

Client Version: 3.3.5


Bagnon is a bag replacement addon designed to help the player find items as quickly and as easily as possible. Beyond the basic all-bags-in-one functionality, Bagnon also provides:

Flash Find and intelligent text searching (see syntax)
Highly customizable rulesets *
Ability to view the items of any character, from anywhere **
Coloring based on quality, being a quest or unusable item and more
Inventory, bank, vault and guild bank support
Databroker support

(Some features may not be available in the wotlk version)

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5 years ago

This add on is very nice, there is however a very bad bug which closes the bag from time to time and when you try to reopen it again it will close again after 5-10 seconds. It never used to do this but now It’s doing it. Ive tried disabling and re-enabling it and it’s still doing it. I tried restarting my game and it still persists. It’s a shame it’s happening.

Like I said before, I really like this add on. Just thought I’d mention a bug.

5 years ago

bug: right click from bank to my inventory makes the item go invisible. just like RISU’s bug i also disabled & re-enabling it and it’s still doing it. I too tried reinstalling my game and it still persists.