PfUI – Turtle WoW
Client Version: 1.12
This addon requires the base pfUI addon to work.
Download pfUI here!
An extensions for pfUI which adds a few skins for the Turtle WoW server custom UI elements and implements custom behaviour for a few classes’ skills. If any skill is missing, please open an issue to alert me to it. The latest version of pfUI is required.
Turtle WoW adds a couple of UI elements to the base game. This addon aims to make sure these new elements’ design is in line with the rest of the UI.
These UI elements are currently included in this addon:
- Character frame title selection dropdown
- Inspect talents frame tab
- The Looking for Turtles dungeon finder tool
These custom class skills are included in this addon:
- Hunter Trueshot now has a castbar
- Paladin Holy Strike refreshes seals on the target

Installation Instructions
- Download and install pfUI.
- Download pfUI-Turtle.
- Unpack the zip the file and rename the folder to “pfUI-turtle”.
- Put “pfUI-turtle” folder into “…/World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/”. Create the AddOns folder if necessary.