All in one buffing mod for all classes, overview of important raid buffs and instant access rebuff on right click.
Main Mod
- Responsible for loading class specific modules.
- Has FuBar/Minimap icon for options menu (Sorry, I just don’t like Waterfall at all), and info tooltip.
- Single click minimap icon to quickly enable/disable auto-buffing.
- Raid popup list with complete buff overview (just mouseover the floating ZOMG icon).
- Highlights missing buffs for whole raid at a glance.
- Shows time remaining on your buffs on whole raid.
- Allows instant rebuff with Right-Click as assigned by seperately loaded modules, without having to muck around finding the player in the raid frames.
- Shows in-combat reminder (swirly thing around icon) if someone needs a rebuff mid-fight.
- Auto Buy reagents to defined levels.
Self Buffs
- Handles all self buffing needs including temporary weapon enchants and poisons.
- Can remind you in-combat when something needs rebuffing.
- Special cases to auto buff Crusader Aura for paladins when mounted, and aspect of cheetah for hunters in cities.
Buff The Raid
- Group class buffing module for raid buffs (Mana, Kings, Stamina etc).
- Allows you to define which groups you’re responsible for.
- Enable or Disable buffs by clicking on the minimap tooltip for that buff.
- Selective buffing for single target raid buffs such as Thorns or Amplify/Dampen Magic.
- Unique Buff Tracking icon for Earth Shield, Fear Ward, Hand of Freedom and Hand of Sacrifice, which allows you to keep close watch on these buffs and easily recast with a click.
Common Behaviour for Buffing modules
- Manually casting a buff will be remembered (with a few exceptions which shouldn’t) as the new required auto buff.
- Click the tooltip sectoin for that mod will cycle through buffs.
- Shift Clicking the tooltip section for that mod will remove it’s entry from the template.
- Template save/load/conditionals.
- Simple mousewheel rebuffing in one common interface.
- Simple Right-Click rebuffing of your defined buffs for whichever module you have loaded.
- Definable pre-expiry rebuff setting.
- Options to not buff when:
- Not everyone in raid is present (definable to a % of people present).
- Not everyone in a party is present.
- You are resting.
- You are low on mana.
- You have the Spirit Tap buff (geiv mana regen!).