Chat MOD
Client Version: 5.0.4
ChatMOD is a universal Chat Enhancement.
Original this was called “Sol’s Color chat Nicks – SCCN” but after many people told me that they hardly find this mod I decided to rename it to it’s actual purpose.
So What can ChatMOD do for me ?
ChatMOD provides many features which makes chatting / communication InGame much easier. To grab some examples: It color the nicknames of chat participants in their class color, stores this information in a database, provide modificaton of the chatframe like mouse scrolling, button hiding, chat editbox movement, channel name striping, channel name shortening, text highlighting, sound notifications, and many many more.
- Color the chatters nicknames in their class color
- Option to hide Channel names ([Guild] [Party]) from chat
- Optinally shorten the Channel names [Guild]=[G]
- Mousewheel scrolling in chat window
- Mousewheel jumps to top / bottom
- Mousewheel scrolls 5 lines up/down
- Option to relocate Chateditbox to top of the chatframe
- Clickable Hyperlinks, ready for Copy & Paste (URL, IP, TS2, Emails)
- Colors raidmember’s map pin’s in their class color on Map
- Colors raidmember’s map pin’s in their class color on BG Minimap
- Fully customizable Timestamps with HTML color codes
- Option to Highlight own nickname in chat messages
- specify up to three custom highlight words
- bring highlighted sentences on centered Screen
- Whisper Target Function. Whispers your current target (/wt)
- Keybindings for /say /raid /g /party /yell /6 /7 /8 /o /wt
- Option to hide Chat Buttons
- makes invite calls in chat clickable [invite] (invites on click)
- Option to increase the Editbox scrollback (history) buffer
- Option to use arrowkeys without pressing in chat editbox
- Auto Skip Gossip Pages at NPC’s
- This can temporary disabled by holding key while talking to a NPC or switch it off in menue
- Auto Dismount on Flightmaster (Taxi)
- Chat notifications by sound
For details see the README.html in the ChatMOD Addon directory.
InGame Slash Commands ?
type /chatmod for GUI or “/chatmod help” for General Help