Blizzard announces official Hardcore Servers!


Blizzard announces official Hardcore Servers!

Blizzard has announced new “Hardcore” servers for World of Warcraft Classic! There has been a growing demand and Blizzard has finally decided to meet that demand!

At the Hardcore All-Stars Speedrun Tournament Finale, Aggrend joined Sarthe, the Senior Producer for WoW Classic and made the announcement!

Characters created on these new servers will be restricted to having one life! You will not be able to resurrect by any methods. Upon death, you will be able to interact with the game world as a ghost.

There will be a separate leaderboard specifically for these hardcore servers that will come with their own bragging rights!

These hardcore servers will release later this summer. They will be “fresh” servers, in that there will not be any transfers allowed to these servers. Later this month we will see the public test realms open up. Blizzard plans to use these to narrow down the specific rule-set that will be used in the live version.

Blizzard Entertainment


As Senior Game Producer Aggrend just confirmed on the Hardcore All-Stars stream, we’ve been working to bring official Hardcore Classic gameplay to WoW Classic. We’ve been very energized by the community’s enthusiasm for Hardcore, watching along with you, and doing a lot of Hardcore play ourselves.

We’ll let you know much more about it soon!

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