Welcome to our PVE Combat Rogue DPS guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Rogue class as Combat.
There are two primary combat specs with very similar damage outputs. The first one requires less Armor Penetration due to Rupture ignoring armor.
If you are going to take Vigor for the extra 10 energy, you should drop Ruthlessness or Improved Poisons.

This Eviscerate build works better once your Armor Penetration is capped but it works better when changing targets.

This build is built around single target DPS. Your haste is increased resulting in more poison procs.
Major Glyphs
Minor Glyphs
Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Relentless Earthsiege Diamond
- Red: Fractured Cardinal Ruby or Precise Cardinal Ruby
- Blue: Nightmare Tear (1)
- Yellow: Quick King’s Amber or Rigid King’s Amber or Stark Ametrine
You may need to adjust your enchants to your gear.
- Head: Arcanum of Torment
- Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Axe
- Back: Greater Speed
- Chest: Powerful Stats
- Bracers: Greater Assault
- Gloves: Crusher
- Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
- Legs: Icescale Leg Armor
- Boots: Icewalker
- Weapon: Berserking on both MH and OH
Cast Instant Poison IX on your Main hand and Deadly Poison IX on your offhand. Also, you should be using Daggers as Assassination.
Stat Priority
- Hit (315 rating)
- Expertise (26)
- Attack Power
- Haste
- Critical Strike
As a freshly geared Assassination Rogue hitting 4k attack power is more important than stacking haste. Hit cap is 315 and expertise cap is 26.
- Start off in Stealth and open with either Garrote or Ambush.
- Pop Hunger For Blood and keep it up the entire time.
- Use 1 Combo Point to activate Slice and Dice.
- Stack up to 4 or 5 combo points using Mutilate
- at 5 stacks use Envenom (This is the Assassination finishing move.)
- Slice and Dice will be renewed thanks to Cut to the Chase
- Use Cold Blood with Envenom for big crits. Use it every time it’s off CD.
- Envenom gives you a buff. Keep this buff up at all times it significantly increases your damage.
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