Client Version: 2.4.3
TotemTimers aims to help managing totems, shields, and weapon buffs, showing additional info about active totems (range, cooldowns) and provides additional totem sets. For enhancement shamans (and soon for ele/resto also) it provides additional timers displaying the cooldown of the most important spells and the number of Maelstrom Weapon stacks. TT supports ButtonFacade and rActionButtonStyler for customizing its appearance.
A big thanks to all who kept the localization of TT up-to-date. To make that easier I switched to the localization system at CurseForge. There you can find and edit missing entries more easily and you don’t have to upload files anymore.
In TT the four totem timer buttons are referred to as Timers, the timer buttons for Reincarnation, shields and weapons are referred to as Trackers.
Hovering over a timer button opens a flyout menu containing buttons for all totems for that timer’s element. Leftclicking a button casts that totem, rightclicking assigns that totem to the active multicast spell and to the timer button; leftclicking the timer button will then cast this totem. The assigned totem is displayed as a small icon (referred to as mini icon) in the lower right corner of the timer button. The last button of each flyout menu serves to delete a totem from the active multicast spell.
The weapon buff tracker also has a flyout menu: Leftclicking will cast a spell; rightclicking assigns it as the leftclick spell to the tracker button; shift-rightclicking assigns it as the rightclick spell to the tracker button (TT 10.1). The flyout menu contains two spell combos for enhancement shamans that can be assigned to the tracker button as leftclick only (by rightclick). Then the first leftclick on the tracker button casts Windfury Weapon, the second leftclick casts either Flametongue or Frostbrand.
Additional Totem Sets
The reincarnation (or ankh) tracker serves as an anchor for up to 8 totem sets. Rightclicking the ankh tracker saves the configuration of the active multicast spell. Leftclicking the ankh tracker opens a menu with all totem sets, each menu button displays four icons containing its saved totems. Leftclicking a menu buttons loads that set to the active multicast spell, overwriting the active totem configuration. Rightclicking a menu buttons deletes its set.