TwitchEmotes Classic

The full list of twitch emoticons is available within the addon file in a text file named “allemotes.txt”

  • Step 1. Delete Retail WoW
  • Step 2. Download TwitchEmotes
  • Step 3. Enjoy having more emotes than before.

  • Adds: Many WoW streamer emotes included in twemo + BetterTwitchTV emotes PLUS

  • KappaPride KappaRoss valFrog SeemsGood Stormtrooper SeemsGood FeelsBirthdayMan MingLee gachiGASM
  • bobross (30 emotes)
  • nl_kripp (6 emotes)
  • reynad27 (10 emotes)
  • swifty (4 emotes)
  • trihard (20 emotes)
  • forsenlol (5 emotes)
  • trihex (like 26 or something)
  • and many more. Even your favourites RareParrot valFrog and gachiGASM that may or may not be your favourites.