Totemus is mod to help the Shaman manage the totems, buffs, potions, drink/food and messages.
It provides a variety of buttons for common spells in an easy-to-use, small, convinient package.
The idea was adapted from Venantes and Necrosis LdC to make it usable by shamans.
Totemus will provide you a sphere and 10 buttons. The sphere will display information and the outer buttons will provide quick access for several things.
- Left click/Right click to activate a configured action
- You can put the Totemus Sphere wherever you want
- Detach the buttons from the sphere and move them whereever you like.
- Show or remove any of the visible buttons
- Rotate the buttons around the sphere to fit your settings
Sphere Circle – selectable
- Nothing!
- Current Mana
- Current Health
- Current XP
Sphere Text – selectable
- Nothing!
- Current Mana
- Current Health
- Drink/Food Count
- Reincarnation CD
- Shield Count
- Reincarnation CD / Shield Count
- Air Menu
- Earth Menu
- Fire Menu
- Water Menu
- Weapon Buff Menu
- 2 Action buttons
- Left click/Right click to activate a configured action
- Mount Button
- Right click to use Astral Recall (or hearthstone)
- Potion Button
- Left click: Health Potion
- Right click: Mana Potion
- Drink/Food Button
- Left click: Drink
- Right click: Food
Random chat messages
- available for Ancestral Spirit and mounting.
- configurable to a short, raid-ready version (disables ancestral spirit/mount messages)
- One frame for each totem element provide you how many time the totem will stay yet, and how many units are buffed by it.