Northcraft, a WotLK server has decided to shut their doors. This isn’t the end for the players that were playing there, the characters and accounts have all been transferred to the Sunwell project.

Good morning! ?
Yesterday we have seen the potential of Sunwell after moving the database from Northcraft project. We must admit it was a positive surprise because the online in the peak on Friday was about 2100 players in world (normally Friday is the worst day in the whole week when it comes to online). Big thank for trust, we will not let you down! ?
Currently our plans are quite simple, we will make a promo movie to show Sunwell on reddit and convince the EN-community that we are not the worse option than Warmane or other international WotLK servers.
Today connecting to the game may take a bit longer, because of problem with network card. We will fix it tomorrow ??
Have a nice day guys! We guess that online counter will show 3000 players online on Sunday! We keep our ✊ crossed!
Read more about it on Sunwell’s facebook page