Enemy Cast Bar
Client Version: 1.12
Shows a replication of your targets cast bar. Carnival – PvP/PvE Enemy Cast Bar
Enemy Cast Bar
Client Version: 1.12
Shows a replication of your targets cast bar. Carnival – PvP/PvE Enemy Cast Bar
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What is the /command to show the options?
ey max was geht
To move the bars, simply do…
/cenemycast lock
/cenemycast show
…then click and drag the bar that appears, then lock again
/cenemycast lock
Dosen’t work
works fine, what are you talking about?
How do you move it, I cant…
And he never replied again cuz he knows it’s impossible to move or open options. lmao
pretty sure you use /cenemycast lock to unlock it, then use /cememycast show to see the location of the bar for a limited time, and then type /cenemycast lock to lock it again
I can’t get this to work. I’m on 1.12.1 client, it’s loaded, active for both pve and pvp. I positioned and locked it as I like and yet I can’t see a cast bar when mobs cast something 😐