SuperScan is the reason to use this AddOn! SuperScan is a function which will methodically go through all logged in players on your server, determine if they belong to a guild and if not they will be put in a waiting list. They stay in this list for four seconds, in order for GuildShield to do its job. They are the placed in your invite queue where you can invite them to your guild by a simple click. SuperScan is also quite. Using the Who Interface in the background lets you go on with your daily business while having a steadily growing invite queue. The time it takes to do a complete scan depends on the settings you choose, but from my experience a scan takes between 5-10 mins.
Inviting Players
In order to invite a player from the invite queue you can do one of three different things:
- You can press the button labeled Invite: # to invite the first person in the queue, and the next and so on…
- You can assign a keybinding to the invite button, which has the same effect as pressing said button. This is done in the options menu.
- Lastly you can use Choose Invites, which is a window that displays all queued players, along with relevant information about them. Now you can simply left click on the players that you wish to invite, and right click to remove them from the queue.
Locking / Blacklisting
Locking is a way for SGI to keep track of which players you already have tried to invite during the last two months. If you have tried to invite a player, and they received the invite, they will be on this list and will not be bothered by you again for at least 2 months. It does not matter if they accepted of declined your invite. Only if the invite did not reach them will they be taken off.
Invite Whisper
You can specify up to 6 different whispers to send randomly to the players you invite. SuperGuildInvite supports 3 modes of inviting players:
Whisper after inviting – The invite goes out, SGI determines if it reached the player, and then sends the whisper only if they received your invitation.
Invite Only – Only invite, no whisper.
WhisperOnly – Only whisper, no invite.
All settings can be changed in the options menu of SuperGuildInvite. In order to access more than limit you need to check Advanced options (/sgi options)
Limit – The level range you want to search for, i.e level 10-90 or 80-85 etc.
Race – Adds a race filter to the search, starting at the specified level. This divides the searching over the different races, to make sure you don’t miss any players due to a high population server. This makes the SuperScan Slower
Class – The same as race, except it’s for the players class.
Interval – Specifies the size of each step in the search. 5 would result in 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc.
Filters allow you to remove certain player types from your search. To add a filter do the following:
- Open SGI Options
- Press Filters
- Press Add Filter
- Fill out the filter form, read the in game instructions.
- Press save If a player matches a filter they will not be added to your queue