PVE WotLK Demonology Warlock DPS Guide (Short)
Wrath Warlock Guide
Welcome to our PVE Demonology Warlock guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warlock class as Demonology. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the DPS chart in no time!
This is considered the highest DPS spec for Demonology Warlocks. It comes with an extra 5% chance to crit on the target. It also gives an additional spell power buff to your entire raid. You can tweak it to your liking but it’s a great place to start.

Major Glyphs
Minor Glyphs
Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Chaotic Skyflare Diamond
- Red: Runed Cardinal Ruby
- Blue: Purified Dreadstone (Only if the socket bonus is +7 Spell Power.)
- Yellow: Reckless Ametrine (Only if the socket bonus is +7 Spell Power.)
You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.
- Head: Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
- Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Storm
- Back: Greater Speed
- Chest: Powerful Stats
- Bracers: Superior Spellpower
- Gloves: Exceptional Spellpower
- Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
- Legs: Brilliant Spellthread
- Boots: Icewalker
- Two-Handed Weapon: Enchant Staff – Greater Spellpower
- One-Handed Weapon: Mighty Spellpower or Black Magic
Stat Priority
- Hit (17%) (14% with talents or raid buffs)
- Spell Power
- Critical Strike
- Haste
Demonology relies on a priority system instead of a skill rotation.
Core Abilities
- Life Tap buffs your spell damage. You should keep this buff up at all times.
- Shadow Bolt is used as a filler when you don’t have cooldowns up. You should also keep Improved Shadow Bolt on the target.
- Immolate should be kept up at all times.
- Soul Fire Use when Molten Core and Decimation are active. If you can’t get both to proc, you can use it with just Decimation active.
- Corruption should be kept up at all times.
- Incinerate if you can’t get both procs just use it with Molten Core
- Curse of the Elements should be on the target at all times.
- Curse of Doom is your primary curse when an unholy DK or Moonkin are in the raid group.
Other Spells
- Metamorphosis should be used as often as possible. Especially during the execution phase of the boss. (less than 35% health)
- Immolation Aura should only be used when Metamorphosis is active.
- It’s also worth noting to use your trinkets when Metamorphosis is active.
- Demonic Empowerment should be used on cooldown.