12-17 Darkshore

- Now you’re in Auberdine, do the following:
- Once you land grab “Washed Ashore pt.1” right in front of you
- Turn in “Flight to Auberdine” accept “Return to Nessa” I fly back to Darnassus to get it done. She’s right off the edge of the dock.
- Run out on the docks of Auberdine grab “For Love Eternal” at (35, 43)
- Go upstairs accept “Buzzbox 827”
- Accept “Cave Mushrooms” in front of the Inn
- Grab “The Red Crystal” near the bridge
- Buy some 6 slot bags if you haven’t found 3 by now at (37, 40) then grab “Bashal’Aran pt.1” and “Tools of the Highborne”
- I then get mining at (38, 41)
- Go south over the bridge, grab “Plagued Lands”
- Run inside, grab “How Big a Threat? pt.1”
- Go do “Washed Ashore pt.1” at (36, 50) grind from town to there to get Crawler legs for “Buzzbox 827”
- Turn in “Buzzbox 827” at (36, 46) accept “Buzzbox 411”
- Turn in “Washed Ashore pt.1” accept “Washed Ashore pt.2”
- Do “Washed Ashore pt.2” at (31, 46) west of boat dock. Turn it in
- Go do:
- “Buzzbox 411” Threshers look like loch ness in the water, turn it in at (41, 28) accept “Buzzbox 323”
- Stop at (36, 51) accept “Beached Sea Creature”
- “Bashal’Aran pt.1” at (44, 36) grinding along the way, accept “Bashal’Aran pt.2” killing grells around him for earrings.
- Turn in “Bashal’Aran pt.2” at (44, 36) accept “Bashal’Aran pt.3”
- Do “Bashal’Aran pt.3” by killing satyr’s and turn it in accept “Bashal’Aran pt.4”
- Grind to (47, 48) and do “The Red Crystal”
- Grind to (40, 53) to find the camp for “How Big a Threat? pt.1”
- Run down to Ameth’Aran at (40, 59) and accept “The Fall of Ameth’Aran” do it at (43, 58) and (42, 63)
- Do “Tools of the Highborne” while in here, killing mobs for them.
- Do “For Love Eternal” at (41, 58) she’s lvl 16 but easy.
- Do “Bashal’Aran pt.4” at (42, 61)
- Turn in “The Fall of Ameth’Aran” at (40, 59)
- To the west of Amath’Aran do “Plagued Lands
- Turn in “Plagued Lands” at the first house accept “Cleansing the Infected”
- Go inside hand in “How Big a Threat? pt.1” accept “How Big a Threat? Pt.2”
- Accept “Thundris Windweaver”
- Go Upstairs accept “The Tower of Althalaxx pt.1”
- Don’t do “Deep Ocean, Vast Sea” it’s not worth it and too hard
- Go in the merchant house, turn in “Tools of the Highborne”
- Turn in “Thundris Windweaver” accept “The Cliffspring River”
- Turn in “The Red Crystal” near the Inn accept “As Water Cascades”
- Fill the Vial in the Moonwell for “As Water Cascades”
- Accept “WANTED: Murkdeep!” in front of the Inn (lvl 15 quest now)
- Turn in “For Love Eternal” on the dock. Watch the love story
- You should be 14 by now get skills in Darnassus
- Turn in “Bashal’Aran pt.4” at (44, 36)
- Kill Moonstalkers and Rabid Thistle Bears all around (48, 30) while you head to (50, 25) for “The Cliffspring River”
- Accept “Beached Sea Turtle” at (44, 20)
- Turn in “Buzzbox 323” at (51, 24) accept “Buzzbox 525”
- Go to (54, 32) and do “Cave Mushrooms”
- Head south stopping at (47, 48) to do “As Water Cascades” accept “The Fragments Within”
- Grind to (40, 53) and do “How Big a Threat? Pt.2”
- Stop at (37, 62) and grab “Beached Sea Turtle”
- Follow the shore and “Beached Sea Creature” at (36, 70)
- Turn in “Grove of the Ancients” at (43, 76)
- Kill Grizzled Thistle Bear South of Grove of the Ancients for “Buzzbox 525” then turn it in at (41, 80)
- Stop at (35, 74) and do “WANTED: Murkdeep!” you have to clear the camp, then the 2 waves from the ocean, then he comes. He’s lvl 19 If you have trouble with him just kite him.
- Grind over to (32, 80) and get “Beached Sea Creature”
- Hearth back to Auberdine and turn in:
- Turn in all beached creature quests at the hippograph dock
- Go under the dock grab “Fruit of the Sea”
- Turn in “Cave Mushrooms” in front of the Inn Accept “Onu”
- Turn in “The Fragments Within” in front of the Inn
- Accept “The Absent Minded Prospector” at (37, 41)
- Go to the merchant house turn in “The Cliffspring River”
- You should be 15 by now so you can accept: “The Blackwood Corrupted”
- “Cleansing the Infected” at the first house accept “Tharnariun’s Hope”
- Turn in “How Big a Threat? Pt.2” accept “A Lost Master”
- Fill the Cleansing Bowl at the Moonwell
- You should be 16 now, fly to Darnassus get new skills.
- Do “The Blackwood Corrupted” at (50, 34) (grains) clear b4 all 3 pickups or the spawn will give adds. If so just run.
- Go do “Tharnariun’s Hope” at (51, 37) (den mother) If you can’t kill her with the lvl 9 adds, kill them off and run till she’s alone. Immolate trap her and shoot first so you get the adds, not the pet.
- Do “The Blackwood Corrupted” (51, 33) (nuts) (52, 33) (fruit)
- Clear around the Bonfire at (52, 33) place the food. Don’t worry they turn good. When Xabraxxis appears, kill him. Talisman falls beside.
- Go to (54, 24) turn in “The Tower of Althalaxx pt.1” Accept “The Tower of Althalaxx pt.2” do it. Kill any mob around the tower, NOT in it
- Hand in “The Tower of Althalaxx pt.2” accept “The Tower of Althalaxx pt.3”
- Run to (53, 18) and grab “Beached Sea Creature”
- Do “Fruit of the Sea” from crawlers around here.