More Classic WoW information


More Classic WoW information

From MMO Champ:

  • Classic became possible because the team discovered a way for it to run on modern infrastructure.
  • Classic servers will not have the features added to current WoW such as Dungeon Finder.
  • The team ran old school Scholomance with the Nostalrius build.
  • They have some infrastructure stuff in place and a build up and running for reference.
  • The main part of the job is the infrastructure before tackling the design questions.
  • No development will be taken away from Battle for Azeroth for Classic. A new team is being hired for this project.
  • Brack can’t say whether it will be months or years for the release.
  • Some players will return just for a nostalgia trip.
  • The team wants to provide a constant social connection and community.
  • These servers have full commitment now and will not be ditched if they are not popular.
  • Blizzard has maintained contact with Nostralius and are considering involving some of their team in the process.


  • Blizzard wants the launch experience of Classic to be smooth and successful.
  • The experience will be as identical to Vanilla WoW as possible, but they are not sure at which point in the patch life cycle of the original game it will take place.
  • The team wants to create a Blizzard-quality experience of the original game.
  • Sounds great so far. No QoL changes yet, which means they are staying faithful to the original experience.
J Allen Brack:
Question: For example, with the Intellect buff, is it important to you that players do need to drink after casting it?
J. Allen Brack: Yes. That’s part of the level 60 experience. Our goal is to recreate that classic 1-60 gameplay.

This was from a EuroGamer Interview.

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7 years ago

Interesting ! Looking forward to this