Warmane TBC 1x Medivh Announced!


Warmane TBC 1x Medivh Announced!

Warmane announces 1x Burning crusade server!

Greeetings community,

We are extremely pleased to announce that in the coming days, we will be releasing an x1 realm of the Burning Crusade expansion.

As we have previously mentioned, we wanted to gauge the level of interest in the Burning Crusade expansion and the demand for a Lordaeron-esque realm. The results have been greater than we ever expected and therefore we proceed with what we promised. It has been a few exhilarating days for our team and we’ve done our very best to maintain our high standards of stability and performance on Outland and create a fun gameplay environment. With this in mind and the demand shown for the Burning Crusade realm, we decided to open another realm. The realm’s design can be found below:


  • x1 rates across the board.
  • Limited marketplace with no gear.
  • The realm will be progression based.
  • Challenging hardcore raid content.

We will continue to demonstrate our development efforts and strive to uphold the Warmane name as a signet of quality. We are confident that we will be able to provide an enjoyable experience for all players alike.

By virtue of delegation, vested into our hands by the community we serve, we confer that the realm will bear the name after Medivh, the Last Guardian.

Medivh, the x1 Warmane Burning Crusade realm is scheduled to be launched on May 27, 2017 at 13:00 server time.

Kind regards

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