Slice Commander

SliceCommander is an addon designed to monitor all your rogue feature in PvE. The addon frame is divided into four different parts.

Energy Bar
The First part is the Energy bar. It has a combo point counter on its left side and an energy counter on the right one. There is also three sparks showing three different thresholds on the energy bar. These three thresholds can be used to let you know when to press a specific key instead of spamming it; you can for example set two sparks at respectively 35 and 55 energy to know when to use mutilate or envenom if you are Assa spec’ed. By default, the three thresholds are set to 25, 35 and 55 but you can change their value and you can also choose to play an audio alert for each one.

Combo Point Bar
The second part is the combo point bar. It displays five rectangles in a line, one for each combo point. When you gain a combo point, the corresponding rectangle will be colored in yellow; it will turn green if a deadly poison stack corresponding to the combo point is applied. There is also a combo point counter in the middle of the bar. If you lose or change target the combo point become gray. At this time you could still use them for Slice and Dice or Recuperate.

Timer Bar
The third part is composed by multiple bars; one for each following timer:

  • Slice and Dice
  • Vendetta and its cooldown
  • Rupture
  • Garrote
  • Deadly Poison
  • Envenom buff
  • Tricks of the Trade cooldown
  • Recuperate
  • Adrenaline Rush and its cooldown.

The spell’s icon is displayed on the left side and the timer itself on the right side of each bar; you can also choose to display or not the spell’s name on the bar. Each bar is optional and can be hidden individually using the configuration menu.

The slice and dice and Rupture timers also share a special feature. The add-on will deliver an audio alert when there is only 3s, 2s and 1s remaining either on Slice and Dice or Rupture, and audio rewards for refreshing them.

Configuration Menu
You can modify your settings through the configuration menu which can be accessed by typing “/sc” or “/slicecommander“. 
Here’s an overview of what you can configure: -adjust width, height and scale value of each type of bars. -modify the texture of energy and timer bars. -choose which timer bars are displayed. -choose which sound is played for each alert. -choose to display or not the name of the spell on timer bars.