WotLK First Aid Guide (1-450)


WotLK First Aid Guide (1-450)

WotLK First Aid Guide (1-450)

Wrath First Aid Guide


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This Wrath of the Lich King First Aid guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your First Aid skill from 1 to 450!

Why level first aid?

First aid allows you to make and use bandages! Bandages can be a life saver in tough situations! With it being so quick and easy to level, I believe everyone should level First Aid.
The only exception I would make would be for healers I guess.

Materials Required

The totals will vary based on your luck. These are the different material types required to level first aid to 450.

Classic Materials

Outland Materials

Northrend Materials

Where to find cloth

If you are just sitting on a pile of gold, it is easy to run to the Auction House and buy all of the cloth required for first aid. For most of us though, that can be an expensive plan.
Some cloth is actually harder to find on the Auction House too, I’ve seen Mageweave Cloth completely sold out at times. Due to this, I’m going to list where you can farm the different cloth types required to level to 450.

Linen Cloth

Linen Cloth can be found in just about any starter area. I would also recommend running The Deadmines dungeon for it.

Wool Cloth

Wool Cloth can be found in AshenvaleThe BarrensDarkshore, Hillsbrad Foothills, GhostlandsSilverpine Forest,and Westfall. The stockades dungeon is great for Wool cloth, Horde could check out Shadowfange keep.

Silk Cloth

Silk Cloth is frequently farmed in Stranglethorn Vale, AshenvaleDesolace or Thousand Needles. I also recommend checking out Scarlet Monastery for Silk Cloth.

Mageweave Cloth

Mageweave Cloth is typically farmed in Blasted Lands, Badlands, AzsharaFeralas or Felwood.


Runecloth can be found in Western PlaguelandsBurning SteppesFelwood or Azshara. This is by no means a complete list but it definitely gives a few good options. I prefer the ghouls in WPL myself.

Netherweave Cloth

Netherweave Cloth isn’t that difficult to find because almost every humanoid in Outland drops Netherweave cloth. The most common zones to farm it would be Hellfire PeninsulaNetherstorm and Blade’s Edge Mountains.

Frostweave Cloth

Frostweave Cloth is pretty similar to Netherweave cloth, just about any humanoids in Northrend can drop Frostweave cloth. Most people farm it in either Icecrown or Zul’Drak.

Leveling First Aid

Lets begin leveling first aid!

Classic Levels

Levels 1-40

Linen Bandage (1 x Linen Cloth) x 50

Levels 41-80

Heavy Linen Bandage (2 x Linen Cloth) x 140

Levels 81-115

Wool Bandages (1 x Wool Cloth) x 50

Levels 116-150

Heavy Wool Bandage (2 x Wool Cloth) x 50

Levels 151-180

Silk Bandage (1 x Silk Cloth) x 50

Levels 181-210

Heavy Silk Bandage (2 x Silk Cloth) x 50

Levels 211-240

Mageweave Bandage (1 x Mageweave Cloth) x 30

Levels 241-260

Heavy Mageweave Bandage (2 x Mageweave Cloth) x 30

Levels 261-290

Runecloth Bandage (1 x Runecloth) x 50

Levels 291-300

Heavy Runecloth Bandage (2 x Runecloth) x 20

TBC Levels

Levels 300-330

Heavy Runecloth Bandage (2 x Runecloth) x 85

Levels 331-360

Netherweave Bandage (1 x Netherweave Cloth) x 65

Levels 330-350

Heavy Netherweave Bandage (2 x Netherweave Cloth) x 20

WotLK Levels

Levels 350-390

Frostweave Bandage (1 x Frostweave Cloth) x 40

Levels 390-450

Heavy Frostweave Bandage (2 x Frostweave Cloth) x 60

Training First Aid

Below is a list of training required to get from 1 to 450 first aid. These are the trainers and books you will need to max out your first aid.

Classic First Aid Training

Level 50

Train Journeymman First Aid

Level 80

Train Wool Bandages

Level 115

Train Heavy Wool Bandages

level 126

Purchase the following books Expert First Aid, Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage, Manual: Mageweave Bandage.

Use the Expert First Aid book to raise your skill cap to 225.

level 150

Train Silk Bandage

level 180

Use the Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage to learn to make Heavy Silk Bandages.

Level 210

Use the Manual: Mageweave Bandage to learn to make Mageweave Bandage.

Level 225

Alliance must complete: Triage – Alliance

Horde must complete: Triage – Horde

Level 240

Speak to Doctor Gregory Victor to learn to make Heavy Mageweave Bandage.

Level 260

Speak to Doctor Gregory Victor to learn to make Runecloth Bandage.

Level 290 to 300

Speak to Doctor Gregory Victor to learn to make Heavy Runecloth Bandage.

TBC First Aid Training

Now we move to Outland and start pushing through those TBC Levels!

Level 300-375

  • Alliance: You need to learn Master First Aid from Burko.
  • Horde: You need to learn Master First Aid from Aresella.

Buy the First Aid Manual and while you are there, buy the Netherweave and Heavy Netherweave book too.

WotLK First Aid Training

Level 350-390

Speak to a trainer in Northrend to learn Grand Master First Aid.

Level 390-450

To finish off levels 390 to 450, you will need Manual: Heavy Frostweave Bandage.
These two NPC’s have the highest chance to drop it and are just normal monsters.

Amount healed by each Bandage


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