Allows you to easily see the calculated Gearscore of yourself and other players.

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This won’t work for me. Twitch says that it’s version 4.0.3?
This wasn’t working because GearScore and BonusScanner were inside of a folder called GearScore.
I recreated the ZIP, all you have to do is extract the ZIP to your Addons folder and it should work now.
wat XDD
Download is for version 3.1.2. I’m running 3.3.5 and it comes up as out of date.
Suck his dick, he loves it.
I still get the Lui Error claiming the GS Bonus Scanner is out of date and it will not run with out it as a dependency
lua error on my screen
out of date here is a idea for the slow ppl … on where it says load all out of date addon and guess what it works
it doesnt show how my total gearscore just says 0