PVE TBC Subtlety Rogue DPS Guide (Short)
TBC Rogue Guide
Welcome to our PVE Subtlety Rogue DPS guide for WoW TBC. This guide will show you what you need to know to play a Subtlety Rogue in dungeons and raids. This guide covers everything from talents to consumables.
Combat will do more damage than Subtlety in almost every case. Subtlety is primarily a PVP spec and usually does less damage than the other two specs in almost any PVE situation.
This Build uses Hemorrhage to increase the overall DPS of the raid. The below build requires a sword in both your MH and OH. Your MH sword should be slower, in the 2.5 to 2.8 range, while your OH needs to be fast because of Sword Specialization.

Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Relentless Earthstorm Diamond
- Red: Delicate Crimson Spinel, Delicate Living Ruby
- Blue: Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst, Shifting Nightseye (only to activate meta)
- Yellow: Glinting Pyrestone, Glinting Noble Topaz
You may need to adjust your enchants to your gear.
- Head: Glyph of Ferocity
- Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Blade, Greater Inscription of Vengeance
- Back: Enchant Cloak – Greater Agility
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Exceptional Stats
- Bracers: Enchant Bracer – Assault
- Gloves: Enchant Gloves – Superior Agility
- Legs: Nethercobra Leg Armor
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Dexterity or Enchant Boots – Cat’s Swiftness
- Weapons: Enchant Weapon – Mongoose
If you pick up enchanting you can benefit from Enchant Ring – Stats or Enchant Ring – Striking on both rings.
Below is a list of consumables which help in any raid.
- Potion: Haste Potion
- Elixir: Elixir of Major Agility or Elixir of Demonslaying
- Flask: Flask of Relentless Assault
- Food: Spicy Hot Talbuk, Warp Burger
- Other: Thistle Tea or Flame Cap
- Drums: Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration
- Leatherworking – This is a great choice for feral druids. Allows you to craft useful gear all the way through. You also benefit from Leg enchants. You can also increase your raid utility by crafting Drums of Battle.
- Enchanting – Enchanting both of your rings will give you a boost plus you can save money enchanting your own gear.
- Jewelcrafting – Great gold making choice and you can make your own gems early on. Can also be used to make Figurine – Shadowsong Panther, Hard Khorium Band, and Hard Khorium Choker.
- Engineering – You can create Deathblow X11 Goggles and Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles, both of which are great. You can also Vanish once your party dies and then attempt to use Goblin Jumper Cables XL!
Stat Priority
- Expertise
- Agility & Hit rating
- Haste
- Critical Strike
- Armor Pen
After getting Precision you need an additional 64 hit rating to hit your soft cap. Once soft capped hit rating drops down a little in the priority list.
Weapon Expertise will provide you with all but the 64 expertise rating you will need to hit soft cap. If you are a human using while using swords or maces you will only need 44 additional expertise rating.
Mutilate rogues have a pretty simple rotation.
Open with Garrote applying the bleed.
Apply Slice and Dice with 3-5 combo points and keep applying it for the rest of the fight.
Apply Rupture, always using 5 combo points and keep this applied for the entire fight as well.
Hemorrhage is your main combo point generator.
Shiv is used to apply Deadly Poison when it is about to fall off. It should only be used if the debuff is about to run out.
With a shaman, get Windfury Totem on your MH and Deadly Poison on your OH.
Without a shaman, use Instant poison on your MH and Deadly Poison on your OH.