A simple, light-weight addon that plays various sound effects on killing blows and specific Battleground events. You can share your killing sprees and deaths with any other addon user, to make battlegrounds/battlefields and world pvp much more fun.
Supported Sound Packs:
- Devil May Cry 5
- Dota 2
- Axe
- Bastion
- Clock Werk
- Defense Grid
- Glados
- Juggernaut
- Lina
- Nature’s Prophet
- Pflax
- Pirate
- Stanley Parable
- Storm Spirit
- Trine
- Halo 4
- Unreal Tournament 3
- English
- Deutch
- Spanish
- France
- Italian
- Russian
Supported Battlegrounds:
- Warsong Gulch
- Twin Peaks
- Strand of the Ancients
- Isle of Conquest
- Alterac Valley
- Arathi Basin
- The Battle for Gilneas
- Eye of the Storm
- Temlpe of Kotmogu
- Silvershard Mines
- Deepwind Gorge
Supported Battlefields:
- Tol Barad
- Wintergrasp
Supported Scrolling Combat Text addons:
- MikScrollingBattleText
- Parrot
- xCT
- xCT+
- Blizzard SCT
Supported Game versions:
Addon supports any client version from 2.4.0-6.2.3.
Slash Commands
- /ps – Open the GUI menu.
- /ps slash – Show status.
- /ps pvp – PVP only mode.
- /ps pve – PVE only mode.
- /ps emote – Enables or Disables Emotes completely.
- /ps emotemode – Switch between Emote and Chat Message mode.
- /ps deathmessage – Enables or Disables Death Messages.
- /ps killsound – Enables or Disables Killing Blow sounds.
- /ps multikillsound – Enables or Disables Multi Killing sounds.
- /ps petkill – Enables or Disables Pet Killing Blow sounds.
- /ps paysound – Enables or Disables Payback Killing sounds.
- /ps bgsound – Enables or Disables Battleground sounds.
- /ps soundeffect – Enables or Disables Sound Effects.
- /ps killsoundengine – Enables or Disables Sound Queue System usage in Killing Sounds.
- /ps bgsoundengine – Enables or Disables Sound Queue System usage in Battleground Sounds.
- /ps datashare – Enables or Disables Spree and Death Data Sharing and Recieving with raid/party/battleground members.
- /ps sctmode – Enables or Disables Scrolling Combat Text integration.
- /ps frame’framename’ – Name of the output frame in the supported Scrolling Combat Text.
- /ps sctengine – Enables or Disables Scrolling Combat Text Queue System usage.
- /ps killsct – Enables or Disables Kill Scrolling Combat Text usage.
- /ps multikillsct – Enables or Disables Multi Kill Scrolling Combat Text usage.
- /ps paybacksct – Enables or Disables Payback and Retribution Scrolling Combat Text usage.
- /ps hideservername – Enables or Disables hiding the player’s server name from Data Sharing and Death Messages.
- /ps channel’channelname’ – Switch between sound channels (‘master’, ‘sound’, ‘music’, ‘ambience’).
- /ps test – Scrolling Combat Text and sound test.
- /ps reset – Reset the counter of Killing Blows and the Payback- Retibution- Sound- and the Scrolling Combat Text Queue System.
- /ps help – Show the slash command help.