Questie Classic
Client Version: 1.15.2
A quest helper for World of Warcraft: Classic (Season of Discovery)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Come chat with us on our Discord server.
- You can use the issue tracker to report bugs and post feature requests (requires a Github account).
- When creating an issue please follow the templated structure to speed up a possible fix.
- If you get an error message from the WoW client, please include the complete text or a screenshot of it in your report.
- You need to enter
/console scriptErrors 1
once in the ingame chat for Lua error messages to be shown. You can later disable them again with/console scriptErrors 0
- You need to enter
Trust us it’s (Good)!
- We are happy about every help and contribution we get, so feel free to submit a Pull Request on Github
- Translators can search for missing translations by:
["<yourLanguage>"] = false
(e.g.["deDE"] = false
) and replace thefalse
with a string of the new translation, e.g.["<yourLanguage>"] = "YourTranslation"
. Current translations can be found in the Translation folder - Additional information you might find interesting can be found here
If you’d like to support the development of Questie by donating, you can do so via PayPal:
Show quests on map
- Show notes for quest start points, turn in points, and objectives.
Quest Tracker
- Improved quest tracker:
- Automatically tracks quests on accepting (instead of progressing)
- Can show all 20 quests from the log (instead of default 5)
- Left click quest to open quest log (configurable)
- Right-click for more options, e.g.:
- Focus quest (makes other quest icons translucent)
- Point arrow towards objective (requires TomTom addon)

Quest Communication
- You can see party members quest progress on the tooltip.
- At least Questie version 5.0.0 is required by everyone in the party for it to work, tell your friends to update!
- Show tooltips on map notes and quest NPCs/objects.
- Holding Shift while hovering over a map icon displays more information, like quest XP.
Quest Information
- Event quests are shown when events are active!
- Waypoint lines for quest givers showing their pathing.
Journey Log
- Questie records the steps of your journey in the “My Journey” window. (right-click on minimap button to open)

Quests by Zone
- Questie lists all the quests of a zone divided between completed and available quest. Gotta complete ’em all. (right-click on minimap button to open)

- Questie’s database can be searched. (right-click on minimap button to open)

- Extensive configuration options. (left-click on minimap button to open)

How to install Questie?
Just download, extract, and paste into “Interface\AddOns” folder.
Is this version for Classic?
Yes, this version of Questie is for Classic World of Warcraft.
How to move the box in the middle of the screen?
Hold Control and Left Click down to move it’s location.
Could I get the option to turn off the minimap objective icons?
there should be an option when u open the map. it should say “toggle questie”
I mean specifically objectives on the minimap, keeping the ! and ?
well i dont know how to hide any of that. im sorry
It’s on the roadmap, but not yet added AFAIK.
Is this ready for launch?
Yes, but the download provided here is from the master branch, not a release. If you want something that has been tested and confirmed, download the latest release (4.0.10) from here:
There is a minor bug (sometimes notes don’t get refreshed correctly), but it’s temp-fixed by using “/reload” in chat. We will start working on that as soon as servers are online again.
Mine would bug out showing green dots during beta. Is this problem fixed?
This is fixed since version 4.0.9, current release is 4.0.10
How to install? It doesn’t show up in addons!
Just download, extract, and paste into “Interface\AddOns” folder.
Take note that this download is for the new Classic launch (1.13) from Blizzard, not for private servers (1.12).
i download then “cut” and “paste’ it into the “addons” folder, then i extract it. out of habit i take out the zipped folder out of addons but i don’t think it’s required.
I used this addon during the strees test, and i got to say it works really well, continue your good work my good man, and THANK YOU for this awsome addon for classic wow!!!
I’ve loaded this in Classic and it says “Out of Date” just like 95% of addons that say are for Classic WoW. The client is 8.2 but the game is 1.12.
You can click “load out of date addons” and this should work. I used it during the last stress test
Ok, there is some version confusion here.
8.2 is BfA
1.12 is private servers (called vanilla on this website)
The download here is for 1.13, the new Classic release from Blizzard
Questie Dev here. Just FYI ignore the description on this page, the site owner hasn’t updated it in month.
Extract the file and put the QuestieDev-master folder into AddOns, no renaming neccessary.
hey dude. you must fix your addon. i’ve seen many problems in teldrasil and dolanaar i’m right now. many quests doesn’t show right, ui problems where quests are not on the map, not showing quests while running and more.
I get an error asking me to ignore or disable this addon when I try to make changes in the guild management or using a potion in my bag.
Heavily bugged for Classic right now 🙁
Makes some quests unable to turn in.
Used this since release day and had no quest that I couldn’t turn in, only some quests that weren’t available popping up every now and then.