PVE TBC Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Guide (Short)
TBC Hunter Guide
Welcome to our PVE Beast Master Hunter guide for WoW TBC. This guide will show you what you need to know to DPS as a Beast Mastery Hunter in dungeons and raids. This guide covers everything from talents to consumables.
This is the standard Beast Mastery build. A few of the points could be changed based on your raid setup.

Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Relentless Earthstorm Diamond
- Red: Delicate Crimson Spinel or Bright Crimson Spinel
- Blue: Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst or Infused Shadowsong Amethyst
- Yellow: Smooth Lionseye or Rigid Lionseye
You may need to adjust your enchants to your gear.
- Head: Glyph of the Defender
- Shoulder: Might of the Scourge, Greater Inscription of the Blade/Greater Inscription of Vengeance
- Back: Enchant Cloak – Greater Agility
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Exceptional Stats
- Bracers: Enchant Bracer – Assault
- Gloves: Enchant Gloves – Superior Agility
- Legs: Nethercobra Leg Armor
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Dexterity
- Weapon: Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon – Major Agility
- Ranged: Stabilized Eternium Scope
If you pick up enchanting you can benefit from Enchant Ring – Stats on both rings.
Stat Priority
- Hit (9%)
- Agility
- Attack Power
- Critical Strike
- Intellect & MP5
- Stamina
Apply Hunter’s Mark and keep it on the target.
Apply Scorpid Sting and keep it on the target as well.
Your rotation is:
- Steady Shot
- Auto-Attacks
- Kill Command
Use Rapid Fire and Bestial Wrath to boost your DPS.
This Macro will perform your rotation:
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/castrandom [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()
Below is a list of consumables which help in any raid.
- Potion: Super Mana Potion & Super Healing Potion
- Elixir: Elixir of Major Agility & Elixir of Major Mageblood
- Flask: Flask of Relentless Assault
- Oil: Superior Mana Oil
- Food: Spicy Hot Talbuk or Warp Burger
- Pet-food: Kibler’s Bits
- Drums: Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration
For raiding your best bet will be either Cats, Scorpids or Ravengers. The following skills are required:
- Active: Claw, Bite, Gore, Scorpid Poison [Depending on pet]
- Passive: Great Stamina, Avoidance, Cobra Reflexes
- Leatherworking – This is a great choice for Beast Mastery Hunters. It allows you to craft useful gear all the way through. You also benefit from Leg enchants. You can also increase your raid utility by crafting Drums of Battle.
- Engineering – Engineering is a great choice because you can make Guns, Ammo, Scopes as well as Goggles. It’s almost like Engineering was built for Hunters.
- Enchanting – Enchanting both of your rings will give you a boost plus you can save money enchanting your own gear.
- Jewelcrafting – Great gold making choice and you can make your own gems early on.