PVP WotLK Frost Mage Guide (Short)
Wrath Mage Guide
Welcome to our PVP Frost Mage guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Mage class as Frost in the arena. If you follow this build you should be king of the arena in no time!
Frost is generally accepted as the best all around PVP build for mages. You have high burst, great sustainability and really good survivability. You can also take on any class 1v1, some are just a little more difficult (Hunters/Warlocks).
This is a solid build for arena & battlegrounds. You can move points around based on preference and team setup but this will definitely get you started as a solid core build.

Major Glyphs
- Ice Barrier
- Evocation
- Icy Veins (recommended if you don’t need Mana Gem or Polymorph)
- Mana Gem (Helps with mana issues)
- Polymorph (Required if your sheep gets dotted often)
Minor Glyphs
Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Chaotic Skyflare Diamond
- Red: Runed Cardinal Ruby
- Blue: Stormy Majestic Zircon or Mysterious Dreadstone
- Yellow: Quick King’s Amber
You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.
- Head: Arcanum of Dominance
- Shoulder: Inscription of Dominance
- Back: Spell Piercing
- Chest: Exceptional Resilience
- Bracers: Superior Spellpower
- Gloves: Exceptional Spellpower
- Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
- Legs: Sapphire Spellthread
- Boots: Tuskarr’s Vitality
- Two-Handed Weapon: Enchant Staff – Greater Spellpower
- One-Handed Weapon: Mighty Spellpower
Stat Priority
- Spell Power (3k-3.3k)
- Hit rating (120)
- Spell Penetration (110-130)
- Critical strike (17-20%)
- Resilience (1k+)
You need at least 120 hit rating to reliably hit players. The ideal amount of spell penetration for enemies with high resistances is 130. 1k+ resilience is ideal, you really need a decent amount of resilience to avoid being burst down. Critical strike chance really helps with your burst damage and is important.
There really isn’t a rotation for this spec, you will spend most of your time trying to stay alive and then bursting when you see an opening.
You should stay near pillars, This will allow you to line of sight spells and kite melee classes around the pillar.
Fake casting is an important skill to have, this allows you to bait out the enemy silences/interrupts and will get you a window to burst. If you do get interrupted you can switch magic schools and cast a different type of spell.
Ice block can be used to break CC or prevent yourself from dying. Make sure you absolutely need to cast ice block when you do because it’s your best defensive CD. Make sure to stay in the ice block until your healer gets a heal off.
Arena Teams
Here are some 2s & 3s partners that work well with a Fire Mage.
2v2 Arenas
- Rogue
- Demonology Warlock
- Balance Druid
- Feral Druid
- Shadow Priest
- Discipline Priest
- Retribution Paladin
- Survival Hunter
- Frost Mage
3v3 Arenas
- Rogue +Priest
- Rogue + Restoration Druid
- Demonology Warlock + Restoration Druid
- Elemental Shaman + Discipline Priest
- Balance Druid + Restoration Shaman
- Survival Hunter + Restoration Shaman / Druid
- Death Knight + Restoration Shaman / Druid
- Elemental Shaman + Holy Paladin