommendthat you read our tanking guide.


To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into multiple pages:

  • Builds, Talents, and Glyphs: learn how to choose your talents and glyphs;
  • Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities: master your rotation and your cooldowns;
  • Buffs, Debuffs, and Useful Abilities: discover your arsenal of useful abilities;
  • Statistics Priority and Reforging: read up on the respective values of your statistics;
  • Gems, Enchants, and Professions: choose the best gems, enchantments, etc.;
  • Macros and Addons: step up your game with useful macros and addons;
  • Gearing Up and Best in Slot: find the best gear you can wear.
Builds, Talents, and Glyphs Builds, Talents, and Glyphs

Tanking Guide (MoP)

1. The Purpose of This Article

The scope of this guide is to cover every aspect of tanking, explaining everything that you need to understand and do in order to be a great tank. This guide will apply to you, whether you are new to the role, or a seasoned veteran.

This article will not go into technical details about talent specs, proper gemming or anything else that is tedious, and specific to a class or spec. You are able to find all the specific information pertaining to tanking classes and specs in our existing tanking class guides. This is not to say that we will never ever make a mention regarding a specific class or ability, but do not expect to gain any class-specific knowledge from this guide.

2. Introduction

You will no doubt have heard many stories about how tanks have it hard and about how tanking is the most stressful and difficult role to perform in the game. There is some merit to these claims, but they do also make tanking seem a bit daunting to the new player. We hope that our guide will remedy this.

Anyone can be a tank, and a great tank at that, provided that they know what to do and how to do it. While this statement holds true for all roles in World of Warcraft, tanks are certainly no exception.

3. Profile of a Great Tank

In order to properly explain all the things which you need to do to be a great tank, we first have to give you an idea of what the ideal tank is like. Below is a list of invaluable attributes.

  • A great tank always has top aggro on all targets that they are assigned to tank, and not on any other targets.
  • A great tank has excellent reaction time in picking up new mobs, before these mobs attack other raid members.
  • A great tank has excellent reaction time on taunting back targets that they lose aggro of (which happens to everyone at one time or another).
  • A great tank is intimately familiar with all the fight mechanics, and because of this, knows when and where to move, and when and how to use their defensive (and sometimes offensive) cooldowns.
  • A great tank understands the various positional requirements of (especially melee) DPS players, and does a good job at minimising their movement and downtime.
  • A great tank has the qualities of a leader, and is not shy to step up and take control of the group.

In addition to this, as tanks are the drivers of the party or raid group, a tank who is able to set a fast pace will make the dungeon or raid go extremely smoothly and quickly.

4. General Concerns

In this section we will cover a number of things which will improve all aspects of your tanking ability, but are not related specifically to game mechanics.

4.1. Add-ons and User Interface Settings

While Blizzard’s standard user interface is fully functional, and will allow you to successfully perform any encounter, it is far from optimal. There are several add-ons and features which will make life easier for both you and the rest of your raid.

4.1.1. Threat Meter

Omen Threat Meter is, by far, the best threat add-on out there. It will show you how much threat you have, as well as how much threat other people on the boss’ threat table have. In addition to this, it also displays other useful information, such as how long is left until the effects of threat modifying abilities (Misdirection Icon Misdirection, Fade Icon Fade) end.

4.1.2. Name Plates

There are several useful nameplate add-ons, the most popular of which is probably Threat Plates.

Name plates are essentially bars which appear over various enemies (and friendly units, if you so desire) in your proximity. They not only allow you to select enemies with ease (by clicking on the name plates) but they can also provide other useful information.

Threat Plates allows you, at a glance, to see which targets you have aggro of, and which you do not, as well as which targets you are likely to lose aggro of soon (where someone is catching up to you in threat).

This is achieved by providing different colors and/or sizes to the name plates of nearby targets. For example, targets of which you have aggro are green and smaller in size, while targets which you do not have aggro of are red and larger in size (making them easier to notice and click).

Name plate add-ons are mostly useful for add tanking, but regardless of this, they should be in every tank’s arsenal.

4.1.3. Raid Announcements

It is essential, as a tank, that you communicate with your healers, if not with all of your raid. Doing so via voice-chat is a viable option, but it will often cause needless clutter. Moreover, due to the various sounds in the encounter, you may not always be clearly heard.

Fortunately, you can simply use one of several add-ons which allow you to announce, in raid chat (or party, or a specific channel, at your choice), when you have used an important ability.

We recommend Raeli’s Spell Announcer, a highly customisable add-on. We suggest that, at the very least, defensive cooldowns be announced to the raid.

4.2. Keybinds

While keybinding is a near-mandatory practice for all classes and specs, if you are seeking to be competitive, it is even more so for tanks. As a tank, split second decisions can make or break your raid’s chances to succeed. Furthermore, as a tank, you often have to move and rotate your camera, while at the same time using various abilities. You simply cannot do this efficiently if you must use your mouse to click them.

As a result, we recommend making ample use of keybinds for your tank. Even if you prefer to click your action bars, a few abilities must be bound. These are: your main threat-generating abilities, your taunt(s), your survival cooldowns and your interrupt.

4.3. Gear Optimisation

Needless to say, you should research your class and specialisation, in order to find what the best statistics are for you, and adapt your character accordingly.

4.3.1. Adaptability of Stats

One of the ways in which you can make the transition from being a good tank to being a great tank is to know that tanking is all about adapting your gear (and talents) to the encounter.

As such, you should always collect and carry with you as many alternative gear pieces as possible.

This will allow you to change your gear on a fight-by-fight basis. If an encounter has heavy magic damage on the tank, you can use a magic damage reducing trinket, for example, or get more Stamina. If the encounter requires you to pump out a great amount of threat, you can switch in pieces with Hit and Expertise Rating (assuming you are not yet at the caps for these statistics).

If you are looking to reduce the physical damage you are taking as much as possible, you will probably prefer Mastery Rating.

The list goes on, but it is important to remember that a great tank’s gear and talent set-up is always dynamic.

4.4. Knowledge of the Encounter

As a tank, you have to be intimately familiar with all of the encounter’s mechanics, to a much greater degree than a DPS player or even a healer must.

Only when you are familiar with the encounter will you know what the best time is to use defensive or offensive cooldowns, what position is ideal for tanking the boss, or where it is best to move in order to most easily pick up new adds.

Additionally, as a tank, you have the unique opportunity to get a good general overview of the encounter, and how your raid is performing it. By having a good understanding of it, you can easily offer advice and suggestions for improving.

While not applicable to raid bosses, being familiar with the various trash groups (in both raids and dungeons) is also essential for a tank. Knowing exactly what the trash mobs do, how damaging they are and what kind of crowd-control is (possibly) needed allows you to better gauge whether or not you and your healer(s) are prepared to take them on.

Being familiar with encounter mechanics (adds, specifically) and trash mechanics allows you to “mark targets”, something which we cover briefly in the next section.

4.4.1. Marking Targets

The game allows players who are party or raid leaders, or assistants in raid groups, to place specific markings, of their choosing, above the heads of friendly or hostile targets.

This is typically done by right clicking the unit frame of the target and selecting a mark, but it can also be done by use of keybinding (they are listed in the Key Binding settings menu in the default Blizzard interface). There are also add-ons which serve this purpose, but we do not consider them to be needed.

Marks above targets can be seen by all of your party or raid members, and serve as a means to coordinate your efforts. The meaning of the marks is set by general consensus, or specific assignments prior to the encounter.

As a tank, you should bind at least 3-4 marks to accessible keys, and make frequent use of marking targets, in order to indicate which mobs you wish to be killed first, and which you wish to be crowd-controlled.

Keep in mind that, during raid encounters, marking is generally the prerogative of your raid leader, and unless specifically directed to, you should not interfere.

5. Aggro

This section will cover everything you need to know, as a tank, about gaining, maintaining and regaining aggro. First, however, we need to look at some introductory concepts.

5.1. How does Threat and Aggro Work?

Generating threat and maintaining aggro are the defining characteristics of a tank. Understanding these concepts is crucial to your performance.

5.1.1. Threat

Threat is a means of measuring the level of animosity a mob has towards a specific player. Each mob has a threat table, and every person who performs hostile actions towards that mob is put on that table.

There are two important actions which generate threat: dealing damage and healing. Other actions, such as casting a buff or debuff also generate threat, but in very small amounts which are not worth discussing.

Normally, threat is generated at 1:1 ratio with damage done to the mob, and a 1:2 ratio with healing done. However, in order to facilitate tanking, tanks generate threat at a 5:1 ratio with damage done.

In order to be considered a tank for this purpose, you must be in the appropriate tanking state:

Furthermore, threat does not decay (decrease) over time or otherwise, unless a specific ability is used which has this effect (such as Hand of Salvation Icon Hand of Salvation), or if the encounter mechanics specifically affect threat.

Threat is reset if the player dies, or otherwise leaves combat with the mob. Lastly, threat cannot have a negative value.

There are many types of threat modifiers, especially encounter-based abilities which reduce the threat output of certain players (forcing tank switching, generally). There are also friendly abilities, such as Tricks of the Trade Icon Tricks of the Trade and Misdirection Icon Misdirection, which offer a temporary threat transfer.

5.1.2. Aggro

Having aggro is a state in which players find themselves when they have the highest amount of threat against a particular mob, and that mob attacks them because of it. Needless to say, in principle, this is the aim of every tank.

It is important to keep in mind that there will be times when you will want to avoid having aggro of mobs, even as a tank. This is the case in fights which require multiple tanks, each with their own assignments. It is also the case when the fight mechanics debuff you with something that makes you extremely vulnerable to the boss or other mobs.

It is worthwhile to know that you do not gain aggro of a mob simply by overtaking the current top-threat target. For example, if the person who currently has aggro of the boss has 1,000,000 threat, simply reaching 1,000,001 threat will not cause the boss to attack you. There is a threshold which must be met: 110% of the threat of the current aggro target, if you are in melee range of the boss, and 130% if you are away from the boss.

When either of those thresholds is exceeded, the boss will switch targets to the new top-threat player, and the old tank will have to exceed this person by 110%/130% again to regain aggro.

While knowing how to master threat-generation and how to maintain aggro is important, you must first know very well what you are supposed to be tanking.

5.2. Ability Rotation

Tanks, generally speaking, do not have a rotation in the same way that DPS classes do. Their playstyle is much more similar to that of healers, in the sense that some abilities are useful sometimes, and others are useful at other times.

Tanks generally have three categories of abilities:

  • important threat-generating abilities;
  • defensive abilities, which help survival;
  • other, miscellaneous abilities: buffs, debuffs, stuns/slows, taunts, mobility abilities, and so on.

Important threat-generating abilities are the bread and butter of every tank’s threat. They should be used whenever they are off-cooldown.

In addition to these, naturally, any damage-dealing abilities will generate a good amount of threat (due to the 500% threat multiplier), and should be used as fillers.

Defensive abilities are of two kinds:

  • active survival abilities, which have very short cooldowns and should be used as much as possible;
  • defensive cooldowns, which have longer cooldowns, and should be used at key points in the encounter.

Miscellaneous abilities serve a multitude of functions, and you should intermingle them with your other abilities as the encounter demands and as you see fit. Examples include buffs, debuffs, stuns, interrupts and movement abilities.

As a tank, you will have to maintain the Weakened Blows Icon Weakened Blows debuff (unless it is being provided reliably by another tank). This is a priority, so you should make sure that the debuff is always present.

Weakened Blows is applied:

5.3. Initial Aggro

As a tank, generally, it is your responsibility to start the encounters, or, in other words, to pull. This means that you get the opportunity to attack the boss before anyone else. This should, in theory, offer you the opportunity to gain initial aggro.

While you may find that running into the boss and pressing some of your abilities (especially when supported by Misdirection Icon Misdirection or Tricks of the Trade Icon Tricks of the Trade) at random will achieve this goal, it is far from ideal.

As a competent tank, you should at the very least know which of your abilities generate high amounts of threat. Once you know this, you should always have a plan for the pull, as well as for picking up adds which join the fight later on. While this is class specific, and up to you to perfect, there are several guidelines to follow.

  1. Always begin with the ability which generates the highest amount of threat.
  2. Be prepared to use another, high-threat ability immediately after it (especially if the first attack is dodged, parried or is a missed attack).
  3. Be prepared to use your taunt ability the moment you notice that you have lost aggro of the boss (but NOT before).
  4. Delay your debuffs and other survival cooldowns until you have stabilised your threat (obviously, if the fight mechanics require you to use a survival cooldown right away, then you should do so).

The idea is that, at any time, your attacks can be dodged, parried or they can miss altogether. Because of this, at the pull, your threat generation can be very volatile. This stops being an issue as the fight goes on, but it makes the pull the most crucial moment of the encounter, threat-wise.

Therefore, you should plan accordingly and have your most powerful abilities available. These should be coupled with offensive cooldowns which your class possesses, to maximise the amount of damage that you do, and thus your threat.

Depending on the environment where you are tanking (guild raid, pug group, 5-man dungeon, etc.), you may find yourself having to literally fight against DPS players in reaching the boss first.

This may be due to the desire (or sometimes, the necessity) to maximise damage done to the boss, or it may be due to impatience and lack of consideration. In any case, you should always take the initiative and be aggressive in engaging the encounter.

5.3.1. Picking up Adds

In addition to the normal way in which you will find yourself gaining aggro (pulling the boss), you will often encounter situations where new enemies, generally adds, enter the fight while it is in progress.

The same applies here as for the pull: you should have a mental plan on how you’re going to pick these adds up. The ability priority will change from the one you used at the pull, most likely, especially in the case of multiple adds, when you will want to use your AoE abilities. Furthermore, you will find yourself using taunt proactively rather than reactively.

Good knowledge of the encounter is crucial, because it is important to know when and where the adds will appear, especially if you want to use ground-based threat abilities.

You also have to pay special attention to healer aggro, when picking up adds. Indeed, it is quite likely that, as healers are constantly casting spells, they will take aggro of the newly spawned adds before you even have a chance to react. You must prepare for this situation, be in a good position, and not hesitate to taunt the adds to you.

Generally, practice over successive attempts will allow you to gain invaluable experience as to which way is best to pick up the adds in a particular fight.

5.3.2. Using Offensive Cooldowns

All tanking classes have some kind of offensive cooldown. Sometimes, these reduce the cooldown or resource cost of some abilities, while other times they simply increase damage done.

It is a natural reaction to think that, as a tank, you will focus on using defensive cooldowns. However, in order to be truly successful in managing threat, especially in crucial moments of the encounter (such as the pull), it is important to use your offensive cooldowns as well.

As a rule, you should always pull with one such cooldown available, and aim to chain another onto it immediately after it expires.

5.4. Maintaining Aggro

In addition to their increased threat generation, tanks also have a passive ability, called Vengeance. Vengeance grants you attack power equal to 2% of the damage you have sustained, for 20 seconds. The amount of attack power continues to stack, granting you immense amounts of attack power, provided that you continue to take damage.

There are times when maintaining aggro can be difficult, such as when you are severely undergeared compared to DPS players, when you have to switch off the target in order to pick up a different one, or when encounter design grants increased damage done to DPS players, but not to tanks.

In any case, the absolute best way to ensure that you never lose aggro over a longer period of time is to know your ability priority. It is essential to understand which abilities must be used on cooldown, and what other threat-generating abilities to fill gaps with. Proper knowledge of your abilities will, in most cases, guarantee that you do not lose aggro.

5.4.1. “Tab Targeting”

Tab targeting is a technique which involves using the TAB key (the default key for automatic targeting) to quickly switch between multiple targets. It is very useful when you are tanking multiple targets (adds, for example) and all of your usual AoE abilities are on cooldown or are proving insufficient.

Essentially, you want to cycle through all of the targets by using the TAB key (you can do it manually, as well, though it is less efficient) and apply single target threat-generating abilities on each individual add. For best results, check Omen to see if there are any targets on which you have a large threat lead, and do not bother attacking those.

5.5. Regaining Aggro (Taunting and Tank-Switching)

There are two situations when you will need to regain aggro of a mob: when you have lost aggro, unintentionally, to DPS players or another tank, and when you are engaged in a tank-switching rotation. While taunting a stray mob on which you have lost aggro is rather simple, a few notes are in order regarding tank switching. First, however, you must understand exactly how to best use your taunt.

5.5.1. How to Taunt

While using taunt may seem straightforward enough, and many times it is, there are a few subtle points which you must understand.

First of all, you need to understand how taunt works and how it affects your threat.

Taunting a mob has two effects:

  1. It forces the mob to attack the player who taunted it, for 3 seconds.
  2. It grants the player who taunted it an amount of threat equal to that of the player who had aggro of the mob at the time of the taunt.

Regarding the first point, the duration that the mob attacks the taunting player for is subject to diminishing returns, so subsequent taunts, within a 15 second window, will reduce the amount of time, until the spell eventually has no effect. Note that all taunts share the same diminishing returns, so a Warrior’s taunt will cause the Paladin off-tank’s taunts to have diminished effects, for example.

Regarding the second point, taunt only affects your threat level when you are not at the top of the threat table. If you are at the top of the threat table (but do not have aggro), then taunt will only force the mob to attack you for 3 seconds. If you have aggro and are at the top of the aggro table, then taunt does nothing except for making sure that the target will stick to you for the duration of taunt.

Taunt’s cooldown is relatively low, and it is a key part of any tank’s toolkit, so do not be afraid to use it. While you may get the idea that having to taunt off people is “shameful”, as a reflection of your ability to maintain aggro, this could not be farther from the truth. A good tank is one who makes free and efficient use of taunt.

Secondly, you must understand the following: if you are about to taunt a mob on which you do not have aggro, then do not bother using any threat abilities before taunting, as any extra threat you gain before taunting is essentially useless (since taunt puts you on top of the threat table anyway). Rather, save your most powerful ability or abilities for the moments immediately after you have taunted. This will ensure that, in addition to getting pushed to the top of the threat table, you will gain a considerable lead over everyone else.

Likewise, there is little point in taunting a mob which you do not have aggro of, if you cannot reach it to attack it and thus boost your threat. Therefore, you should try to always position yourself close to mobs which you have lost aggro of, and taunt them only when you are prepared to attack – otherwise they are very likely to simply run back to their previous target after the 3 second effect of taunt wears off. You can use ranged abilities to help you out in these situations, but as tanking ranged abilities are rather weak (and on long cooldowns), this is not reliable.

Finally, because of the diminishing returns of taunt, and because, when you already have aggro, it provides no benefits whatsoever, it should not be used as part of your “rotation”. Rather, taunt should be saved for when it is actually needed.

5.5.2. How to Tank-Switch

There are a great many encounters in the game which require two (or more) tanks to taunt the boss off of each other at specific intervals of time, usually due to some debuffs applied to the tanks.

While the practice itself is not overly complicated, we would like to make three mentions.

  1. Understand exactly why you are taunting the boss, why it is being taunted off you, and what the correct timing for it is. Boss mods usually alert you as to the timing, but you must make sure that you can monitor your fellow tanks’ debuffs.
  2. Time one or more powerful threat-generating abilities to land immediately after your taunt lands, to ensure that you do not lose aggro after taunting.
  3. When you have been taunted off of, stop using powerful threat-generating abilities for a sensible amount of time (a few seconds), in order to help the other tank stabilise his aggro. Depending on various circumstances, you may even need to stop auto-attacking.

Additionally, it is very important to observe the correct position and facing of the boss before you taunt it. This is especially true in the case of dragon bosses, who have both tail and breath attacks. The best thing to do is to to position yourself exactly in the same place as the tank who currently has aggro, before you taunt, so that the boss does not move at all.

Lastly, it’s important that you position yourself behind the boss when you are not tanking it. This ensures that none of your attacks are parried, and also that you do not receive damage from breath or cleaving type attacks that the boss may perform. Keep in mind, however, that some encounters specifically require both tanks to be in front of the boss.

6. Survival

Instinctively, it feels as though your survival, as a tank, is all in the hands of your healers, but this could not be farther from the truth. Yes, with incompetent healers, you will die, and there is little you can do to save yourself. However, even excellent healers will fail to keep you alive if you do not make proper use of the tools at your disposal.

This section will be rather brief, but there are a few important mentions we feel need to be made.

6.1. Active Survival

Each tanking class has various active survival and mitigation tools at their disposal. These take the form of abilities with low or no cooldown, which offer great benefits but are also rather expensive. You must learn to make constant (and proper) use of these abilities in your rotation, otherwise you will be practically unhealable.

Going into depth about these abilities is beyond the scope of this guide, so we recommend that you read our class-specific tanking guides.

6.2. Cooldowns

Every tanking class has at least a few defensive/survival cooldowns. You need to be familiar with what they are, how they work and, very importantly, you must have them keybound to accessible keys. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that you have other survival tools at your disposal outside of the major cooldowns, such as trinket on-use effects or minor cooldowns.

6.2.1. General Guidelines

  • Prevention is better than remedy. Unless there is a specific event in the encounter which you need to save cooldowns for, use them freely, as many times as possible during the fight.
  • Damage reduction cooldowns should always be used proactively. Do not bother using them when you notice you are on 5% health, since it will already be too late by then. Use them when you anticipate a period of high damage, or when your healers are going to be unable to heal you.
  • Health increasing cooldowns can be used both proactively and reactively, though if given the choice, you should try to save them for moments when your health is suddenly very low.
  • As much as possible, do not stack cooldowns. As a rule, if you need to use all of your cooldowns at once to survive a fight mechanic, chances are you are not intended to survive it in the first place.

Having a good understanding of the encounter mechanics and of your raid’s strategy will help tremendously in allowing you to time your cooldowns to perfection. Practice makes perfect.

Additionally, good communication with your healers is invaluable. Everything may appear to be fine, but a healer disconnecting, or being targeted by a boss ability which requires them to move are important events that justify the use of a cooldown.

6.3. Positioning and Movement

In addition to not standing in any harmful ground effects, which is something that every raider should be aware of, there is another absolutely key piece of advice for every tank out there: never ever have your back to a mob which is attacking you.

There is a simple reason for this: when your back is turned to an attacking mob, you will not be able to dodge, parry or block any of its attacks. This translates to, essentially, a burst of damage onto you, as a lot of attacks are generally dodged, parried or blocked. This will not only increase the amount of healing that is needed to keep you alive, but it may make it impossible to keep you alive altogether.

What does this mean, though, in terms of movement? What if you have to move the boss from one place to another, and you have to do so quickly? Well, rest assured, you do not have to slowly backpedal your way there. What you should do instead is strafe sideways. If your side is turned to the attacking mob, you continue to parry, dodge and block attacks, and what’s more, you maintain your normal run speed.

This is slightly tricky to master right away, but you can always find a low level mob (so it doesn’t kill you), aggro it and run away from it. This will allow you to practice the exact angle you need to be facing. Just check to see if you are registering any dodges or parries, as this will be an indication that you are facing the correct way.

Finally, you should always make sure that you do not leave line of sight of your healers, as this is a sure way to get yourself killed. While it is less of a problem in raids (as most rooms do not have obstacles), it can happen easily in dungeons.

6.3.1. Pushing

In case the target you are tanking needs to be moved a short distance backwards (that is to say, in the direction that you are facing), you can employ a technique known as pushing. To do this, simple step forward until you enter the target’s hitbox. This will cause them to adjust to your position, and in most cases this means that they will step back a very short distance, and face you again.

The alternative to this is to drag the target to the desired location, but in the process of doing so, you need to move a lot more, and the target is very likely to turn around for extended periods of time, making it much less desirable than pushing.

We would like to note that some mobs, due to the size of their hitbox, are not very receptive to this technique.

7. Maximising Your Raid’s and Your Own DPS

Holding aggro and not dying are essential aspects of being a great tank, but to move to the next level, you have to understand how each and every one of your actions impact the rest of your raid.

There are many encounters which require you, as the tank, to position or move the boss. Doing so is, generally, a requirement to completing the encounter successfully, but simply knowing when and where the boss needs to be moved is not all there is to it.

In order not to hamper your raid’s DPS, you must understand that melee DPS players must be within melee range of the boss to perform their attacks. This means that, whenever you move the boss, you should make sure that you move him as little as possible, while still achieving your goal. The less you move the boss, the less melee DPS players will have to move to follow it, and the more DPS they will be able to do.

Additionally, you need to understand that melee DPS players need to attack mobs from behind in order for their DPS to be competitive. This has two implications.

  • You must keep the boss facing the same way, as much as possible, so that DPS players do not suddenly find that they have to reposition themselves.
  • You must make sure that there are no fire patches or other void zones behind the boss, making it impossible for melee DPS to stand there.

Indeed, while it takes a good tank to know when to move the boss from place to place, it takes an excellent tank to move him in the way which is most efficient for your DPS players.

Finally, keep in mind that, even after you are generating enough threat to maintain aggro, and you are surviving the encounter, you can still improve your own performance. Any extra DPS that you do as a tank will be added to your raid’s DPS and will, even if in just a small part, help you kill the boss faster.

8. Leadership and Attitude

As the tank, whether you desire it or not, you are in a unique position of control over your group. Healers and DPS players may be the assigned leaders, or they may wish to take charge, but at the end of the day, they are unable to do anything without you.

This state of affairs makes it so that, often, it is preferred that a tank simply be the leader, as this simplifies matters greatly. Furthermore, because tanking attracts leaders, it then becomes an expected quality of all tanks to lead their groups.

So, exactly what qualities should a tank have, in terms of leadership? They should be confident, they should not be shy to speak up, they should know perfectly well what they want their group to do (which, incidentally, should also be the correct thing to do, hence why knowing the encounter mechanics is important), and they should have the vigour to do it.

Tanks have a lot of responsibility, as a tanking mistake is going to lead to a wipe a lot more often than a DPS or healer one would. For this reason, tanks are most likely to receive criticism. But, because, as we said, tanking is all about confidence, you cannot let it get to you! If you did indeed make a mistake, then learn from it and apologise, but do not let it impede your drive.

9. Conclusions

This concludes the tanking guide. If you have followed us all the way to the end, you now know exactly what a great tank is, and what you need to do to achieve that.

You must understand, however, that tanking, more than any other role in the game, is all about repeated practice. Only when you have done something many times will you be so confident as to do it effortlessly and quickly. So, if you are wondering how you can start, then remember that you cannot practice tanking on a training dummy. There are a few steps you can follow.

  1. Set up your user interface, add-ons and keybinds, and do a few high level quests to familiarise yourself with your new settings.
  2. Look up the tactics for the bosses (and trash pulls, if possible) of a specific heroic dungeon, and just go and do it! You can do it with friends or guild members, for added support, but the anonymity granted by the Dungeon Finder may suit you better.
  3. Be polite and considerate with your fellow party members, but do not let them get to you, regardless of what they may say.

If any of this seems daunting, fear not, and remember that the best quality of a great tank is confidence! Remember that we have all lost aggro, accidentally pulled in DPS gear, or fallen off of platforms.

10. Changelog

  • 04 Aug. 2013: Fixed an incorrect mention that Death Knights apply the Weakened Blows debuff through Blood Boil Icon Blood Boil (it is actually Blood Plague Icon Blood Plague).

MoP Melee Attacks

In this article, we detail the common mechanics that melee classes share.

1. Introduction

Melee classes share common mechanics, which we deemed appropriate to present in this single cheat sheet.

There are two sort of melee attacks:

  • normal attacks (sometimes referred to as white attacks) which are regular melee auto-attacks;
  • special attacks (sometimes reffered to as yellow attacks) which correspond to an ability you cast.

We will first present in detail how normal attacks work. Then we will explain how special attacks differ from them.

2. Normal Attacks

When your character performs a melee attack, this attack will be one of the following:

  • missed attack;
  • parried attack;
  • dodged attack;
  • Glancing Blow;
  • blocked attack;
  • critical hit;
  • normal hit.

2.1. Missed Attacks

By default, you have a 7.5% chance to miss if you are wielding a single weapon and a 26.5% chance to miss if you wielding two weapons. In order not to miss, you need to increase your Hit Rating through gear, enchants, gems, and reforging.

Reducing your chance to miss with melee attacks until it reaches 0% (a process referred to as reaching the melee hit cap) is usually desirable. However, for some classes, Hit Rating can become less valuable than other stats once you have passed a certain point. For example, Enhancement Shamans only stack Hit Rating until they reduce their chance to miss with spells by 15% (the spell hit cap) which corresponds to a chance to miss with melee attacks reduced by 15% as well. Stacking more Hit Rating to fill the last 11.5% percents and reach 26.5% (the melee hit cap for dual wielders) is not very optimal for that class as normal melee attacks only do a fraction of their overall damage.

2.2. Parried Attacks

When facing an enemy, your attacks will have a chance to be parried, in which case they will deal no damage. By default, your attacks made facing a raid boss will have a 15% chance to be parried. Attacks made from behind your enemy cannot be parried. This is one of the reasons why DPS players should always position themselves behind a raid boss. This way, they need not to worry about their attacks being parried. Only tanks should ever feel concerned about reducing their chance to see their attacks parried.

2.3. Dodged Attacks

Dodged attacks deal no damage. Players can only dodge frontal attacks while NPC enemies can dodge attacks from the front and from behind. Your chance to see your attacks dodges depends on the level of your target. As a level 85 player attacking a raid boss, this chance is, by default, equal to 6.5% and can be reduced by increasing your Expertise Rating (gear, reforging or gems). Whether you need to nullify that chance (i.e., reach the Expertise cap) or attain a particular, optimal, Expertise value depends on your class and specialisation. Below, you will find the list of racial traits, proficiencies, and talents that increase Expertise.

  • Axe Specialization Icon Axe Specialization is an Orc racial trait, which provides +3 Expertise with Fist Weapons and Axes (both One-Handed and Two-Handed).
  • Mace Specialization Icon Mace Specialization is a racial trait common to Dwarves and Humans, which provides +3 Expertise with Maces (both One-Handed and Two-Handed).
  • Shortblade Specialization Icon Shortblade Specialization is a Gnome racial trait, which provides +3 Expertise with Daggers and One-Handed Swords.
  • Sword Specialization Icon Sword Specialization is a Human racial trait, which provides +3 Expertise with Swords (both One-Handed and Two-Handed).

2.4. Glancing Blow

Glancing Blow is a term usually used to designate an attack which lands on the targeted enemy but that deals less damage than expected. The frequency at which Glancing Blows occur and the damage they deal depend on the level of the targeted enemy. For example, on a raid boss, about 24% of your attacks will be Glancing Blows, which will deal damage equal to 75% of that of a normal attack. On an enemy which has the same level as your character, tests on Training Dummies show that about 6% of the attacks done are Glancing Blows, and they do in average 97.5% of the damage a normal attack would do.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to decrease the percentage of your attacks that are Glancing Blows.

2.5. Blocked Attacks

Very little documentation is available on attacks blocked by NPC enemies. The tests we performed on Raider’s Training Dummies (raid boss level) showed that about 5% of our attacks were blocked, in which case they only dealt 70% of the damage of a normal attack.

Attacks from behind cannot be blocked. Therefore, as a melee DPS, you should not be concerned about getting your attacks blocked because you should be standing behind the boss anyway. Tanks should not be concerned about these blocked attacks either as there is nothing they can do to prevent them from happening.

2.6. Critical Hit

Critical hits deal by default twice more damage than a normal attack. This can be changed by a meta gem: Agile Shadowspirit Diamond or Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond.

Your chance to deal critical hits can be improved by increasing your Critical Strike Rating, and taking specific talents. Note that when fighting enemies whose level is above yours, your effective critical strike chance with melee attacks will always be lower than what the tooltip on your character sheet says. People refer to this phenomenon as Crit Depression. For instance, against a raid boss, your critical strike chance with melee attacks will always be 4.8% less than what you read on the tooltip.

3. How Does the Game Decide the Type of an Attack?

Intuitively, we would think that the game performs a check for all the possible attack types, in a certain order, and whenever a check succeeds, the associated type of attack is performed. For example, the game would check whether the attack is a miss (this has a certain chance to be true) and if that check fails, then the game would check whether the attack is parried, etc., until a check succeeds or they all fail, in which case the attack is a normal hit.

Unfortunately, the actual mechanics are more complicated than that. The game builds a sort of probability table based on your chance to land each type of attack. The easiest way to explain how that works is to use an example. Imagine that you have the following chances (the numbers are not meant to be realistic, we chose them for the sake of the explanation):

  • 20% to miss an attack;
  • 10% to see an attack parried;
  • 5% to see an attack dodged;
  • 30% to land a Glancing Blow;
  • 10% to see an attack blocked;
  • 20% to land a critical hit.

Here, the game would roll a die between 0 and 100 and the outcome would be decided as follows:

  • If the roll gives a value between 0 and 19.99, then the attack is missed.
  • If the roll gives a value between 20 and 29.99, then the attack is parried.
  • If the roll gives a value between 30 and 34.99, then the attack is dodged.
  • If the roll gives a value between 35 and 64.99, then the attack is a Glancing Blow.
  • If the roll gives a value between 65 and 74.99, then the attack is blocked.
  • If the roll gives a value between 75 and 94.99, then the attack is a critical hit.
  • In any other case, so from 95 to 100 (well 99.99 if we want our example to be mathematically sound), the attack is a a normal attack.

By now, you must probably be wondering what would have happened if one of the chances had had such a value that the total of all chances was greater than 100% (for example, if the critical strike chance with melee attacks had been 30% instead of 20%). In that case, the game use a precedence order which is the order we have used to far to present the different types of attacks:

  1. chance to miss attacks has the highest precedence;
  2. chance to get attacks parried has the second highest precedence;
  3. chance to get attacks dodged has the third highest precedence;
  4. chance to land a Glancing Blow has the fourth highest precedence;
  5. chance to get attacks blocked has the fifth highest precedence;
  6. chance to land critical hits has the sixth highest precedence;
  7. landing a normal hit is the default action.

If the probability table is filled (i.e., reaching 100%) before going through all the types of attacks, the subsequent attack types are ignored. For example, if you have a 50% chance to miss and a 50% chance to see your melee attacks parried, then your attacks will always be either missed or parried: they will never be dodged, Glancing Blows, blocked, critical hits, or normal hits.

Similarly, if you have a 40% chance to miss, a 40% chance to see your attacks parried and a 40% chance to see your attacks dodged, only 20% of your attacks will be dodged, because the chance to miss and the chance to see attacks parried have a higher precedence than your chance to see your attacks dodged.

Considering all that was said, you can now see why people sometimes refer to a melee critical strike chance cap. This happens when the combined chances of all the attack types (including the critical strike chance) is greater than 100%. As you should be standing behind the boss and have reached the Expertise cap (or almost), it means that we are talking about your Glancing Blow chance and your critical strike chance adding up to something greater than 100%. Since your Glancing Blow chance is constant at 24% against raid bosses and you need to take Crit Depression into account, you will need about 80% critical strike chance with melee attacks to reach the cap. That number is so high that you can simply forget about it for now, we only mentioned it here for the sake of completeness.

4. Special Attacks

Special attacks, also referred to as yellow attacks, are abilites you cast which deal melee damage, such as:

The mechanics of special attacks differ from that of normal attacks as follows.

  • The default chance to miss with a special attack is 7.5%, regardless of whether you are dual-wielding.
  • Special attacks can never be Glancing Blows.
  • Special attacks use a 2-roll system where the first roll decides if the attack hits or misses and the second roll decides if the attack is a critical hit or not.

MoP Protection Warrior Guide – Gearing Up and Best in Slot

Protection Warrior Art Image

This page is a gearing up guide for Protection Warriors. It is updated for World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. It first presents the best in slot items before listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346, that you can acquire in the game.

We also explain how you will be competing for loot with other classes.

The other pages of our Protection Warrior guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

1. Best in Slot Advice

With the advent of Thunderforged and Warforged weapons, BiS lists are muchless valuable a resource than before, because we would be advising a list of itemsthat not even the best players would have a chance to complete. Instead, we nowgive you advice for choosing your trinkets, your set bonuses, and whatever elseis important for your class.

As a Protection Warrior, most performance enhancing upgrades “per slot” will be your Shield and Trinkets.The shield itself offers the biggest source of armor on your gear and will present a pretty significantupgrade even if its stats are not the ones you prioratise.

  • For your shield, choose Shield of Mockery Icon Shield of Mockery if you are gearing for Avoidance orBulwark of the Fallen General Icon Bulwark of the Fallen General if you are gearing for Critical Strike. Even if the statson your shield do not suit your gearing strategy, upgrading the shield based on item levelwill always be a good choice.
  • For your trinkets, we offer you the following advice.
    • Vial of Living Corruption Icon Vial of Living Corruption is the best trinket you can currently have.It increases the cooldown recovery rate from 16% (Raid Finder version) up to 25% (HeroicWarforged 2/2 upgraded version) on your 6 major abilities. In your case, it willallow you to use Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing ShoutHeroic Leap Icon Heroic LeapLast Stand Icon Last StandMocking Banner Icon Mocking Banner,Recklessness Icon Recklessness and Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall more often.
    • Curse of Hubris Icon Curse of Hubris is your general second choice. It will give you additional critical strike on use, which will increase your damage and your rage regeneration for the duration of the effect.
    • As an alternative, Rook's Unlucky Talisman Icon Rook’s Unlucky Talisman is a great choice in situations where you will encounter various sources of AoE damage.
    • Trinkets are your biggest source of stamina, but should you consider having enough health and wish to focus more towards damage output, Thok's Tail Tip Icon Thok’s Tail Tip will give you a percentage-based increase to Critical Strike, damage and Mastery. Keep in mind, though, that equipping this trinket for its Mastery bonus alone is not worth it (compared to what the other trinkets offer).
  • Apart from certain trinkets, your Main-Hand weapon, will be the biggestincrease to your DPS. You should make your choice based on the weapons that dropfor you and their item level. Most strength-based one-handed weapons will do the job.
  • Your Tier 15 set bonuses were not very good, so you should drop them as soonas you get gear with better item level.
  • The Tier 16 2-piece bonusis decent in theory, although you will notice that the effective healing received from it is not significant.
  • The Tier 16 4-piece bonuswill give you extra rage once Demoralizing Shout expires, however its potential is unfortunately random —n certain situations it will overcap your rage, while in others it will leave you dry.
  • Should you focus in gearing towards Best in Slot, you will eventually drop your set bonuses so thatyou can equip Warforged alternatives in respective slots.
  • If you are gearing for Critical Strike, then the best off-set piece is the Legs item.
  • If you are gearing for Avoidance, then you can choose your off-set piece from amongst:Chest, Hands, or Shoulders. 

2. Gearing Up

When gearing up, we advise you to always prioritise pieces of Tier sets over non-set pieces of higher item level.

In each table, the items are ranked by item level and then alphabetically.

2.1. Head

450Bladesnap HelmGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Contender’s Revenant Helmcreated by Contender’s Revenant Helm (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged HelmGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Helmcreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Helm (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Sightfinder HelmCommander Vo’jak in Siege of Niuzao Temple
458Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Plate Helmcreated by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Plate Helm (requires Blacksmithing 500)
463Helm of Rising FlameBrother Korloff in Scarlet Monastery
463Sightfinder HelmCommander Vo’jak in Siege of Niuzao Temple
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Plate Helmcreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Plate Helm (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Lightning Rod HelmGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Yaungolian HelmGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Faceguard of Resounding RingsHelm of the Shadowy Protector Icon Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483Garalon’s Hollow SkullGaralon in Heart of Fear
489Yi’s Least Favorite Helmet2250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox(A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Cliffbreaker Helmcreated by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache
496Elder Tortoiseshell Helmcreated by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Helmcreated by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache
496Faceguard of Resounding RingsHelm of the Shadowy Protector Icon Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Garalon’s Hollow SkullGaralon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
496Giantfoot HeadguardGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Plate Helm2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Plate Helm2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
502Doomed Crown of Lei ShenLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
502Faceguard of the Last MoguHelm of the Crackling Protector Icon Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502Puncture-Proof GreathelmHorridon in Throne of Thunder
509Faceguard of Resounding RingsHelm of the Shadowy Protector Icon Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509Garalon’s Hollow SkullGaralon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
516Doubtcrusher HelmHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar HelmHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion HelmHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Doomed Crown of Lei ShenLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
522Faceguard of the Last MoguHelm of the Crackling Protector Icon Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Helm2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Helm2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Helm2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Haunted Steel Greathelmcreated by Haunted Steel Greathelm (requires Blacksmithing 500)
522Haunted Steel Headguardcreated by Haunted Steel Headguard (requires Blacksmithing 500)
522Puncture-Proof GreathelmHorridon in Throne of Thunder
528Doomed Crown of Lei ShenLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
528Faceguard of the Prehistoric MarauderHelm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moonsand Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528Greathelm of the WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Puncture-Proof GreathelmHorridon in Throne of Thunder
528Rage-Blind GreathelmAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Thranok’s Shattering HelmGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Cliffbreaker Helmcreated by Create Helm
535Doomed Crown of Lei ShenLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
535Elder Tortoiseshell Helmcreated by Create Helm
535Everbright Helmcreated by Create Helm
535Faceguard of the Last MoguHelm of the Crackling Protector Icon Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
535Puncture-Proof GreathelmHorridon in Throne of Thunder
540Faceguard of the Prehistoric MarauderHelm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moonsand Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540Greathelm of the WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Rage-Blind GreathelmAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Thranok’s Shattering HelmGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Doomed Crown of Lei ShenLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
553Faceguard of the Prehistoric MarauderHelm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553Greathelm of the WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Rage-Blind GreathelmAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Thranok’s Shattering HelmGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Dominik’s Casque of Raging FlameOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Greathelm of the WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Magdalena’s Murderous CrownOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Rage-Blind GreathelmAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Thranok’s Shattering HelmGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Faceguard of the Prehistoric MarauderHelm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Starsand Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566Greathelm of the WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Rage-Blind GreathelmAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Thranok’s Shattering HelmGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Rage-Blind GreathelmAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Thranok’s Shattering HelmGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.2. Amulet

450Bladesnap NeckGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Bubblebrew NecklaceGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Lavasoul CollarGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Reflection of the Seacreated by Reflection of the Sea (requires Jewelcrafting 575)
450Stormcrier ChokerGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Whirling Dervish ChokerKuai the Brute in Mogu’shan PalaceMing the Cunning in Mogu’shan Palace, and Haiyan the Unstoppable in Mogu’shan PalaceLegacy of the Clan Leaders (Mogu’shan Palace)
450Widow Chaincreated by Widow Chain (requires Jewelcrafting 575)
458Gorget of Usurped Kings1250 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
463Armsmaster’s Sealed LocketArmsmaster Harlan in Scarlet Halls
463Necklace of the Dark BlazeLilian Voss in ScholomanceCoffer of Forgotten Souls (Scholomance)
463Whirling Dervish ChokerKuai the Brute in Mogu’shan PalaceMing the Cunning in Mogu’shan Palace, and Haiyan the Unstoppable in Mogu’shan PalaceLegacy of the Clan Leaders (Mogu’shan Palace)
476Beads of the Mogu’shiJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardianin Mogu’shan Vaults
476Brewcarrier ChokerGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Brewfather NecklaceGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Buc-Zakai MementoAroc Stonebeak in Krasarang WildsLingering Corruption in Siege of OrgrimmarInstructor Tak’thok in Heart of Fear
476Firebinder CollarGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Lightning Rod NeckGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
480Shard of Pirouetting HappinessApothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep
483Kaolan’s Withering NecklaceProtector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
483Necklace of Congealed WeaknessesGaralon in Heart of Fear
489Beads of the Mogu’shiJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardianin Mogu’shan Vaults
489Bloodseeker’s Solitaire1250 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489Paragon’s Pale Pendant1250 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Amaranthine Necklacecreated by Create Lavalliere
496Cliffbreaker Chokercreated by Create Lavalliere
496Elder Tortoiseshell Gorgetcreated by Create Lavalliere
496Kaolan’s Withering NecklaceElder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
496Kiln-Stoker Collarcreated by Create Lavalliere
496Mushan Rider’s CollarGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Necklace of Congealed WeaknessesGaralon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
496Saddlebinder LinksGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Warmsun Chokercreated by Create Lavalliere
502Beads of the Mogu’shiJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardianin Mogu’shan Vaults
502Hydraskull ChokerFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Headin Throne of Thunder
502Moonjade NecklaceSuen in Throne of Thunder and Lu’lin in Throne of Thunder
502Necklace of the Terra-Cotta ProtectorLei Shen’s Burial Trove (…), Stormtouched CacheTreasures of the Thunder King
502Necklace of the Terra-Cotta VanquisherLei Shen’s Burial Trove (…), Treasures of the Thunder KingStormtouched Cache
502Talisman of Angry SpiritsSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
503Kaolan’s Withering NecklaceProtector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
509Kaolan’s Withering NecklaceElder Asani in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringUnclaimed Black Market Container
509Necklace of Congealed WeaknessesGaralon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
516Doubtcrusher NeckHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Heartlander’s NecklaceHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Kaolan’s Withering NecklaceElder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
516Mist Splitter’s ChokerHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Sha-Seeker CollarHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion NeckHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Hydraskull ChokerFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Headin Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522Lootraptor’s AmuletOondasta
522Moonjade NecklaceSuen in Throne of Thunder and Lu’lin in Throne of Thunder
522Necklace of the Terra-Cotta ProtectorWeisheng in Throne of ThunderLightning Guardian in Throne of ThunderFarraki Sand Conjurer in Throne of Thunder…, Spoils of the Thunder King
522Necklace of the Terra-Cotta VanquisherMonara in Throne of ThunderDrakkari Frost Warden in Throne of ThunderSand Elemental in Throne of Thunder…, Spoils of the Thunder King
522Striker’s Battletags825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Talisman of Angry SpiritsSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
522Vanguard’s Battletags825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528Blackfuse’s Blasting CordSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Choker of the Final WordVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Hydraskull ChokerCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
528Juggernaut’s Ignition KeysIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Malkorok’s Tainted Dog TagsMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Moonjade NecklaceSuen in Throne of Thunder
528Necklace of the Terra-Cotta ProtectorBow Fly Swarm in Throne of ThunderZandalari Storm-Caller in Throne of ThunderSand Elemental in Throne of Thunder
528Necklace of the Terra-Cotta VanquisherBore Worm in Throne of ThunderEternal Guardian in Throne of ThunderSand Elemental in Throne of Thunder
528Talisman of Angry SpiritsHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
535Amaranthine Necklacecreated by Create Lavalliere
535Cliffbreaker Neckcreated by Create Lavalliere
535Elder Tortoiseshell Neckcreated by Create Lavalliere
535Hydraskull ChokerFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Headin Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) and Unclaimed Black Market Container
535Kiln-Stoker Collarcreated by Create Lavalliere
535Moonjade NecklaceSuen in Throne of Thunder and Lu’lin in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Talisman of Angry SpiritsSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder…, Unclaimed Black Market Container
535Warmsun Chokercreated by Create Lavalliere
540Blackfuse’s Blasting CordSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Choker of the Final WordVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
540Juggernaut’s Ignition KeysIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Malkorok’s Tainted Dog TagsMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Hydraskull ChokerCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
541Moonjade NecklaceSuen in Throne of Thunder
541Talisman of Angry SpiritsHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
553Blackfuse’s Blasting CordSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Choker of the Final WordVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553Juggernaut’s Ignition KeysIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Malkorok’s Tainted Dog TagsMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Anafielle’s Spiked ChokerOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Blackfuse’s Blasting CordSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Bladeforger NecklaceOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Choker of the Final WordVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Juggernaut’s Ignition KeysIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Malkorok’s Tainted Dog TagsMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Blackfuse’s Blasting CordSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Choker of the Final WordVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar), Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566Juggernaut’s Ignition KeysIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Malkorok’s Tainted Dog TagsMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Blackfuse’s Blasting CordSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Choker of the Final WordVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572Juggernaut’s Ignition KeysIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Malkorok’s Tainted Dog TagsMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.3. Shoulders

450Bladesnap PauldronsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Bladesworn ShouldersAlliance/Horde Icon The Mariner’s Revenge (Dread Wastes)
450Contender’s Revenant Shoulderscreated by Contender’s Revenant Shoulders (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged PauldronsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Shoulderscreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Shoulders (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Spaulders of Immovable StoneWing Leader Ner’onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple
463Serpentstrike ShoulderpadsLiu Flameheart in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463Spaulders of Immovable StoneWing Leader Ner’onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple
463Vigorsteel SpauldersDarkmaster Gandling in Scholomance
476Lightning Rod PauldronsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Shoulderguards of the UnflankedZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Spaulders of the ScornedForgemaster Vul’kon in Isle of ThunderKor’thik Warsinger in Heart of FearZar’thik Augurer in Heart of Fear
476Yaungolian PauldronsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Pauldrons of the Broken BladeBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
483Shoulderguards of Resounding RingsShoulders of the Shadowy Protector Icon Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483Shoulderpads of Misshapen LifeAmber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
489Shoulderguards of the UnflankedMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
489Shoulders of Autumnlight1750 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous(A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496Cliffbreaker Pauldronscreated by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache
496Elder Tortoiseshell Pauldronscreated by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Pauldronscreated by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache
496Pauldrons of the Broken BladeBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
496Shoulderguards of Resounding RingsShoulders of the Shadowy Protector Icon Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Shoulderpads of Misshapen LifeAmber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
502Metabolically Boosted ShoulderplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
502Reconstructed Bloody ShoulderplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
502Reconstructed Furious ShoulderplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
502Shoulderguards of the Last MoguShoulders of the Crackling Protector Icon Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502Shoulderguards of the UnflankedMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
509Pauldrons of the Broken BladeBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
509Shoulderguards of Resounding RingsShoulders of the Shadowy Protector Icon Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509Shoulderpads of Misshapen LifeAmber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
516Doubtcrusher PauldronsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar PauldronsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion PauldronsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Shoulders1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Metabolically Boosted ShoulderplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
522Reconstructed Bloody ShoulderplatesPrimordius in Throne of ThunderLei Shen in Throne of ThunderJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder…, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522Reconstructed Furious ShoulderplatesHorridon in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgottenin Throne of Thunder…, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522Shoulderguards of the Last MoguShoulders of the Crackling Protector Icon Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Sparksmasher Pauldrons1000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers(A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528Darkfallen ShoulderplatesRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Krugruk’s Rigid ShoulderplatesGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Metabolically Boosted ShoulderplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
528Pauldrons of Violent EruptionTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Reconstructed Bloody ShoulderplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
528Reconstructed Furious ShoulderplatesLei Shen in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderTortos in Throne of Thunder
528Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric MarauderShoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528Spaulders of the Fallen WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Cliffbreaker Pauldronscreated by Create Shoulders
535Elder Tortoiseshell Pauldronscreated by Create Shoulders
535Everbright Pauldronscreated by Create Shoulders
535Metabolically Boosted ShoulderplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
535Reconstructed Bloody ShoulderplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
535Reconstructed Furious ShoulderplatesDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of Thunder
535Shoulderguards of the Last MoguShoulders of the Crackling Protector Icon Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
540Darkfallen ShoulderplatesRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Krugruk’s Rigid ShoulderplatesGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Pauldrons of Violent EruptionTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
540Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric MarauderShoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540Spaulders of the Fallen WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Metabolically Boosted ShoulderplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
541Reconstructed Bloody ShoulderplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541Reconstructed Furious ShoulderplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
553Darkfallen ShoulderplatesRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Krugruk’s Rigid ShoulderplatesGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Pauldrons of Violent EruptionTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric MarauderShoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553Spaulders of the Fallen WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Tusks of MannorothGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Darkfallen ShoulderplatesSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Krugruk’s Rigid ShoulderplatesGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Pauldrons of Violent EruptionTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Rossi’s Rosin-Soaked ShoulderplatesOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Spaulders of the Fallen WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Starry Spaulders of DurabilityOrdos in Timeless Isle
566Darkfallen ShoulderplatesRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Krugruk’s Rigid ShoulderplatesGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Pauldrons of Violent EruptionTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric MarauderShoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566Spaulders of the Fallen WarchiefGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Tusks of MannorothGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Darkfallen ShoulderplatesSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Krugruk’s Rigid ShoulderplatesGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Pauldrons of Violent EruptionTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)

2.4. Cloak

450Blade-Dulling GreatcloakPriestess Laralla in Krasarang WildsInstructor Tak’thok in Heart of FearGearmage Astalonin Dalaran
450Bladesnap DrapeGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Bubblebrew CloakGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Lavasoul CloakGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Stormcrier CloakGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Stormscale Drapecreated by Stormscale Drape (requires Leatherworking 550)
458Cloak of the Silent Mountain1250 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong SteppesSage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
458Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowesscreated by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess (requires Tailoring 550)
463Cloak of Failing WillSha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463Phantasmal DrapeJandice Barov in Scholomance
463Soulrender GreatcloakThalnos the Soulrender in Scarlet Monastery
476Brewcarrier CloakGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Brewfather CloakGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowesscreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess (requires Tailoring 600)
476Firebinder CloakGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Lightning Rod DrapeGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Zom’s Rain-Stained CloakZar’thik Supplicant in Heart of FearTormented Initiate in Siege of OrgrimmarEnslaved Bonesmasher in Heart of Fear
480Icebound CloakAhune in The Slave PensIce Chest (The Slave Pens)
483Cloak of Raining BladesWind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of Fear
483Daybreak DrapeCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
489Cloak of the Dark Disciple1250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489Yi’s Cloak of Courage1250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Amaranthine Cloakcreated by Create Cloak
496Cliffbreaker Drapecreated by Create Cloak
496Cloak of Raining BladesWind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of Fear
496Cloak of the Immortal Guardian1250 Justice Points from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496Cloak of the Immortal Guardian1250 Justice Points from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496Daybreak DrapeCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496Elder Tortoiseshell Drapecreated by Create Cloak
496Kiln-Stoker Cloakcreated by Create Cloak
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloak of ProwessNalakUnclaimed Black Market Container
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Warmsun Cloakcreated by Create Cloak
502Beakbreaker GreatcloakTortos in Throne of Thunder
502Horn-Rimmed DoomcloakHorridon in Throne of Thunder
502Reinforced Mirror-Sheen CloakDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
509Cloak of Raining BladesWind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
509Daybreak DrapeCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Unclaimed Black Market Container
516Doubtcrusher DrapeHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Heartlander’s CloakHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Mist Splitter’s CloakHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Sha-Seeker CloakHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion DrapeHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Beakbreaker GreatcloakTortos in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Cloak of ProwessChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Cloak of ProwessChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory(A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Horn-Rimmed DoomcloakHorridon in Throne of Thunder
522Many-Layered Scalecloak825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Reinforced Mirror-Sheen CloakDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
522Spikeshard Greatcloak825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528Beakbreaker GreatcloakTortos in Throne of Thunder
528Drape of the Despairing PitAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Gloomwrap GreatcloakRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Horn-Rimmed DoomcloakHorridon in Throne of Thunder
528Reinforced Mirror-Sheen CloakDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
528Turtleshell GreatcloakCoalesced TurmoilTwisted Treasures of the Vale, and Celestial Treasure Box
535Amaranthine Cloakcreated by Create Cloak
535Beakbreaker GreatcloakTortos in Throne of Thunder
535Cliffbreaker Drapecreated by Create Cloak
535Elder Tortoiseshell Drapecreated by Create Cloak
535Horn-Rimmed DoomcloakHorridon in Throne of Thunder
535Kiln-Stoker Cloakcreated by Create Cloak
535Reinforced Mirror-Sheen CloakDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
535Warmsun Cloakcreated by Create Cloak
540Drape of the Despairing PitAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Gloomwrap GreatcloakRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Turtleshell GreatcloakCaptive Cave Bat in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron Warshaman in Siege of OrgrimmarVanityin Siege of Orgrimmar…, Coalesced TurmoilTwisted Treasures of the Vale, and Flame-Scarred Cache of Offerings
541Beakbreaker GreatcloakTortos in Throne of Thunder
541Horn-Rimmed DoomcloakHorridon in Throne of Thunder
541Reinforced Mirror-Sheen CloakDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541White Snow SkycloakCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
553Drape of the Despairing PitAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Gloomwrap GreatcloakRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Turtleshell GreatcloakStarved Yeti in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’thik Honor Guard in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron War Wolf in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Drape of the Despairing PitAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Gloomwrap GreatcloakSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Drape of the Despairing PitAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Gloomwrap GreatcloakRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Turtleshell GreatcloakTurtleshell Greatcloak Icon Turtleshell Greatcloak and 1 Echoes of War Icon Echoes of War from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
572Drape of the Despairing PitAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Gloomwrap GreatcloakSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
600Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuencreated by Cloak Transformation Spell 02 and Essence of Wrathion
600Oxhoof Greatcloak10000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled StairAlliance/Horde Icon Cloak of Virtue
600Oxhorn Bladebreaker10000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled StairAlliance/Horde Icon Cloak of Virtue
600Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzaocreated by Cloak Transformation Spell 06 and Essence of Wrathion
600Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzaocreated by Cloak Transformation Spell 01 and Essence of Wrathion
600Tigerclaw Cape10000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled StairAlliance/Horde Icon Cloak of Virtue

2.5. Chest

450Bladesnap BreastplateGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Contender’s Revenant Breastplatecreated by Contender’s Revenant Breastplate (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged BreastplateGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Breastplatecreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Breastplate (requires Blacksmithing 575)
458Chestplate of the Stone Lion565 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
463Breastplate of Wracking SoulsInstructor Chillheart in Scholomance and Instructor Chillheart’s Phylactery in Scholomance
463Canine Commander’s BreastplateHoundmaster Braun in Scarlet Halls
463Hateshatter ChestplateTaran Zhu’s Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery)
476Boblet’s Bouncing HauberkInstructor Tak’thok in Heart of FearInstructor Zarik in Heart of FearRotting Scavenger in Throne of Thunder
476Breastplate of Ancient Steelcreated by Breastplate of Ancient Steel (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Breastplate of the Kings’ GuardZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Chestguard of Eternal VigilanceQin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Ghost Reaver’s Breastplatecreated by Ghost Reaver’s Breastplate (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Lightning Rod BreastplateGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Yaungolian BreastplateGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Chestguard of Resounding RingsChest of the Shadowy Protector Icon Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483Cuirass of the Animated ProtectorLei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring
489Breastplate of the Kings’ GuardMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
489Chestguard of Eternal VigilanceJan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489Cuirass of the Twin Monoliths2250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496Chestguard of Resounding RingsChest of the Shadowy Protector Icon Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Cliffbreaker Breastplatecreated by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache
496Cuirass of the Animated ProtectorLei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringBox of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496Elder Tortoiseshell Breastplatecreated by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Breastplatecreated by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache
496Ornate Battleplate of the Mastercreated by Ornate Battleplate of the Master (requires Blacksmithing 600)
496Ravaging Warrior’s ChestplateGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Unyielding Bloodplatecreated by Unyielding Bloodplate (requires Blacksmithing 600)
502Breastplate of the Kings’ GuardMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
502Chestguard of Eternal VigilanceJan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
502Chestguard of the Last MoguChest of the Crackling Protector Icon Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502Chestplate of Violent DetonationJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
502Overloaded Bladebreaker CuirassSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
502Rot-Proof GreatplateFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder
509Chestguard of Resounding RingsChest of the Shadowy Protector Icon Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509Cuirass of the Animated ProtectorLei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringBox of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring)
516Doubtcrusher BreastplateHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar BreastplateHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion BreastplateHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Breastplate of Brutal Strikes1485 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Breastplate of the IguanocolossusOondasta
522Chestguard of the Last MoguChest of the Crackling Protector Icon Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Chestplate of Violent DetonationJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Chestpiece2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Overloaded Bladebreaker CuirassSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
522Rot-Proof GreatplateFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
528Breastplate of Shamanic MirrorsWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Chestguard of the Prehistoric MarauderChest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528Chestplate of Violent DetonationJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
528Earthbreaker’s Steaming ChestplateIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Icy Blood ChestplateThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Overloaded Bladebreaker CuirassHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
528Rot-Proof GreatplateCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
535Chestguard of the Last MoguChest of the Crackling Protector Icon Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
535Chestplate of Violent DetonationJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
535Cliffbreaker Breastplatecreated by Create Chestpiece
535Elder Tortoiseshell Breastplatecreated by Create Chestpiece
535Everbright Breastplatecreated by Create Chestpiece
535Overloaded Bladebreaker CuirassSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
535Rot-Proof GreatplateFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) and Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
540Breastplate of Shamanic MirrorsWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Chestguard of the Prehistoric MarauderChest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540Earthbreaker’s Steaming ChestplateIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Icy Blood ChestplateThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Chestplate of Violent DetonationJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
541Overloaded Bladebreaker CuirassHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
541Planet-Birthed CuirassCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541Rot-Proof GreatplateCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
553Breastplate of Shamanic MirrorsWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Chestguard of the Prehistoric MarauderChest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553Earthbreaker’s Steaming ChestplateIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Icy Blood ChestplateThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Breastplate of Shamanic MirrorsEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Earthbreaker’s Steaming ChestplateIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Hoodrych’s Bloodied ChestplateOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Icy Blood ChestplateThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Omegal’s Crushing CarapaceOrdos in Timeless Isle
566Breastplate of Shamanic MirrorsWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Chestguard of the Prehistoric MarauderChest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566Earthbreaker’s Steaming ChestplateIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Icy Blood ChestplateThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Breastplate of Shamanic MirrorsEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Earthbreaker’s Steaming ChestplateIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.6. Wrists

450Bladesnap VambracesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Contender’s Revenant Bracerscreated by Contender’s Revenant Bracers (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged VambracesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Bracerscreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Bracers (requires Blacksmithing 575)
458Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Armplates of Alacritycreated by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Armplates of Alacrity (requires Blacksmithing 500)
458Serrated Forearm Guards1250 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous(A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
463Bubble-Breaker BracersHoptallus in Stormstout Brewery
463Ri’mok’s Shattered ScaleCommander Ri’mok in Gate of the Setting Sun
476Bracers of Six OxenFeng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Armplates of Alacritycreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Armplates of Alacrity (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Lightning Rod VambracesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Yaungolian VambracesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Bracers of Defiled EarthProtector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
483Serrated Wasp BracersCache of Mogu RichesAmber Encased Treasure PouchDividends of the Everlasting Spring
489Battle Shadow Bracers1250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong SteppesSage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
489Bracers of Six OxenFeng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
496Bracers of Defiled EarthElder Asani in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
496Cliffbreaker Vambracescreated by Create Bracer and Unlock Armor Cache
496Elder Tortoiseshell Vambracescreated by Create Bracer and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Vambracescreated by Create Bracer and Unlock Armor Cache
496Serrated Wasp BracersInstructor Kli’thak in Heart of FearInstructor Maltik in Heart of FearKor’thik Warsinger in Heart of Fear
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Armplates of Alacrity1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Armplates of Alacrity1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
502Armplates of the Vanquished AbominationHorridon in Throne of Thunder
502Bracers of Constant ImplosionJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
502Bracers of Six OxenFeng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
502Caustic Spike BracersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
502Shell-Coated WristplatesTortos in Throne of Thunder
503Bracers of Defiled EarthProtector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
509Bracers of Defiled EarthElder Asani in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringUnclaimed Black Market Container
516Bracers of Defiled EarthElder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
516Doubtcrusher VambracesHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar VambracesHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion VambracesHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Armplates of the Vanquished AbominationHorridon in Throne of Thunder
522Axebinder Wristguards825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Bracers of Constant ImplosionJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
522Caustic Spike BracersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Armplates of AlacrityChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory(A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Armplates of AlacrityChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Shell-Coated WristplatesTortos in Throne of Thunder
528Arcsmasher BracersGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Armplates of the Vanquished AbominationHorridon in Throne of Thunder
528Blood Rage BracersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Bracers of Blind HatredAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Bracers of Constant ImplosionJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
528Bracers of Sordid SleepTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Caustic Spike BracersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
528Shell-Coated WristplatesTortos in Throne of Thunder
535Armplates of the Vanquished AbominationHorridon in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Bracers of Constant ImplosionJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Caustic Spike BracersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Cliffbreaker Vambracescreated by Create Bracer
535Elder Tortoiseshell Vambracescreated by Create Bracer
535Everbright Vambracescreated by Create Bracer
535Shell-Coated WristplatesTortos in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
540Arcsmasher BracersGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Blood Rage BracersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Bracers of Blind HatredAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Bracers of Sordid SleepTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
541Armplates of the Vanquished AbominationHorridon in Throne of Thunder
541Bracers of Constant ImplosionJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
541Caustic Spike BracersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541Shell-Coated WristplatesTortos in Throne of Thunder
553Arcsmasher BracersGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Blood Rage BracersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Bracers of Blind HatredAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Bracers of Sordid SleepTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Arcsmasher BracersGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Blood Rage BracersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Bracers of Blind HatredAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Bracers of Sordid SleepTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Ordosian Cultist’s BracersOrdos in Timeless Isle
566Arcsmasher BracersGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Blood Rage BracersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Bracers of Blind HatredAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Bracers of Sordid SleepTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572Arcsmasher BracersGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Blood Rage BracersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.7. Hands

450Axebreaker GauntletsXin the Weaponmaster in Mogu’shan Palace
450Bladesnap GauntletsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Contender’s Revenant Gauntletscreated by Contender’s Revenant Gauntlets (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Hive Protector’s GauntletsRaigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun
450Jinyu-Forged GauntletsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Gauntletscreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Gauntlets (requires Blacksmithing 575)
463Axebreaker GauntletsXin the Weaponmaster in Mogu’shan Palace
463Gauntlets of Resolute FurySnowdrift’s Possessions (Shado-Pan Monastery)
463Hive Protector’s GauntletsRaigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun
476Gauntlets of Ancient Steelcreated by Gauntlets of Ancient Steel (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Ghost Reaver’s Gauntletscreated by Ghost Reaver’s Gauntlets (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Lightning Rod GauntletsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Yaungolian GauntletsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Grasps of Serpentine MightCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
483Handguards of Resounding RingsGauntlets of the Shadowy Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483Windblade TalonsBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
489Gloves of the Overwhelming Swarm1750 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong SteppesSage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
496Cliffbreaker Gauntletscreated by Create Gloves and Unlock Armor Cache
496Elder Tortoiseshell Gauntletscreated by Create Gloves and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Gauntletscreated by Create Gloves and Unlock Armor Cache
496Gauntlets of Battle Commandcreated by Gauntlets of Battle Command (requires Blacksmithing 600)
496Grasps of Serpentine MightCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496Handguards of Resounding RingsSha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit, 1 Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Windblade TalonsBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
502Artery RippersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
502Egg-Shard GripsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
502Handguards of the Last MoguGauntlets of the Crackling Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
509Grasps of Serpentine MightCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
509Handguards of Resounding RingsGauntlets of the Shadowy Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509Windblade TalonsBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
516Doubtcrusher GauntletsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar GauntletsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion GauntletsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Artery RippersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
522Bloodstained Skullsqueezers1155 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Egg-Shard GripsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Gauntlets1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Handguards of the Last MoguNalak, 1 Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Stoneward Handguards1155 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Vulcanodon GauntletsOondasta
528Artery RippersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
528Calixian BladebreakersSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Corruption-Rotted GauntletsTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Egg-Shard GripsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
528Gauntlets of Discarded TimeTwisted Treasures of the ValeCelestial Treasure Box, and Coalesced Turmoil
528Handguards of the Prehistoric MarauderGauntlets of the Cursed Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moonsand Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528Shockstriker GauntletsRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheartin Siege of Orgrimmar
528Zoid’s Molten GauntletsTwisted Treasures of the ValeCoalesced Turmoil, and Celestial Treasure Box
535Artery RippersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
535Cliffbreaker Gauntletscreated by Create Gloves
535Egg-Shard GripsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
535Elder Tortoiseshell Gauntletscreated by Create Gloves
535Handguards of the Last MoguGauntlets of the Crackling Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
540Calixian BladebreakersSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Corruption-Rotted GauntletsTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
540Gauntlets of Discarded TimeTreasury Guard in Siege of OrgrimmarVanity in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron Assassin in Siege of Orgrimmar…, Coalesced TurmoilFlame-Scarred Cache of Offerings, and Twisted Treasures of the Vale
540Handguards of the Prehistoric MarauderGauntlets of the Cursed Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540Shockstriker GauntletsRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheartin Siege of Orgrimmar
540Zoid’s Molten GauntletsKor’kron Iron Sentinel in Siege of OrgrimmarOverseer Komak in Siege of OrgrimmarTreasury Guard in Siege of Orgrimmar…, Twisted Treasures of the ValeCoalesced Turmoil, and Flame-Scarred Cache of Offerings
541Artery RippersDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541Egg-Shard GripsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
553Calixian BladebreakersSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Corruption-Rotted GauntletsTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553Gauntlets of Discarded TimeKor’kron Den Mother in Siege of OrgrimmarWar Master Kragg in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron Gunner in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Handguards of the Prehistoric MarauderChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1 Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553Shockstriker GauntletsRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheartin Siege of Orgrimmar
553Zoid’s Molten GauntletsGate-Crasher Sav’ah in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron Wild Gun in Siege of OrgrimmarStoreroom Guard in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Calixian BladebreakersSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Corruption-Rotted GauntletsTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Shockstriker GauntletsSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Calixian BladebreakersSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Corruption-Rotted GauntletsTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566Gauntlets of Discarded TimeGauntlets of Discarded Time Icon Gauntlets of Discarded Time and 1 Echoes of War Icon Echoes of War from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566Handguards of the Prehistoric MarauderGauntlets of the Cursed Protector Icon Gauntlets of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Starsand Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566Shockstriker GauntletsRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheartin Siege of Orgrimmar
566Zoid’s Molten GauntletsZoid's Molten Gauntlets Icon Zoid’s Molten Gauntlets and 1 Echoes of War Icon Echoes of War from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
572Corruption-Rotted GauntletsTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572Shockstriker GauntletsSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.8. Waist

450Bladesnap GirdleGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Bladesworn GirdleAlliance/Horde Icon Overthrone (Dread Wastes)
450Coldbite GirdleAlliance/Horde Icon Overthrone (Dread Wastes)
450Contender’s Revenant Beltcreated by Contender’s Revenant Belt (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged GirdleGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Beltcreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Belt (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Unbreakable WaistplateEagle in Isle of ThunderSilver Covenant Jailer in Dalaran and DalaranKor’thik Fleshrenderin Heart of Fear
458Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Girdle of Prowesscreated by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Girdle of Prowess (requires Blacksmithing 500)
463Binding of Broken DreamsSha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463Sparkbreath GirdleGu Cloudstrike in Shado-Pan Monastery
463Waistplate of Imminent ResurrectionCommander Durand in Scarlet Monastery and High Inquisitor Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Girdle of Prowesscreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Girdle of Prowess (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Lightning Rod GirdleGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Star-Stealer WaistguardJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Thunder Caressed Waistguard300Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
476Thunder Caressed Waistguard300Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
476Yaungolian GirdleGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Protector’s Girdle of Endless SpringLei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring), Cache of Mogu RichesDividends of the Everlasting Spring
483Waistplate of Overwhelming AssaultBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
489Klaxxi Lash of the Consumer1750 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489Klaxxi Lash of the Rescinder1750 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489Star-Stealer WaistguardJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
496Cliffbreaker Girdlecreated by Create Belt and Unlock Armor Cache
496Cord of Crazed StrengthGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Elder Tortoiseshell Girdlecreated by Create Belt and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Girdlecreated by Create Belt and Unlock Armor Cache
496Girdle of Crushing Strength1750 Justice Points from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Greatbelt of Livid FuryGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Immovable Waistplate1750 Justice Points from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Kwon’s Crushing Girdle1750 Justice Points from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Protector’s Girdle of Endless SpringLei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring), Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring), and Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Girdle of Prowess1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Girdle of Prowess1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Waistplate of Immobility1750 Justice Points from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Waistplate of Overwhelming AssaultBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
502Abandoned Zandalari BucklebreakerLei Shen’s Burial Trove (…), Stormtouched CacheTreasures of the Thunder King
502Cloudbreaker GreatbeltJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
502Plated Toothbreaker GirdleFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder
502Star-Stealer WaistguardJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
509Protector’s Girdle of Endless SpringLei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring), Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring), and Unclaimed Black Market Container
509Waistplate of Overwhelming AssaultBlade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
516Doubtcrusher GirdleHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar GirdleHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion GirdleHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Abandoned Zandalari BucklebreakerZandalari Spear-Shaper in Throne of ThunderFarraki Sand Conjurer in Throne of ThunderLightning Guardian in Throne of Thunder…, Spoils of the Thunder King
522Cloudbreaker GreatbeltJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Girdle of ProwessChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory(A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Girdle of ProwessChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Girdle1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Plated Toothbreaker GirdleFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522Reinforced Spiritplate Girdle1155 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Swordhook Slingbelt1155 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Voolar’s Bloodied BeltOondasta
528Abandoned Zandalari BucklebreakerEternal Guardian in Throne of ThunderRitual Guard in Throne of ThunderZandalari Prophet in Throne of Thunder
528Ashen Wall GirdleWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Cloudbreaker GreatbeltJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
528Demolisher’s Reinforced BeltIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Plated Toothbreaker GirdleCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
528Untarnishable GreatbeltSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Cliffbreaker Girdlecreated by Create Belt
535Cloudbreaker GreatbeltJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Elder Tortoiseshell Girdlecreated by Create Belt
535Everbright Girdlecreated by Create Belt
535Plated Toothbreaker GirdleFlaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) and Unclaimed Black Market Container
540Ashen Wall GirdleWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Demolisher’s Reinforced BeltIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Untarnishable GreatbeltSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Cloudbreaker GreatbeltJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
541Cracklesnap ClaspCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541Flare-Forged GreatbeltCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541Plated Toothbreaker GirdleCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
553Ashen Wall GirdleWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Demolisher’s Reinforced BeltIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Protector’s Trillium Waistguardcreated by Protector’s Trillium Waistguard (requires Blacksmithing 605)
553Untarnishable GreatbeltSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of OrgrimmarUnlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Ashen Wall GirdleEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Demolisher’s Reinforced BeltIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Greatbelt of the CrendorOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Untarnishable GreatbeltUnlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566Ashen Wall GirdleWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Demolisher’s Reinforced BeltIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Untarnishable GreatbeltSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Ashen Wall GirdleEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Demolisher’s Reinforced BeltIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.9. Legs

450Bladesnap LegplatesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Contender’s Revenant Legplatescreated by Contender’s Revenant Legplates (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged LegplatesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Legplatescreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Legplates (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Sap-Encrusted LegplatesVizier Jin’bak in Siege of Niuzao Temple
458Leggings of Ponderous Advance565 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong SteppesSage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
463Sap-Encrusted LegplatesVizier Jin’bak in Siege of Niuzao Temple
476Lightning Rod LegplatesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Yaungolian LegplatesGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Articulated LegplatesImperial Vizier Zor’lok in Heart of Fear
483Legguards of Resounding RingsLeggings of the Shadowy Protector Icon Leggings of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483Legplates of Regal ReinforcementGrand Empress Shek’zeer in Heart of Fear
489Kovok’s Riven Legguards2250 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489Legguards of the Unscathed2250 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Articulated LegplatesImperial Vizier Zor’lok in Heart of Fear
496Cliffbreaker Legplatescreated by Create Leggings and Unlock Armor Cache
496Elder Tortoiseshell Legplatescreated by Create Leggings and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Legplatescreated by Create Leggings and Unlock Armor Cache
496Legguards of Resounding RingsSha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit, 1 Leggings of the Shadowy Protector Icon Leggings of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496Legplates of Regal ReinforcementGrand Empress Shek’zeer in Heart of Fear
502Black Blood LegplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
502Bloodlord’s Bloodsoaked LegplatesHorridon in Throne of Thunder
502Legguards of the Last MoguLeggings of the Crackling Protector Icon Leggings of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502Legplates of Whipping IonizationLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
509Articulated LegplatesImperial Vizier Zor’lok in Heart of Fear
509Legguards of Resounding RingsLeggings of the Shadowy Protector Icon Leggings of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509Legplates of Regal ReinforcementGrand Empress Shek’zeer in Heart of Fear
516Doubtcrusher LegplatesHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar LegplatesHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion LegplatesHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Black Blood LegplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
522Bloodlord’s Bloodsoaked LegplatesHorridon in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Legguards2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Legguards of the Last MoguNalak, 1 Leggings of the Crackling Protector Icon Leggings of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522Legplates of Whipping IonizationLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
522Thunderbreaker Legplates1485 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528Black Blood LegplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
528Bloodlord’s Bloodsoaked LegplatesHorridon in Throne of Thunder
528Legguards of the Prehistoric MarauderLeggings of the Cursed Protector Icon Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528Legplates of Unthinking StrifeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Legplates of Whipping IonizationLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
528Legplates of Willful DoomMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Black Blood LegplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
535Bloodlord’s Bloodsoaked LegplatesHorridon in Throne of Thunder
535Cliffbreaker Legplatescreated by Create Leggings
535Elder Tortoiseshell Legplatescreated by Create Leggings
535Everbright Legplatescreated by Create Leggings
535Legguards of the Last MoguLeggings of the Crackling Protector Icon Leggings of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
535Legplates of Whipping IonizationLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
540Legguards of the Prehistoric MarauderLeggings of the Cursed Protector Icon Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540Legplates of Unthinking StrifeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Legplates of Willful DoomMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Archaic Protector’s LegguardsCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541Black Blood LegplatesPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
541Bloodlord’s Bloodsoaked LegplatesHorridon in Throne of Thunder
541Legplates of Lightning BloodCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541Legplates of Whipping IonizationLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
553Avenger’s Trillium Legplatescreated by Avenger’s Trillium Legplates (requires Blacksmithing 605)
553Legguards of the Prehistoric MarauderChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1 Leggings of the Cursed Protector Icon Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553Legplates of Unthinking StrifeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Legplates of Willful DoomMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Protector’s Trillium Legguardscreated by Protector’s Trillium Legguards (requires Blacksmithing 605)
559Legplates of Unthinking StrifeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Legplates of Willful DoomMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Magmaplates of Jian Wu Xi FengOrdos in Timeless Isle
559Partik’s Purified LegplatesOrdos in Timeless Isle
566Legguards of the Prehistoric MarauderLeggings of the Cursed Protector Icon Leggings of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566Legplates of Unthinking StrifeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Legplates of Willful DoomMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Legplates of Willful DoomMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.10. Feet

450Bladesnap SabatonsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Bladesworn WarbootsAlliance/Horde Icon Fires and Fears of Old (Dread Wastes)
450Contender’s Revenant Bootscreated by Contender’s Revenant Boots (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450Jinyu-Forged SabatonsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Masterwork Spiritguard Bootscreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Boots (requires Blacksmithing 575)
458Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Warboots of Crueltycreated by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Warboots of Cruelty (requires Blacksmithing 500)
463Spike-Soled StompersSha of Violence in Shado-Pan Monastery
463Stonestep BootsLorewalker Stonestep in Temple of the Jade SerpentZao Sunseeker in Temple of the Jade Serpent, and Strife in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463Wraithplate TreadsJandice Barov in Scholomance
476Angerforged StompersAlliance/Horde Icon Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Warboots of Crueltycreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Warboots of Cruelty (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Jasper ClawfeetJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Lightning Rod SabatonsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Mindfire SolleretsAlliance/Horde Icon Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
476Sollerets of Spirit SplittingGara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Yaungolian SabatonsGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483Deepwater GreatbootsProtector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
489Jasper ClawfeetJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489Sollerets of Spirit SplittingGara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489Yu’lon Guardian Boots1750 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong SteppesSage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
496Cliffbreaker Sabatonscreated by Create Boots and Unlock Armor Cache
496Deepwater GreatbootsElder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
496Elder Tortoiseshell Sabatonscreated by Create Boots and Unlock Armor Cache
496Everbright Sabatonscreated by Create Boots and Unlock Armor Cache
496Groundbreaker Sabatons1750 Justice Points from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Sabatons of the Sullied Shore1750 Justice Points from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Silverspur WarbootsGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Warboots of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Warboots of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
502Columnbreaker StompersLei Shen’s Burial Trove (…), Treasures of the Thunder KingStormtouched Cache
502Jasper ClawfeetJasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
502Sabatons of the HumbleAlliance/Horde Icon Path of the Last Emperor
502Sollerets of Spirit SplittingGara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
502Subservient GreatbootsAlliance/Horde Icon Path of the Last Emperor
502Treads of the Blind EyeDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
503Deepwater GreatbootsProtector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
509Deepwater GreatbootsElder Asani in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringUnclaimed Black Market Container
516Deepwater GreatbootsElder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
516Doubtcrusher SabatonsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Lightning Pillar SabatonsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion SabatonsHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Columnbreaker StompersThunder Lord in Throne of ThunderZandalari Warlord in Throne of ThunderSkittering Spiderling in Throne of Thunder…, Spoils of the Thunder King
522Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Warboots1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Warboots of CrueltyChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Warboots of CrueltyChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory(A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Haunted Steel Treadscreated by Haunted Steel Treads (requires Blacksmithing 500)
522Haunted Steel Warbootscreated by Haunted Steel Warboots (requires Blacksmithing 500)
522Treads of the Blind EyeDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
528Columnbreaker StompersManchu in Throne of ThunderBow Fly Swarm in Throne of ThunderTormented Spirit in Throne of Thunder
528Malkorok’s Giant StompersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Ominous Mogu GreatbootsSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Treads of Unchained HateTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Treads of the Blind EyeDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
535Cliffbreaker Sabatonscreated by Create Boots
535Elder Tortoiseshell Sabatonscreated by Create Boots
535Everbright Sabatonscreated by Create Boots
535Treads of the Blind EyeDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
540Malkorok’s Giant StompersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Ominous Mogu GreatbootsSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Treads of Unchained HateTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
541Lightning-Walker ClawfeetCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541Treads of the Blind EyeDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
553Malkorok’s Giant StompersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Ominous Mogu GreatbootsSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of OrgrimmarUnlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553Treads of Unchained HateTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Malkorok’s Giant StompersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Ominous Mogu GreatbootsUnlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Treads of Unchained HateTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566Malkorok’s Giant StompersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Ominous Mogu GreatbootsSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Treads of Unchained HateTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572Malkorok’s Giant StompersMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Treads of Unchained HateTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)

2.11. Ring

450Bladesnap SealGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Bubblebrew SignetGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Heart of the Earthcreated by Heart of the Earth (requires Jewelcrafting 575)
450Lavasoul RingGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450Stormcrier RingGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
458Thunderstone Ring1250 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
463Crystallized DropletWise Mari in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463Firefinger RingBrother Korloff in Scarlet Monastery and Scarlet Fanatic in Scarlet Monastery
463Lime-Rimmed SignetYan-Zhu the Uncasked in Stormstout Brewery
476Band of Bursting NovasCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
476Brewcarrier RingGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Brewfather SignetGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Firebinder RingGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Jan-Ho’s Unwavering SealCrimsonscale Firestorm in Timeless IsleInstructor Maltik in Heart of FearBloodhilt Raider in Krasarang Wilds
476Lightning Rod SealGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476The Brassiest Knuckle5000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Quackenbush (A/H) in Deeprun Tram
476The Brassiest Knuckle5000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Paul North (A/H)
483Ring of the Shattered ShellGaralon in Heart of Fear
483Vizier’s Ruby SignetImperial Vizier Zor’lok in Heart of Fear
489Alani’s Inflexible Ring1250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489Band of Bursting NovasCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
489Seal of the UnscathedAlliance/Horde Icon Shadow of the Empire (Dread Wastes)
496Amaranthine Signetcreated by Create Ring
496Ancient Overlord’s Onyx Band1250 Justice Points from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496Ancient Overlord’s Onyx Band1250 Justice Points from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496Circle of Scaled FuryGalleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496Cliffbreaker Sealcreated by Create Ring
496Dominator’s Seal1250 Justice Points from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Elder Tortoiseshell Sealcreated by Create Ring
496Kiln-Stoker Ringcreated by Create Ring
496Refurbished Seal of Jin1250 Justice Points from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496Refurbished Seal of Jin1250 Justice Points from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496Ring of the Shattered ShellGaralon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
496Seal of the Shieldwall1250 Justice Points from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Signet of Accuracy1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Signet of Accuracy1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Signet of AccuracyNalakUnclaimed Black Market Container
496Vizier’s Ruby SignetImperial Vizier Zor’lok in Heart of Fear
496Warmsun Ringcreated by Create Ring
502Band of Bursting NovasCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
502Durumu’s Severed TentacleDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
502Jin’rokh’s SoulcrystalJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
509Ring of the Shattered ShellGaralon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
509Vizier’s Ruby SignetImperial Vizier Zor’lok in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
516Doubtcrusher SealHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Heartlander’s SignetHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Mist Splitter’s RingHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Sha-Seeker RingHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Thunder Bastion SealHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Achillobator RingOondasta
522Durumu’s Severed TentacleDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Signet of AccuracyChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory(A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Signet of AccuracyChi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Jin’rokh’s SoulcrystalJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
522Loop of the Shado-Pan Assault825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528Bloodclaw BandWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Devilfang BandThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Durumu’s Severed TentacleDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
528Galakrond Control BandGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Jin’rokh’s SoulcrystalJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
528Ring of the Iron TombWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Amaranthine Signetcreated by Create Ring
535Cliffbreaker Sealcreated by Create Ring
535Durumu’s Severed TentacleDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Elder Tortoiseshell Sealcreated by Create Ring
535Jin’rokh’s SoulcrystalJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535Kiln-Stoker Ringcreated by Create Ring
535Warmsun Ringcreated by Create Ring
540Bloodclaw BandWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Devilfang BandThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Galakrond Control BandGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Ring of the Iron TombWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Durumu’s Severed TentacleDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541Jin’rokh’s SoulcrystalJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
541Ra-den’s Contemplative LoopCache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
553Bloodclaw BandWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Devilfang BandThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Galakrond Control BandGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Ring of the Iron TombWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Bloodclaw BandEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Devilfang BandThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Galakrond Control BandGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Ring of the Iron TombEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Bloodclaw BandWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Devilfang BandThok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Galakrond Control BandGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Ring of the Iron TombWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Bloodclaw BandEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Galakrond Control BandGalakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Ring of the Iron TombEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.12. Trinket

450Ghost Iron Dragonlingcreated by Ghost Iron Dragonling (requires Engineering 550)
450Iron Protector TalismanAncient Mogu Treasure (Mogu’shan Palace) and Ancient Mogu Treasure (Mogu’shan Palace)
450Swarmkeeper’s MedallionSwarmkeeper’s Medallion (Dread Wastes)
458Dominator’s Durable Badge440 Justice Points from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
458Durable Badge of the Shieldwall440 Justice Points from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
458Mogu Rune of Paralysis440 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
458Shado-Pan Dragon Gun440 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox(A/H) in Townlong Steppes
463Heart of FireSnowdrift’s Possessions (Shado-Pan Monastery)
463Iron Protector TalismanAncient Mogu Treasure (Mogu’shan Palace)
463Quilen Statuettecreated by Quilen Statuette (requires Archeology )
470Bitterest Balebrew CharmCoren Direbrew in Blackrock Depths
470Brawler’s StatueCoren Direbrew in Blackrock Depths
470Bubbliest Brightbrew CharmCoren Direbrew in Blackrock Depths
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Medallion of Tenacitycreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Medallion of Tenacity (requires Inscription 600)
476Jade Warlord FigurineDividends of the Everlasting SpringCache of Mogu RichesAmber Encased Treasure Pouch
476Relic of NiuzaoAlliance/Horde Icon Darkmoon Ox Deck (Darkmoon Faire)
476Vial of Dragon’s BloodCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
483Stuff of NightmaresCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
489Jade Warlord FigurineMogu’shan Secret-Keeper in Mogu’shan VaultsEnslaved Bonesmasher in Heart of FearEnormous Stone Quilen in Mogu’shan Vaults
489Lao-Chin’s Liquid Courage1750 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox(A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489Vial of Dragon’s BloodCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
496Captain Zvezdan’s Lost LegRattleskew in Timeless Isle
496Golden MossRock Moss in Timeless Isle
496Medallion of Mystifying Vapors1750 Justice Points from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
496Ordon Death ChimeFlintlord Gairan in Timeless Isle
496Pouch of White Ash20 Bloody Coins from Speaker Gulan (A/H) in Timeless Isle
496Resolve of Niuzaocreated by Create Curio
496Stuff of NightmaresCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496Time-Lost Artifact7500 Timeless Coins from Mistweaver Ku (A/H) in Timeless Isle
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Emblem of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Emblem of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Emblem of Tenacity1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Emblem of Tenacity1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Medallion of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Medallion of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Medallion of Tenacity1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496Tyrannical Gladiator’s Medallion of Tenacity1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496Vaporshield Medallion1750 Justice Points from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
502Delicate Vial of the SanguinaireDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
502Fortitude of the ZandalariSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
502Ji-Kun’s Rising WindsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
502Soul BarrierLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
502Vial of Dragon’s BloodCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
509Stuff of NightmaresCache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
522Delicate Vial of the SanguinaireDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
522Fortitude of the ZandalariSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Emblem of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Emblem of Cruelty1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Emblem of Tenacity1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Emblem of Tenacity1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Medallion of Cruelty1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Medallion of Cruelty1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Medallion of Tenacity1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Medallion of Tenacity1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Ji-Kun’s Rising WindsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
522Soul BarrierLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
522Steadfast Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault1155 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers(A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528Curse of HubrisGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Delicate Vial of the SanguinaireDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
528Fortitude of the ZandalariHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
528Ji-Kun’s Rising WindsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
528Juggernaut’s Focusing CrystalIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Rook’s Unlucky TalismanRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Soul BarrierLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
528Vial of Living CorruptionMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Delicate Vial of the SanguinaireDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
535Fortitude of the ZandalariSul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
535Ji-Kun’s Rising WindsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
535Resolve of Niuzao50000 Timeless Coins from Mistweaver Ai (A/H) in Timeless Isle
535Soul BarrierLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
540Curse of HubrisGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Juggernaut’s Focusing CrystalIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Rook’s Unlucky TalismanRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Vial of Living CorruptionMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Delicate Vial of the SanguinaireDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
541Fortitude of the ZandalariHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
541Ji-Kun’s Rising WindsJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder
541Soul BarrierLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
553Curse of HubrisGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Juggernaut’s Focusing CrystalIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Rook’s Unlucky TalismanRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Vial of Living CorruptionMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Curse of HubrisGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Juggernaut’s Focusing CrystalIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Rook’s Unlucky TalismanSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Vial of Living CorruptionMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Curse of HubrisGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Juggernaut’s Focusing CrystalIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Rook’s Unlucky TalismanRook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Vial of Living CorruptionMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Juggernaut’s Focusing CrystalIron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Rook’s Unlucky TalismanSun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Vial of Living CorruptionMalkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.13. Main-Hand Weapon

450Blade of the PrimeBlade of the Prime (Dread Wastes)
450Maki’s Mashing MaceAlliance Icon The Arena of Annihilation (Kun-Lai Summit)
463Amber Espada of Klaxxi’vess170Gold 90Silver 16Copper from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes
463Mantid Sky Reavercreated by Mantid Sky Reaver (requires Archeology )
463Masterwork Phantasmal Hammercreated by Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer (requires Blacksmithing 575)
463Ook’s Hozen SlicerOok-Ook in Stormstout Brewery
463Scavenged Pandaren AxeGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
463Scavenged Pandaren AxeGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
463Scavenged Pandaren MaceGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
463Scavenged Pandaren MaceGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
463Scavenged Pandaren ScepterGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
463Scavenged Pandaren SwordGreater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476Elegion, the Fanged CrescentCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
476Inelava, Spirit of InebriationYan-Zhu the Uncasked in Stormstout Brewery
476Pandaren Peace Offering10000 Timeless Coins from Mistweaver Ai (A/H) in Timeless Isle
483Kilrak, Jaws of TerrorSha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring
483Scimitar of Seven StarsAmber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
489Elegion, the Fanged CrescentCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
496Kilrak, Jaws of TerrorSha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring
496Scimitar of Seven StarsAmber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Bonecracker1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Bonecracker1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Hacker1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Hacker1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Slicer1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Slicer1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
502Acid-Spine BonemacePrimordius in Throne of Thunder
502Do-tharak, the SwordbreakerTortos in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
502Elegion, the Fanged CrescentCache of Pure Energy (Mogu’shan Vaults)
502Qon’s Flaming ScimitarIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
509Kilrak, Jaws of TerrorSha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring
509Scimitar of Seven StarsAmber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
516Immaculate Pandaren AxeHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren AxeHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren AxeHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren MaceHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren MaceHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren ScepterHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren SwordHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren SwordHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren SwordHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Acid-Spine BonemacePrimordius in Throne of Thunder
522Do-tharak, the SwordbreakerHorridon in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgottenin Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Bonecracker1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Bonecracker1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Bonecracker1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Cleaver1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Gavel2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Hacker1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Hacker1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Hacker1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Mageblade2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Pummeler1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Quickblade1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Slicer1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Slicer1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Slicer1750 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Qon’s Flaming ScimitarIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
528Acid-Spine BonemacePrimordius in Throne of Thunder
528Do-tharak, the SwordbreakerTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
528Encapsulated Essence of ImmerseusTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Haromm’s Frozen CrescentWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Qon’s Flaming ScimitarIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
528Siegecrafter’s Forge HammerSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic GuardianAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
535Acid-Spine BonemacePrimordius in Throne of Thunder
535Do-tharak, the SwordbreakerTortos in Throne of ThunderSuen in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of Thunder
535Qon’s Flaming ScimitarIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
540Encapsulated Essence of ImmerseusTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
540Haromm’s Frozen CrescentWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Siegecrafter’s Forge HammerSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic GuardianAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
541Acid-Spine BonemacePrimordius in Throne of Thunder
541Do-tharak, the SwordbreakerTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
541Qon’s Flaming ScimitarIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
548Hellscream’s DoombladeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Encapsulated Essence of ImmerseusTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553Haromm’s Frozen CrescentWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Siegecrafter’s Forge HammerSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic GuardianAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Encapsulated Essence of ImmerseusTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Haromm’s Frozen CrescentEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Siegecrafter’s Forge HammerSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic GuardianAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
561Hellscream’s DoombladeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Encapsulated Essence of ImmerseusTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566Haromm’s Frozen CrescentWavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Siegecrafter’s Forge HammerSiegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic GuardianAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Encapsulated Essence of ImmerseusTears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572Haromm’s Frozen CrescentEarthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
572Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic GuardianAmalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
574Hellscream’s DoombladeGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.14. Shield

463Impervious CarapaceRaigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun
463Masterwork Spiritguard Shieldcreated by Masterwork Spiritguard Shield (requires Blacksmithing 575)
463Shield of Blind HateTaran Zhu’s Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery)
476Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Shield Wallcreated by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Shield Wall (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476Daylight Protectorate10000 Timeless Coins from Mistweaver Ai (A/H) in Timeless Isle
476Steelskin, Qiang’s Impervious ShieldZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
476Sutiru’s Brazen BulwarkDark Cleric Laresa in Krasarang WildsWeisheng in Throne of ThunderSquad Leader Boshin Assault on Zan’vess
489Steelskin, Qiang’s Impervious ShieldMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Shield Wall1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
498Tyrannical Gladiator’s Shield Wall1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
502Greatshield of the GloamingPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
502Steelskin, Qiang’s Impervious ShieldMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
502Ultimate Protection of the EmperorLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
502Visage of the DoomedTortos in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
516Immaculate Pandaren ProtectorHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516Immaculate Pandaren ShieldHeroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522Greatshield of the GloamingPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
522Grievous Gladiator’s Barrier1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Redoubt1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Shield Wall1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522Grievous Gladiator’s Shield Wall1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Grievous Gladiator’s Shield Wall1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Hordefrom Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522Ultimate Protection of the EmperorLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
522Visage of the DoomedIron Qon in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder…, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
528Ancient Mogu Tower ShieldSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Bulwark of the Fallen GeneralGeneral Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar
528Greatshield of the GloamingPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
528Shield of MockeryVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528Ultimate Protection of the EmperorLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
528Visage of the DoomedTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
535Greatshield of the GloamingPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
535Ultimate Protection of the EmperorLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
535Visage of the DoomedHorridon in Throne of ThunderTortos in Throne of ThunderSuen in Throne of Thunder
540Ancient Mogu Tower ShieldSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Bulwark of the Fallen GeneralGeneral Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar
540Shield of MockeryVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
541Greatshield of the GloamingPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
541Ultimate Protection of the EmperorLei Shen in Throne of Thunder
548Hellscream’s Shield WallGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Ancient Mogu Tower ShieldSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of OrgrimmarUnlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553Bulwark of the Fallen GeneralGeneral Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar
553Shield of MockeryVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Ancient Mogu Tower ShieldUnlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Unlocked Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559Bulwark of the Fallen GeneralGeneral Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar
559Shield of MockeryVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
561Hellscream’s Shield WallGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Ancient Mogu Tower ShieldSecured Stockpile of Pandaren Spoils in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Bulwark of the Fallen GeneralGeneral Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar
566Shield of MockeryVault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar), Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572Bulwark of the Fallen GeneralGeneral Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar
574Hellscream’s Shield WallGarrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar

3. Loot Competition

Regarding the loot you will get from raid or dungeon bosses, you willcompete with other classes in the following cases:

Item TypeCompeting Classes
Tier TokensHunters, Monks, Shamans, and Arms/Fury Warriors
Plate ArmorAmuletsCloaksRingsAlways: Blood Death Knights and Protection PaladinsItems with Mastery Rating*: Frost/Unholy Death Knights, Retribution Paladins, and Arms/Fury Warriors
TrinketsBlood Death Knights, Guardian Druids, Brewmaster Monks, and Protection Paladins
One-Handed WeaponsAlways: Protection PaladinsItems with Mastery Rating*: Frost Death Knights and Fury Warriors
ShieldsProtection Paladins

* Keep in mind that, pieces of gear without tanking statistics may be thebest choice for tanks. This is the case of many Strength items with MasteryRating.

4. Changelog

  • 16 Oct. 2013: Added BiS advice.
  • 15 Jul. 2013: Added item level 600 cloaks.
  • 17 Apr. 2013: Added 5.2 BiS list.
  • 03 Apr. 2013: Added items from last bosses in Throne of Thunder (including Ra-den).
Protection Warrior Art Image
General Information

This page is a gearing up guide for Protection Warriors. It is updatedfor World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. It first presents the best in slot itemsbefore listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346,that you can acquire in the game. We also explain how you will be competingfor loot with other classes.

The other pages of our Protection Warrior guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

1. Best in Slot Advice

With the advent of Thunderforged and Warforged weapons, BiS lists are muchless valuable a resource than before, because we would be advising a list of itemsthat not even the best players would have a chance to complete. Instead, we nowgive you advice for choosing your trinkets, your set bonuses, and whatever elseis important for your class.

As a Protection Warrior, most performance enhancing upgrades “per slot” will be your Shield and Trinkets.The shield itself offers the biggest source of armor on your gear and will present a pretty significantupgrade even if its stats are not the ones you prioratise.

  • For your shield, choose Shield of Mockery Icon Shield of Mockery if you are gearing for Avoidance orBulwark of the Fallen General Icon Bulwark of the Fallen General if you are gearing for Critical Strike. Even if the statson your shield do not suit your gearing strategy, upgrading the shield based on item levelwill always be a good choice.
  • For your trinkets, we offer you the following advice.
    • Vial of Living Corruption Icon Vial of Living Corruption is the best trinket you can currently have.It increases the cooldown recovery rate from 16% (Raid Finder version) up to 25% (HeroicWarforged 2/2 upgraded version) on your 6 major abilities. In your case, it willallow you to use Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing ShoutHeroic Leap Icon Heroic LeapLast Stand Icon Last StandMocking Banner Icon Mocking Banner,Recklessness Icon Recklessness and Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall more often.
    • Curse of Hubris Icon Curse of Hubris is your general second choice. It will give you additional critical strike on use, which will increase your damage and your rage regeneration for the duration of the effect.
    • As an alternative, Rook's Unlucky Talisman Icon Rook’s Unlucky Talisman is a great choice in situations where you will encounter various sources of AoE damage.
    • Trinkets are your biggest source of stamina, but should you consider having enough health and wish to focus more towards damage output, Thok's Tail Tip Icon Thok’s Tail Tip will give you a percentage-based increase to Critical Strike, damage and Mastery. Keep in mind, though, that equipping this trinket for its Mastery bonus alone is not worth it (compared to what the other trinkets offer).
  • Apart from certain trinkets, your Main-Hand weapon, will be the biggestincrease to your DPS. You should make your choice based on the weapons that dropfor you and their item level. Most strength-based one-handed weapons will do the job.
  • Your Tier 15 set bonuses were not very good, so you should drop them as soonas you get gear with better item level.
  • The Tier 16 2-piece bonusis decent in theory, although you will notice that the effective healing received from it is not significant.
  • The Tier 16 4-piece bonuswill give you extra rage once Demoralizing Shout expires, however its potential is unfortunately random —n certain situations it will overcap your rage, while in others it will leave you dry.
  • Should you focus in gearing towards Best in Slot, you will eventually drop your set bonuses so thatyou can equip Warforged alternatives in respective slots.
  • If you are gearing for Critical Strike, then the best off-set piece is the Legs item.
  • If you are gearing for Avoidance, then you can choose your off-set piece from amongst:Chest, Hands, or Shoulders. 

2. Gearing Up

When gearing up, we advise you to always prioritise pieces of Tier sets over non-set pieces of higher item level.

In each table, the items are ranked by item level and then alphabetically.

2.1. Head

Level Item Source(s)
450 Bladesnap Helm Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Contender’s Revenant Helm created by Contender’s Revenant Helm (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450 Jinyu-Forged Helm Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Masterwork Spiritguard Helm created by Masterwork Spiritguard Helm (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450 Sightfinder Helm Commander Vo’jak in Siege of Niuzao Temple
458 Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Plate Helm created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Plate Helm (requires Blacksmithing 500)
463 Helm of Rising Flame Brother Korloff in Scarlet Monastery
463 Sightfinder Helm Commander Vo’jak in Siege of Niuzao Temple
476 Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Plate Helm created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Plate Helm (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476 Lightning Rod Helm Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Yaungolian Helm Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483 Faceguard of Resounding Rings Helm of the Shadowy Protector Icon Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483 Garalon’s Hollow Skull Garalon in Heart of Fear
489 Yi’s Least Favorite Helmet 2250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox(A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496 Cliffbreaker Helm created by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Elder Tortoiseshell Helm created by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Everbright Helm created by Create Helm and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Faceguard of Resounding Rings Helm of the Shadowy Protector Icon Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496 Garalon’s Hollow Skull Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
496 Giantfoot Headguard Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Tyrannical Gladiator’s Plate Helm 2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Tyrannical Gladiator’s Plate Helm 2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
502 Doomed Crown of Lei Shen Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder
502 Faceguard of the Last Mogu Helm of the Crackling Protector Icon Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502 Puncture-Proof Greathelm Horridon in Throne of Thunder
509 Faceguard of Resounding Rings Helm of the Shadowy Protector Icon Helm of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509 Garalon’s Hollow Skull Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
516 Doubtcrusher Helm Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Lightning Pillar Helm Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Thunder Bastion Helm Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522 Doomed Crown of Lei Shen Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder
522 Faceguard of the Last Mogu Helm of the Crackling Protector Icon Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Helm 2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Helm 2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Helm 2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 2250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522 Haunted Steel Greathelm created by Haunted Steel Greathelm (requires Blacksmithing 500)
522 Haunted Steel Headguard created by Haunted Steel Headguard (requires Blacksmithing 500)
522 Puncture-Proof Greathelm Horridon in Throne of Thunder
528 Doomed Crown of Lei Shen Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder
528 Faceguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Helm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moonsand Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528 Greathelm of the Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Puncture-Proof Greathelm Horridon in Throne of Thunder
528 Rage-Blind Greathelm Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Thranok’s Shattering Helm Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
535 Cliffbreaker Helm created by Create Helm
535 Doomed Crown of Lei Shen Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder
535 Elder Tortoiseshell Helm created by Create Helm
535 Everbright Helm created by Create Helm
535 Faceguard of the Last Mogu Helm of the Crackling Protector Icon Helm of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
535 Puncture-Proof Greathelm Horridon in Throne of Thunder
540 Faceguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Helm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moonsand Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540 Greathelm of the Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Rage-Blind Greathelm Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Thranok’s Shattering Helm Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
541 Doomed Crown of Lei Shen Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder
553 Faceguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Helm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553 Greathelm of the Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Rage-Blind Greathelm Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Thranok’s Shattering Helm Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Dominik’s Casque of Raging Flame Ordos in Timeless Isle
559 Greathelm of the Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Magdalena’s Murderous Crown Ordos in Timeless Isle
559 Rage-Blind Greathelm Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Thranok’s Shattering Helm Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Faceguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Helm of the Cursed Protector Icon Helm of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Starsand Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566 Greathelm of the Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Rage-Blind Greathelm Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Thranok’s Shattering Helm Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Rage-Blind Greathelm Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Thranok’s Shattering Helm Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.2. Amulet

Level Item Source(s)
450 Bladesnap Neck Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Bubblebrew Necklace Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Lavasoul Collar Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Reflection of the Sea created by Reflection of the Sea (requires Jewelcrafting 575)
450 Stormcrier Choker Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Whirling Dervish Choker Kuai the Brute in Mogu’shan PalaceMing the Cunning in Mogu’shan Palace, and Haiyan the Unstoppable in Mogu’shan PalaceLegacy of the Clan Leaders (Mogu’shan Palace)
450 Widow Chain created by Widow Chain (requires Jewelcrafting 575)
458 Gorget of Usurped Kings 1250 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
463 Armsmaster’s Sealed Locket Armsmaster Harlan in Scarlet Halls
463 Necklace of the Dark Blaze Lilian Voss in ScholomanceCoffer of Forgotten Souls (Scholomance)
463 Whirling Dervish Choker Kuai the Brute in Mogu’shan PalaceMing the Cunning in Mogu’shan Palace, and Haiyan the Unstoppable in Mogu’shan PalaceLegacy of the Clan Leaders (Mogu’shan Palace)
476 Beads of the Mogu’shi Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardianin Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Brewcarrier Choker Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Brewfather Necklace Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Buc-Zakai Memento Aroc Stonebeak in Krasarang WildsLingering Corruption in Siege of OrgrimmarInstructor Tak’thok in Heart of Fear
476 Firebinder Collar Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Lightning Rod Neck Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
480 Shard of Pirouetting Happiness Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep
483 Kaolan’s Withering Necklace Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
483 Necklace of Congealed Weaknesses Garalon in Heart of Fear
489 Beads of the Mogu’shi Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardianin Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Bloodseeker’s Solitaire 1250 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489 Paragon’s Pale Pendant 1250 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496 Amaranthine Necklace created by Create Lavalliere
496 Cliffbreaker Choker created by Create Lavalliere
496 Elder Tortoiseshell Gorget created by Create Lavalliere
496 Kaolan’s Withering Necklace Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
496 Kiln-Stoker Collar created by Create Lavalliere
496 Mushan Rider’s Collar Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Necklace of Congealed Weaknesses Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of Fear
496 Saddlebinder Links Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Warmsun Choker created by Create Lavalliere
502 Beads of the Mogu’shi Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsJade Guardian in Mogu’shan VaultsAmethyst Guardianin Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Hydraskull Choker Flaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Headin Throne of Thunder
502 Moonjade Necklace Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu’lin in Throne of Thunder
502 Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Protector Lei Shen’s Burial Trove (…), Stormtouched CacheTreasures of the Thunder King
502 Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Vanquisher Lei Shen’s Burial Trove (…), Treasures of the Thunder KingStormtouched Cache
502 Talisman of Angry Spirits Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
503 Kaolan’s Withering Necklace Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring
509 Kaolan’s Withering Necklace Elder Asani in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Regail in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless SpringUnclaimed Black Market Container
509 Necklace of Congealed Weaknesses Garalon in Heart of Fear and Garalon in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
516 Doubtcrusher Neck Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Heartlander’s Necklace Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Kaolan’s Withering Necklace Elder Regail in Terrace of Endless SpringElder Asani in Terrace of Endless Spring, and Protector Kaolan in Terrace of Endless Spring
516 Mist Splitter’s Choker Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Sha-Seeker Collar Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Thunder Bastion Neck Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522 Hydraskull Choker Flaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Headin Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522 Lootraptor’s Amulet Oondasta
522 Moonjade Necklace Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu’lin in Throne of Thunder
522 Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Protector Weisheng in Throne of ThunderLightning Guardian in Throne of ThunderFarraki Sand Conjurer in Throne of Thunder…, Spoils of the Thunder King
522 Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Vanquisher Monara in Throne of ThunderDrakkari Frost Warden in Throne of ThunderSand Elemental in Throne of Thunder…, Spoils of the Thunder King
522 Striker’s Battletags 825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522 Talisman of Angry Spirits Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
522 Vanguard’s Battletags 825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528 Blackfuse’s Blasting Cord Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Choker of the Final Word Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528 Hydraskull Choker Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
528 Juggernaut’s Ignition Keys Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Malkorok’s Tainted Dog Tags Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Moonjade Necklace Suen in Throne of Thunder
528 Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Protector Bow Fly Swarm in Throne of ThunderZandalari Storm-Caller in Throne of ThunderSand Elemental in Throne of Thunder
528 Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Vanquisher Bore Worm in Throne of ThunderEternal Guardian in Throne of ThunderSand Elemental in Throne of Thunder
528 Talisman of Angry Spirits High Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
535 Amaranthine Necklace created by Create Lavalliere
535 Cliffbreaker Neck created by Create Lavalliere
535 Elder Tortoiseshell Neck created by Create Lavalliere
535 Hydraskull Choker Flaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Headin Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) and Unclaimed Black Market Container
535 Kiln-Stoker Collar created by Create Lavalliere
535 Moonjade Necklace Suen in Throne of Thunder and Lu’lin in Throne of ThunderUnclaimed Black Market Container
535 Talisman of Angry Spirits Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder…, Unclaimed Black Market Container
535 Warmsun Choker created by Create Lavalliere
540 Blackfuse’s Blasting Cord Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Choker of the Final Word Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
540 Juggernaut’s Ignition Keys Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Malkorok’s Tainted Dog Tags Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
541 Hydraskull Choker Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
541 Moonjade Necklace Suen in Throne of Thunder
541 Talisman of Angry Spirits High Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
553 Blackfuse’s Blasting Cord Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Choker of the Final Word Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553 Juggernaut’s Ignition Keys Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Malkorok’s Tainted Dog Tags Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Anafielle’s Spiked Choker Ordos in Timeless Isle
559 Blackfuse’s Blasting Cord Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Bladeforger Necklace Ordos in Timeless Isle
559 Choker of the Final Word Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559 Juggernaut’s Ignition Keys Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Malkorok’s Tainted Dog Tags Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Blackfuse’s Blasting Cord Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Choker of the Final Word Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar), Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566 Juggernaut’s Ignition Keys Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Malkorok’s Tainted Dog Tags Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Blackfuse’s Blasting Cord Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Choker of the Final Word Vault of Forbidden Treasures (Siege of Orgrimmar)
572 Juggernaut’s Ignition Keys Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Malkorok’s Tainted Dog Tags Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar

2.3. Shoulders

Level Item Source(s)
450 Bladesnap Pauldrons Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Bladesworn Shoulders Alliance/Horde Icon The Mariner’s Revenge (Dread Wastes)
450 Contender’s Revenant Shoulders created by Contender’s Revenant Shoulders (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450 Jinyu-Forged Pauldrons Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Masterwork Spiritguard Shoulders created by Masterwork Spiritguard Shoulders (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450 Spaulders of Immovable Stone Wing Leader Ner’onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple
463 Serpentstrike Shoulderpads Liu Flameheart in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463 Spaulders of Immovable Stone Wing Leader Ner’onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple
463 Vigorsteel Spaulders Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance
476 Lightning Rod Pauldrons Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Shoulderguards of the Unflanked Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Spaulders of the Scorned Forgemaster Vul’kon in Isle of ThunderKor’thik Warsinger in Heart of FearZar’thik Augurer in Heart of Fear
476 Yaungolian Pauldrons Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483 Pauldrons of the Broken Blade Blade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
483 Shoulderguards of Resounding Rings Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector Icon Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483 Shoulderpads of Misshapen Life Amber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
489 Shoulderguards of the Unflanked Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Shoulders of Autumnlight 1750 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous(A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496 Cliffbreaker Pauldrons created by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Elder Tortoiseshell Pauldrons created by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Everbright Pauldrons created by Create Shoulders and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Pauldrons of the Broken Blade Blade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
496 Shoulderguards of Resounding Rings Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector Icon Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496 Shoulderpads of Misshapen Life Amber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
502 Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates Primordius in Throne of Thunder
502 Reconstructed Bloody Shoulderplates Tortos in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
502 Reconstructed Furious Shoulderplates Tortos in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderIron Qon in Throne of Thunder
502 Shoulderguards of the Last Mogu Shoulders of the Crackling Protector Icon Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502 Shoulderguards of the Unflanked Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
509 Pauldrons of the Broken Blade Blade Lord Ta’yak in Heart of Fear
509 Shoulderguards of Resounding Rings Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector Icon Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509 Shoulderpads of Misshapen Life Amber-Shaper Un’sok in Heart of Fear
516 Doubtcrusher Pauldrons Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Lightning Pillar Pauldrons Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Thunder Bastion Pauldrons Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Shoulders 1750 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522 Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates Primordius in Throne of Thunder
522 Reconstructed Bloody Shoulderplates Primordius in Throne of ThunderLei Shen in Throne of ThunderJi-Kun in Throne of Thunder…, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522 Reconstructed Furious Shoulderplates Horridon in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgottenin Throne of Thunder…, Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
522 Shoulderguards of the Last Mogu Shoulders of the Crackling Protector Icon Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522 Sparksmasher Pauldrons 1000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers(A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528 Darkfallen Shoulderplates Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Krugruk’s Rigid Shoulderplates Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates Primordius in Throne of Thunder
528 Pauldrons of Violent Eruption Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
528 Reconstructed Bloody Shoulderplates Tortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDark Animus in Throne of Thunder
528 Reconstructed Furious Shoulderplates Lei Shen in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderTortos in Throne of Thunder
528 Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric Marauder Shoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528 Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
535 Cliffbreaker Pauldrons created by Create Shoulders
535 Elder Tortoiseshell Pauldrons created by Create Shoulders
535 Everbright Pauldrons created by Create Shoulders
535 Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates Primordius in Throne of Thunder
535 Reconstructed Bloody Shoulderplates Tortos in Throne of ThunderJin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of ThunderPrimordius in Throne of Thunder
535 Reconstructed Furious Shoulderplates Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of ThunderTortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of Thunder
535 Shoulderguards of the Last Mogu Shoulders of the Crackling Protector Icon Shoulders of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
540 Darkfallen Shoulderplates Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Krugruk’s Rigid Shoulderplates Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Pauldrons of Violent Eruption Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
540 Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric Marauder Shoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540 Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
541 Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates Primordius in Throne of Thunder
541 Reconstructed Bloody Shoulderplates Tortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541 Reconstructed Furious Shoulderplates Tortos in Throne of ThunderHorridon in Throne of ThunderDurumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
553 Darkfallen Shoulderplates Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Krugruk’s Rigid Shoulderplates Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Pauldrons of Violent Eruption Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
553 Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric Marauder Shoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553 Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Tusks of Mannoroth Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Darkfallen Shoulderplates Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Krugruk’s Rigid Shoulderplates Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Pauldrons of Violent Eruption Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
559 Rossi’s Rosin-Soaked Shoulderplates Ordos in Timeless Isle
559 Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Starry Spaulders of Durability Ordos in Timeless Isle
566 Darkfallen Shoulderplates Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Krugruk’s Rigid Shoulderplates Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Pauldrons of Violent Eruption Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)
566 Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric Marauder Shoulders of the Cursed Protector Icon Shoulders of the Cursed Protector from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
566 Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Tusks of Mannoroth Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Darkfallen Shoulderplates Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Krugruk’s Rigid Shoulderplates Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Pauldrons of Violent Eruption Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar) and Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)

2.4. Cloak

Level Item Source(s)
450 Blade-Dulling Greatcloak Priestess Laralla in Krasarang WildsInstructor Tak’thok in Heart of FearGearmage Astalonin Dalaran
450 Bladesnap Drape Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Bubblebrew Cloak Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Lavasoul Cloak Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Stormcrier Cloak Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Stormscale Drape created by Stormscale Drape (requires Leatherworking 550)
458 Cloak of the Silent Mountain 1250 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong SteppesSage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, and Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
458 Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess (requires Tailoring 550)
463 Cloak of Failing Will Sha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent
463 Phantasmal Drape Jandice Barov in Scholomance
463 Soulrender Greatcloak Thalnos the Soulrender in Scarlet Monastery
476 Brewcarrier Cloak Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Brewfather Cloak Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess (requires Tailoring 600)
476 Firebinder Cloak Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Lightning Rod Drape Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Zom’s Rain-Stained Cloak Zar’thik Supplicant in Heart of FearTormented Initiate in Siege of OrgrimmarEnslaved Bonesmasher in Heart of Fear
480 Icebound Cloak Ahune in The Slave PensIce Chest (The Slave Pens)
483 Cloak of Raining Blades Wind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of Fear
483 Daybreak Drape Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
489 Cloak of the Dark Disciple 1250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
489 Yi’s Cloak of Courage 1250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Rushi the Fox (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496 Amaranthine Cloak created by Create Cloak
496 Cliffbreaker Drape created by Create Cloak
496 Cloak of Raining Blades Wind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of Fear
496 Cloak of the Immortal Guardian 1250 Justice Points from Vasarin Redmorn (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496 Cloak of the Immortal Guardian 1250 Justice Points from Hiren Loresong (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
496 Daybreak Drape Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496 Elder Tortoiseshell Drape created by Create Cloak
496 Kiln-Stoker Cloak created by Create Cloak
496 Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess NalakUnclaimed Black Market Container
496 Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Lok’nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
496 Warmsun Cloak created by Create Cloak
502 Beakbreaker Greatcloak Tortos in Throne of Thunder
502 Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak Horridon in Throne of Thunder
502 Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
509 Cloak of Raining Blades Wind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of FearUnclaimed Black Market Container
509 Daybreak Drape Cache of Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Unclaimed Black Market Container
516 Doubtcrusher Drape Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Heartlander’s Cloak Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Mist Splitter’s Cloak Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Sha-Seeker Cloak Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Thunder Bastion Drape Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522 Beakbreaker Greatcloak Tortos in Throne of Thunder
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess Chi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Cloak of Prowess Chi-Ji in Timeless IsleXuen in Timeless IsleNiuzao in Timeless Isle…, 1250 Honor Points AllianceHonor Points Horde from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and 1250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Lucan Malory(A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522 Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak Horridon in Throne of Thunder
522 Many-Layered Scalecloak 825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522 Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
522 Spikeshard Greatcloak 825 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
528 Beakbreaker Greatcloak Tortos in Throne of Thunder
528 Drape of the Despairing Pit Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Gloomwrap Greatcloak Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak Horridon in Throne of Thunder
528 Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
528 Turtleshell Greatcloak Coalesced TurmoilTwisted Treasures of the Vale, and Celestial Treasure Box
535 Amaranthine Cloak created by Create Cloak
535 Beakbreaker Greatcloak Tortos in Throne of Thunder
535 Cliffbreaker Drape created by Create Cloak
535 Elder Tortoiseshell Drape created by Create Cloak
535 Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak Horridon in Throne of Thunder
535 Kiln-Stoker Cloak created by Create Cloak
535 Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
535 Warmsun Cloak created by Create Cloak
540 Drape of the Despairing Pit Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Gloomwrap Greatcloak Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Turtleshell Greatcloak Captive Cave Bat in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron Warshaman in Siege of OrgrimmarVanityin Siege of Orgrimmar…, Coalesced TurmoilTwisted Treasures of the Vale, and Flame-Scarred Cache of Offerings
541 Beakbreaker Greatcloak Tortos in Throne of Thunder
541 Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak Horridon in Throne of Thunder
541 Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
541 White Snow Skycloak Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
553 Drape of the Despairing Pit Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Gloomwrap Greatcloak Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Turtleshell Greatcloak Starved Yeti in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’thik Honor Guard in Siege of OrgrimmarKor’kron War Wolf in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Drape of the Despairing Pit Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Gloomwrap Greatcloak Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Drape of the Despairing Pit Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Gloomwrap Greatcloak Rook Stonetoe in Siege of OrgrimmarHe Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
566 Turtleshell Greatcloak Turtleshell Greatcloak Icon Turtleshell Greatcloak and 1 Echoes of War Icon Echoes of War from Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Tu’aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
572 Drape of the Despairing Pit Amalgam of Corruption in Siege of Orgrimmar
572 Gloomwrap Greatcloak Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
600 Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen created by Cloak Transformation Spell 02 and Essence of Wrathion
600 Oxhoof Greatcloak 10000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled StairAlliance/Horde Icon Cloak of Virtue
600 Oxhorn Bladebreaker 10000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled StairAlliance/Horde Icon Cloak of Virtue
600 Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzao created by Cloak Transformation Spell 06 and Essence of Wrathion
600 Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao created by Cloak Transformation Spell 01 and Essence of Wrathion
600 Tigerclaw Cape 10000Gold 0Silver 0Copper from Blacktalon Quartermaster (A/H) in The Veiled StairAlliance/Horde Icon Cloak of Virtue

2.5. Chest

Level Item Source(s)
450 Bladesnap Breastplate Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Contender’s Revenant Breastplate created by Contender’s Revenant Breastplate (requires Blacksmithing 575)
450 Jinyu-Forged Breastplate Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
450 Masterwork Spiritguard Breastplate created by Masterwork Spiritguard Breastplate (requires Blacksmithing 575)
458 Chestplate of the Stone Lion 565 Justice Points from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
463 Breastplate of Wracking Souls Instructor Chillheart in Scholomance and Instructor Chillheart’s Phylactery in Scholomance
463 Canine Commander’s Breastplate Houndmaster Braun in Scarlet Halls
463 Hateshatter Chestplate Taran Zhu’s Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery)
476 Boblet’s Bouncing Hauberk Instructor Tak’thok in Heart of FearInstructor Zarik in Heart of FearRotting Scavenger in Throne of Thunder
476 Breastplate of Ancient Steel created by Breastplate of Ancient Steel (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476 Breastplate of the Kings’ Guard Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsMeng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Ghost Reaver’s Breastplate created by Ghost Reaver’s Breastplate (requires Blacksmithing 600)
476 Lightning Rod Breastplate Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
476 Yaungolian Breastplate Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
483 Chestguard of Resounding Rings Chest of the Shadowy Protector Icon Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
483 Cuirass of the Animated Protector Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring
489 Breastplate of the Kings’ Guard Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Cuirass of the Twin Monoliths 2250 Justice Points from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Jaluu the Generous (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496 Chestguard of Resounding Rings Chest of the Shadowy Protector Icon Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
496 Cliffbreaker Breastplate created by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Cuirass of the Animated Protector Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringBox of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring) and Box of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring)
496 Elder Tortoiseshell Breastplate created by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Everbright Breastplate created by Create Chestpiece and Unlock Armor Cache
496 Ornate Battleplate of the Master created by Ornate Battleplate of the Master (requires Blacksmithing 600)
496 Ravaging Warrior’s Chestplate Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Unyielding Bloodplate created by Unyielding Bloodplate (requires Blacksmithing 600)
502 Breastplate of the Kings’ Guard Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsZian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Chestguard of the Last Mogu Chest of the Crackling Protector Icon Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
502 Chestplate of Violent Detonation Jin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
502 Overloaded Bladebreaker Cuirass Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
502 Rot-Proof Greatplate Flaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of Thunder
509 Chestguard of Resounding Rings Chest of the Shadowy Protector Icon Chest of the Shadowy Protector from Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
509 Cuirass of the Animated Protector Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless SpringBox of Fancy Stuff (Terrace of Endless Spring)
516 Doubtcrusher Breastplate Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Lightning Pillar Breastplate Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
516 Thunder Bastion Breastplate Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
522 Breastplate of Brutal Strikes 1485 Valor Points from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522 Breastplate of the Iguanocolossus Oondasta
522 Chestguard of the Last Mogu Chest of the Crackling Protector Icon Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
522 Chestplate of Violent Detonation Jin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
522 Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Chestpiece 2250 Conquest Points AllianceConquest Points Horde from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
522 Overloaded Bladebreaker Cuirass Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
522 Rot-Proof Greatplate Flaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
528 Breastplate of Shamanic Mirrors Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Chestguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Chest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
528 Chestplate of Violent Detonation Jin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
528 Earthbreaker’s Steaming Chestplate Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Icy Blood Chestplate Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
528 Overloaded Bladebreaker Cuirass High Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
528 Rot-Proof Greatplate Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
535 Chestguard of the Last Mogu Chest of the Crackling Protector Icon Chest of the Crackling Protector from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
535 Chestplate of Violent Detonation Jin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
535 Cliffbreaker Breastplate created by Create Chestpiece
535 Elder Tortoiseshell Breastplate created by Create Chestpiece
535 Everbright Breastplate created by Create Chestpiece
535 Overloaded Bladebreaker Cuirass Sul the Sandcrawler in Throne of ThunderFrost King Malakk in Throne of ThunderHigh Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
535 Rot-Proof Greatplate Flaming Head in Throne of ThunderFrozen Head in Throne of Thunder, and Venomous Head in Throne of ThunderCache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder) and Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
540 Breastplate of Shamanic Mirrors Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Chestguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Chest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
540 Earthbreaker’s Steaming Chestplate Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
540 Icy Blood Chestplate Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
541 Chestplate of Violent Detonation Jin’rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
541 Overloaded Bladebreaker Cuirass High Priestess Mar’li in Throne of Thunder
541 Planet-Birthed Cuirass Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
541 Rot-Proof Greatplate Cache of Ancient Treasures (Throne of Thunder)
553 Breastplate of Shamanic Mirrors Wavebinder Kardris in Siege of Orgrimmar and Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Chestguard of the Prehistoric Marauder Chest of the Cursed Protector Icon Chest of the Cursed Protector from Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars and Ki’agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons
553 Earthbreaker’s Steaming Chestplate Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
553 Icy Blood Chestplate Thok the Bloodthirsty in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Breastplate of Shamanic Mirrors Earthbreaker Haromm in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Earthbreaker’s Steaming Chestplate Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
559 Hoodrych’s Bloodied Chestplate Ordos in Timeless Isle
559 Icy Blood Chestplate Thok the Bloodthirsty in