Go west of brewnall and kill leper gnomes until you complete “Operation Recombobulation” you should hit 9 getting kills
Go to (24, 50) and enter the cave kill 5 headhunters and explore the cave for “Frostmane Hold” To explore it just run in and stay to the right, it will curve left and you can see a raised platform with mobs, get near it to complete exploration
Hearth to IF and train, do your classes lvl 10 quest
Go into the tram again at (76, 51) accept “Deeprun Rat Roundup” just collect 5 rats and turn it in. You could skip this and keep the flute, It can really piss people off if you play it non stop around the IF bank. SKIP “Me Brother, Nipsy” unless you go back to SW on the tram because you get crap xp
After this you should be a bit over half way to 11
You should be 12 now or close to it. You can grind if you’d like but it doesn’t matter much. Follow the Night Elf to IF guide but just go backwards. You’re going to go north through the wetlands to menethil, then boat to auberdine from here.