PVE WotLK Shadow Priest DPS Guide (Short)


PVE WotLK Shadow Priest DPS Guide (Short)

Welcome to our PVE Shadow Priest guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Priest class as Shadow. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the DPS chart in no time!


This first spec works well with any gear setup. Definitely the way to go if you just hit level 80.

Shadow PVE Build

This build requires the 4/5 T10 set bonus. Thanks to the set bonus we don’t take Improved Mind Blast and we get those points back. We can then use those points on Improved Vampiric Embrace to give the raid group better survivability and ourselves 16% less threat generation.

Shadow PVE Build (4/5 T10)


Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.

Stat Priority

  1. Hit (11%) (10% if Draenei)
  2. Spell Power
  3. Haste (1269 Soft cap, 1400 hard cap)
  4. Critical Strike
  5. Spirit
  6. Intellect


Shadow priests have a variety of openers and then they follow a priority list. I’m going to break this down for each build.

Normal (1st) Spec


  1. Vampiric Touch
  2. Devouring Plague 
  3. Mind Blast 
  4. Mind Flay 
  5. Shadow Word: Pain

After you stack Shadow Weaving use cast Shadow Word: Pain

Priority List

After the opening you want to keep Vampiric TouchDevouring PlagueMind BlastShadow Word: Pain on the target at all times and cast Mind Flay as a filler.

4/5 T10 Spec


Your opening with the 4/5 T10 Build should be:

  1. Vampiric Touch 
  2. Devouring Plague 
  3. Mind Flay 
  4. Shadow Word: Pain

Priority List

After the opening you want to keep Vampiric Touch,  Devouring Plague,  Shadow Word: Pain on the target at all times and cast Mind Flay as a filler.

You don’t need to use Mind Blast in this spec because Mind Flay does more damage at the same time and also we have dropped the Mind Blast Talents.

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