SmartSell (Classic)

Created by Aeldra (EU-Proudmoore)

SmartSell adds additional item information to any tooltip.
It displays the sell value of any item anywhere.

– FAQ –
Q1: How can I configure SmartSell?
A1: Type in the chat “/ssell” or “/smartsell” and you get a list of all commands

– Features –
* Display of the item value all the time
* Display of the item icon
* Display of the item level
* Display of the item id
* Display of the item stack count
* Display of the value of the whole stack
* Display of the price per piece
* Display only on quest rewards
* Different styles
* Supports all tooltips

– Styles –
* 0-2: Default money style with additional information
* 3-6: Fully customized

– Chat commands –
Type /ssell [command] or /smartsell [command] in game

0-6   -  Changes the display style
sty   -  Cycles through all styles
ii    -  Toggle display of item icons
iis # -  Item icon size #value
ci    -  Toggle display of coin icons
cis # -  Coin icon size #value
lvl   -  Toggle display of the item level
id    -  Toggle display of the item id
sc    -  Toggle display of the item stack count
sp    -  Toggle display of the stack price or single item price
pp    -  Toggle display of the price per piece
val   -  Toggle display of the item value
t     -  Toggle display of the item type
st    -  Toggle display of the item sub type
qo    -  Toggle display of the info only for quest rewards
bl    -  Adds a blank line before the info text
rs    -  Reset all settings to default

– Contact –
Please send me a mail or write a comment if you discover Bugs or have Suggestions.
[email protected]