Adds Nodes to the Mini and World Maps for Mining Herbalism and Treasure Chests. If you haven’t used this type of Addon for gathering you should.
It is super helpful.
Remember to type /gather and click the Import Button to add the existing node database for TBC.
the heads-up display plugin is showing (and enabled) in the addon list but isn’t in gatherer’s options in the plugins list and can’t actually be used.
it doesnt work..
Works perfectly fine, showing all nodes after database is imported
where is the import button
Go to your addons tab in the char select screen. click on gatherer, make sure all the gatherer plugins are active then click on the box in the upper right corner of the addons menu that says “load out of date”. then you’ll be able to import the data from wowhead
The icons are breifly flashing on mini map, it happens every few minutes, any potential solutions for this?