Boss shields monitor

Boss shields monitor

Client Version: 4.3.4


  • Monitor shields (how much they absorb) on ALL Cata boss encounters, where you have to bring them down.
  • shows “Blackout” on Valiona for healers.
  • tracks “Searing Plasma” debuff on Spine of Deathwing. Also can show this info in your GRID if you use modification version of GridStatusShield, need to set it in grid options “/grid -> Indicators -> Text in center 2 (for example) -> Shield left“.
  • Some shields, such as shield of Magmatron are disabled by default, you can enable them using PhoenixStyle addon
  • /bsm or /shield – to open menu
  • If you use PhoenixStyle addon you can disable some shields, or enable Magmatron shield, that is disabled by default
  • If you want to know WHO made damage into shields – use PhoenixStyle addon
  • All mentioned addons are available in this private post!!