WotLK PVE Fury Warrior DPS Guide (Quick)
Wrath Warrior Guide
Welcome to our PVE Fury Warrior guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warrior class as Fury. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the DPS chart in no time!
There are two viable specs for a fury warrior and both specs are 18/53/0. One has enrage and the other doesn’t.

This second build has less burst on the opening but more overall damage by 2% to 3% percent.

Major Glyphs
Minor Glyphs
Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Relentless Earthsiege Diamond
- Red: Fractured Cardinal Ruby or Bold Cardinal Ruby
- Blue: Nightmare Tear (1x max) or Bold Cardinal Ruby
- Yellow: Inscribed Ametrine or Etched Ametrine
Gem strength until you hit around 50% to 60% passive armor penetration. once you get to that point, gem the rest as armor penetration until you get to 1400 arp (100%).
At the point of arp cap, start gemming for strength or strength/crit or strength/hit.
You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.
- Head: Arcanum of Torment
- Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Axe
- Back: Major Agility
- Chest: Powerful Stats
- Bracers: Greater Assault
- Gloves: Crusher or Precision
- Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
- Legs: Icescale Leg Armor
- Boots: Cat’s Swiftness or Greater Assault
- Weapons: Berserking
Stat Priority
- Hit Rating (5%)
- Expertise (26)
- Armor Penetration (1400 max)
- Strength
- Critical strike
- Haste
Expertise cap is 26 and Armor Penetration cap is 1400 you should not go over these.
Never gem haste.
Fury has a simple rotation:
- Use Bloodthirst and then use Whirlwind, rinse & repeat
- When Bloodsurge procs, use Slam
- Use Heroic Strike and Cleave as often as possible
The key to maximizing your DPS is not interrupting you main combo with global cooldowns from other abilities.
/equipslot 16 Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand (your mainhand)
Weapon Macro
/equipslot 17 Cryptmaker (your offhand)
/equip Bloodvenom Blade (your mainhand here)
Shield Wall Macro
/equip Icecrown Glacial Wall ( your shield here)
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Shield Wall
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Heroic Strike(Rank 13)
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cancelaura Divine Intervention
/cast Defensive Stance
Intervene Macro
/cast Intervene
/cast Berserker Stance
#showtooltip Rend(Rank 10)
Rend Macro
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Rend(Rank 10)
/cast Berserker Stance
BIS Gear List
- Head – Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Helmet
- Shoulder – Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Shoulderplates
- Cloak – Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape
- Chest – Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Battleplate
- Bracers – Toskk’s Maximized Wristguards
- Gloves – Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Gauntlets
- Waist – Coldwraith Links
- Legs – Bladeborn Leggings
- Boots – Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers
- Neck – Lana’thel’s Chain of Flagellation or Sindragosa’s Cruel Claw
- Rings – Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance Frostbrood Sapphire Ring
- Trinkets – Deathbringer’s Will Death’s Verdict
- Main-hand – Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
- Off-hand – Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
- Ranged – Fal’inrush, Defender of Quel’thalas