PVE WotLK Restoration Shaman Healer Guide (Short)
Wrath Shaman Guide
Welcome to our PVE Restoration Shaman guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Shaman class as Restoration. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the Healing meters in no time!
This is the standard Restoration Shaman build. If you have another Resto Shaman or a Holy Priest with Ancestral Healing, then you can drop it for Elemental Weapons and Cleanse Spirit.

Major Glyphs
Other viable options depending on your gear.
Minor Glyphs
Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond or Insightful Earthsiege Diamond
- Red: Reckless Ametrine
- Blue: Energized Eye of Zul (if you have mana problems, otherwise use Quick King’s Amber)
- Yellow: Quick King’s Amber
You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.
- Head: Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
- Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Storm
- Back: Greater Speed
- Chest: Powerful Stats
- Bracers: Superior Spellpower
- Gloves: Exceptional Spellpower
- Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
- Legs: Sapphire Spellthread
- Boots: Icewalker or Tuskarr’s Vitality
- One-Handed Weapon: Mighty Spellpower or Black Magic
- Shield: Greater Intellect
Stat Priority
- Spell Power
- Haste
- Critical Strike
- Mp5
Spell power is your main stat because improving it significantly increases your healing.
Haste can reduce your global cooldown to 1 second. The haste soft cap for a resto shaman is 38.7% (1269 rating). This will reduce the cast time of your Lesser Healing Wave to 1 second. You shouldn’t go over 1400 haste.
Critical Strike rating actually does a lot more than just increase your chance to crit with healing spells. It regenerates mana thanks to Improved Water Shield it also increases your chance to proc Ancestral Awakening and improves the chance of 4pT10 with Chain Heal.
Setup before the pull
- Cast Water Shield on yourself before the pull, this is your main primary mana regen.
- Cast Earthliving Weapon on your weapon.
- Choose 4 totems that work best with your party.
- Cast Earth Shield on the tank.
Healing during the fight
- Cast Chain Heal and Healing Wave when players have low hp.
- Don’t forget that you have Nature’s Swiftness and Tidal Force if the raid starts taking heavy damage.
- Keep your shields on yourself and the tank.
- Make sure your totems stay in a good position.
Low on mana
If you find yourself out of mana, cast Mana Tide. You can also ask a Priest for Hymn of Hope or a Druid for Innervate.