SpartanUI was originally designed to free your screen by moving a majority of the interface elements to the bottom. While that is still the core focus of the primary addon and configuration it has become much more over the last year. With 3.3.X Spartan UI Has started on a path to become completely modular so that you, the user can use only the pieces you want and give you the complete control over your UI. Starting with SpartanUI 4.X.X SpartanUI will have a fully themeable system giving you multiple looks and styles. While this is partially in place and supported in the current 3.3.X Builds it is still in its infancy and as such I am holding it back so that i can have the system fully flushed out. We all hate buggy and rocky launches. As part of the new theme system you can even make your own styles and themes as separate add ons. The Core Spartan UI themes use Bartender4 to manage the bars, as other start to make their own themes I hope that I can come to support many other bar systems. As part of the move to being modular in design you can now disable the components you don’t want to use and truly make it your UI.
- Artwork (Bar layouts are managed by the Artwork Style you select)
- Player Frames
- Party Frames
- Raid Frames
- Spin Cam
- Film Effects
Required Addons
- Bartender4