
An AddOn for World of Warcraft: Vanilla (1.12.1) and The Burning Crusade (2.4.3), which aims to be a full replacement for the original interface. The design is inspired by several screenshots I’ve seen from TukUI, ElvUI and others. This addon delivers modern features and a minimalistic style that’s easy to use right from the start. It is entirely written from scratch without any inclusion of third-party addons or libraries.

This is not an addon-pack like ShaguUI, however, there is support for external addons like MobHealth3, DPSMate and others, but they will never be shipped within the package.

Please do not re-upload or distribute outdated versions of this project. However, you are more than welcome to fork or link to the official github page.

Join the Discord: HERE


Installation (Vanilla)

  1. Download Latest Version
  2. Unpack the Zip file
  3. Rename the folder “pfUI-master” to “pfUI”
  4. Copy “pfUI” into Wow-DirectoryInterfaceAddOns
  5. Restart Wow

Installation (The Burning Crusade)

  1. Download Latest Version
  2. Unpack the Zip file
  3. Rename the folder “pfUI-master” to “pfUI-tbc”
  4. Copy “pfUI-tbc” into Wow-DirectoryInterfaceAddOns
  5. Restart Wow


/pfui         Open the configuration GUI
/share        Open the configuration import/export dialog
/gm           Open the ticket Dialog
/rl           Reload the whole UI
/farm         Toggles the Farm-Mode
/pfcast       Same as /cast but for mouseover units
/focus        Creates a Focus-Frame for the current target
/castfocus    Same as /cast but for focus frame
/clearfocus   Clears the Focus-Frame
/swapfocus    Toggle Focus and Target-Frame
/abp          Addon Button Panel


pfUI supports and contains language specific code for the following gameclients.

  • English (enUS)
  • Korean (koKR)
  • French (frFR)
  • German (deDE)
  • Chinese (zhCN)
  • Spanish (esES)
  • Russian (ruRU)
